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Want to get a laptop for gaming

(tags game, hardware, Windows)

No, I don't mean a gaming laptop, I mean a laptop for gaming, video, and other stuff. I was looking at Sofmap and they had some used Dell laptops. In particular, the Dell Latitude D620 caught my eye at about 8_0000 yen. It has the RAM expandability and DVD-ROM player. But unfortunately the built-in video chip set was wack. I tried "build-to-order" Dell page and all the nice stuff I want will come out to 15_0000 yen or so.

I think its that PlayStation Portable making me think this. Or is it my clunky Project Rabi (Toshiba Libretto L1) that is too slow to even be a browser. Yes, I even use Emacs + w3m to try to get a speed boost but the delays in seconds are annoying.