we get signal


Time to get my game on

(tags game, console, hardware, Dreamcast, Xbox, Game Boy Advance, Dual Screen)

For some dumb reason, I wasn't playing my consoles. Recently I rectified this behavior by making it easier to play. I even bought a generic VGA "hub" that takes 4 inputs (connecting a PC, Dreamcast, Xbox, and other PC for right now) to 1 output. So that's why I have some posts about the Dreamcast and now my Xbox is getting the love, Halo 2 aww yeah shotgun.

Speaking of which, so I'm going to that convention tomorrow, so that means I needed to charge up my GBA (SP) and DS. I put some new-to-me games in there like Metroid Zero (GBA) and Ossu Tatakae! Ouendan (DS). Since today was a free day, I spent some time with Metroid Zero, impressed with the feelings of retro and new. I couldn't remember if map and features are from the original NES game or Super Metroid, but I am digging the new visuals and difficult gameplay. Why is this game 1000 yen at Sofmap? Old? It's quality.

Gotta go to sleep now. Early bird catches the worm.