we get signal


Busy PS2 mail order gaming

(tags game, mail order, PlayStation 2, Jak, Rozen Maiden, anime, kawaii, moe)

The delivery guy was giving me flack for not setting the delivery day and time for my Rozen Maiden Gebetgarten (「ローゼンメイデン ゲベートガルテン」) PlayStation 2 game shipment. Yes I did buy it, despite the fact that its a fighting-in-the-air game riding on its license. But Hina-Ichigo, (>_<) kawaii! Since I like the voice actors, I'm going to buy a second copy at Gamers because it comes with a voice CD and a telephone card. Suckers like me keep the license game model viable.

And I got the message from Play-Asia that my order Korean (NTSC-J) version of Jak 3 is shipping. Oooh. I gotta finish my retro blast with Jak 1 before it gets here. I'm already up to about 82%, but maybe I should just beat the game normally and quit it there.

BTW, I got into the Jak mood a couple of weeks back because of Insert Credit IRC. One guy on the channel received an official Jak cut-scene video DVD as a gift. I was begging him to give/sell it to me but he said no. I even got a clue on a Ebay sell on the same item from another IC IRCer but I forgot to bid! Dumb, I am. I figure I'm too cheep to buy me a NTSC-US PS2 console but I will spend 7000 yen on the Korean version. Hopefully it will have the English. If not... doh!

Finally, I ordered that Manabi Straight (「まなびストレート!キラキラHappy Festa!」) PlayStation 2 game from Chara-Ani and it will be coming this week. I bet you that delivery guy is going to tell me to set the day and time again. Anyways, moe, loli, whatever you want to call it. But this seems like a good addition to the anime, which in fact I haven't been watching in real time (it's on pause on the third episode). Voice actors are the killer.