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Software implementation of HD-DVD on the Xbox 360: How big is 4.7 million lines of code?

(tags Xbox 360, HD-DVD, programming)

According to the Xbox Team's Blog "Emergence Day", the HD-DVD player is a software implementation that takes 4.7 million lines of source code. This is for everything, decoding, interaction, DRM, etc. Granted 4.7 mil sounds like a huge number, but my perception of HD-DVD as just "hi-def DVD" is incorrect, apparently. It has much more interactive features than DVD, and supports "web authoring technologies" like HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

So to compare, off-hand I can recall "30 million" for the Windows XP source code base. I had to search for the rest of these:

  • Linux kernel 2.6 2006/04: 6.9 million
  • Debian (kernel and 15000+ apps): 45 million.
  • Jak II (PlayStation 2 game written in a dialect of Lisp called GOAL): 1.2 million

Too bad I couldn't find more game comparisons.