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Finish the fight? Halo 2 and Burnout: Revenge

(tags game, Xbox, FPS, racing)

All last week I've been finishing up Halo 2 single-player campaign. I forgot how or why my Xbox is connected, but I think its because its been a long time since I played a game on this LCD monitor. In any case, I finished it on Heroic difficulty which makes it really slow. I tried the first level on Legendary but I can't make any progress on the first level, even after two hours of work. Still this game is fun on Heroic.

I also dug out my old copy of Burnout: Revenge. I forgot why I stopped playing this one but I think its because I don't like any of the tracks. The old Xbox says that its been since 2005/12/11 since I've played the game. Wow. Now on my 19 inch LCD it looks great. I really love the feel of speed and the vibration. (I tried MotorStorm PS3 on Friday and it was visually appealing but my hands were literally unmoved).

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