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Xbox 360 Elite too Elite for Japan right now

(tags Xbox 360, game, hardware, Japan)

They really don't know how to keep a secret with those Xbox 360 rumors. I read at Joystiq that the "Xbox 360 Elite is official..." but a yen price was suspiciously absent. Checking at Impress Game Watch reveals that it is not yet announced for the Japan region, although the new 120 GB hard drive is confirmed (crazy, 19000 yen!). Does this mean IdolM@ster for me in May?!

I'm interested in getting this version because hopefully Microsoft fixed their hardware QA problems. HDMI video output is interesting but for me it's just a "future-proofing" feature at the moment. Though there's no processor revision, there must be a board revision because of that HDMI.

I suppose I'm not holding out for another Kasumi-flavored Xbox.