we get signal


Back in yer hole: Kumatanchi, Gears of War, Raiden IV

(tags game, Xbox 360, FPS, Gears of War, shmup Raiden, Kumatanchi)

I have been gaming but not blogging about it. Now that my Information Processing test is over (but probably not done with, boo hoo), I've got a little bit of free time.

I'm on my third week of Kumatanchi, but I'm supposed to commemorate the second week because that's when the casual gamer's ending appears. Now it's just collecting some stuff and treating Kumatan with lots of Habanero candy, tee hee. It really plays like a Tamagochi, but with more depth. I like it. I want to send it-off with a picture blog post, sometime.

Oh yeah, I finished Gears of War on Casual difficulty, now I'm working on Hardcore. I though it was going to be really hard because I was stuck, but I figured it out. Reloading is pretty cool. That last boss really really makes me angry, but now I know for sure the movie skip button is X, hahaha.

Um, I credit-feeded my Raiden IV playing, so I unlocked a bunch of undeserved Xbox 360 Achievements. I write this down so I don't forget my gamer score is a bunch of fail.

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Where's Duke Nukem 3D?

(tags game, Xbox, Xbox Live, FPS, DLC, failure)

I was anticipating at least playing the demo of Duke Nukem 3D for the Xbox Live Arcade. But it's not available from a Japan-based account? Argh? Anyway I don't have this game, but I played it at a friend's house oh so long ago.

Two days ago I tried out (again) Doom for the Xbox Live Arcade (JP version). Um, I have this game on PC somewhere. I swear I even have the GameBoy Advance version too. Come on, not worth the (oh it's on sale?) 400 points.

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gimme sum'in teh shoot: PDZ and Uncharted

(tags game, Xbox 360, FPS, Perfect Dark Zero, PS3, Uncharted)

I only played the Uncharted: Drake's Fortune demo last weekend at a store's PS3 demo unit. It plays nice. I wanna shoot something.

And at the same shop I finally succumbed to buying Perfect Dark Zero. Only 1500 yens, used of course. I was in the mood for some FPS so that's what I'm playing right now. Hey the graphics look pretty good and the sound effects sound like something from Halo 3. I like the English voice cast, but the lines are pretty sucky. Cover takes too long to get into, though. Who thought of those little delays?

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Need for Achieve: NFS Most Wanted, Portal

(tags Xbox 360, Portal, FPS, driving)

Alright, I am totally addicted to the little Xbox 360 Achievement Points. I can break 5000, all I need to do is buy more games... ;-)

I said I started Need for Speed: Most Wanted which I am kinda digging and kinda not. Mostly I hate the graphics because it feels so autumn dingy. I like Autumn the season. I love Autumn in Japan, it's so pretty. But this game feels like a half-assed port from a PS2 game, ugh. At least it looks smooth. Maybe it's 60 FPS instead of 30.

I then popped in The Orange Box last night and finished Portal, for the first time on console. Yes I have the PC version, but I haven't bother trying the user generated maps. I still can't find all the cameras, and I did a "game FAQ" lookup but luckily I came to my senses and averted my eyes. I can find the last four, I can do it. Make these Achievement Points stand for something solid. (Does that sense of integrity explain the 30,000 foot drop Achievement?)

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Not just a Halo 3 weekend: Hexic HD

(tags game, FPS, Halo 3, puzzle, Hexic)

Playing that Halo 3 Heroic Pack online was pretty fun. I like the maps "Standoff" and "Rat's Nest", but "Foundry" is too confining. Plus I played VIP on it too many times, ugh. I spent some time on the Ranked Team Slayer playlists, just to get my rank up. I'm tired of looking at arrowheads, but I am a long way off yet.

But that's not all I did last weekend. I played a whole lot of Hexic HD as well.

Hexic HD, almost finished

Hexic was the only free game bundled with my Xbox 360, a "50 MB" Xbox Arcade game. It's one of those falling block, 3 color clear games. I didn't understand how to play at first, but things began to click "into place", aw yeah. In fact, I was able to topple the game's (synthetic) end goal of clearing 3 "black pearls".

Hexic HD finished!

I scored... Huh huh huh. This game is totally addictive.

Hexic HD achievements

So there's just a few more Achievements I think I can complete. The timed games though aren't my style.

Whenever I'm bored with my computer (while it's compiling or whatever), I'll play this again.

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Halo 3 DLC: Heroic Map pack

(tags game, Xbox 360, Halo 3, online, FPS)

So I bought the Halo 3 DLC Heroic Map Pack and I am now enjoying it while I type. It's 0.5 GB! Loading... Too bad there's only 38000 people online. 10:00 PM Japan time (+9) means 3 AM U.S. Pacific Standard Time.

Lost one, won one, but not through my skillz. I like the alternative games for a change, neutral assault, multi-flag CTF.

The Japanese dudez that are playing right now are congenial. Otsukare-sama deshita.

I played that Rat's Nest too many times, though. And got totally owned on Standoff - Territories. The other team knew how to control the Warthogs. Ouch.

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"Hazumu" digs Halo 3

(tags seiyuu, FPS, Xbox 360, Halo 3)

Totally late with this, but I found it amusing. Kana Ueda (植田佳奈, picture), the voice of Hazumu from my last year's most favorite anime, Kasimasi (かしまし), totally digs Halo 3, to the point of playing it for 16 hours straight. (Thanks Kotaku)

Now that's my kinda seiyuu. Ha ha.

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Extracting the rest of the fun out of Unreal Tournament 3

(tags game, Unreal Tournament, FPS, failure, programming, quotation)

Well Saturday afternoon was altogether a disappointment on the Unreal Tournament 3 front. I can't play UT3 and have fun at the same time because of my slow computer Project Sugar. For example, on the first campaign map, which is just one-on-one deathmatch with your character's sister "Jester", my computer freezes then revives then freezes, in about 2 minute intervals. If I turn off the ATI video card "VPU Crash Utility", I can complete the map but with these painful 30 second black screen interruptions. :-( Never mind that the graphics are rendered at 320x200 with double-sizing and the mouse feels laggy. At least I can log in with my "CD-KEY" so its not pre-h4XX0r'd.

So I decided to see what else I can do. I ran the Credits, probably the last thing I would do if ever. Now I know why the install directory is 6+ GB. There's pictures of all the developer and artists in there. Heh.

UT3 Credits Roll: Tim Sweeney
Tim Sweeney: "It is easier to change the world than to adapt to it."

Tim Sweeney is one of my personal programmer heros. I would personally rank him over John Carmack because the former is frequently thinking about higher-level programming idioms as well as making game engines. Well it's my humble opinion that making programming easier for people has more priority than tuning to the machine. Maybe this is an ivory tower versus everyman battle, since John Carmack is also very inspirational with his code-for-all open-source stance.

I was a bit surprised with his low-key presence in UT3. Then again he's reportedly off in the clouds thinking about the next game engine, Unreal Engine 4.

Instead of thanking his support, Sweeney chose to be inspiring. This seems to be a rephrasing of a George Bernard Shaw quote: "The reasonable man adapts himself to the conditions that surround him... The unreasonable man adapts surrounding conditions to himself... All progress depends on the unreasonable man." Go progress!

UT3 Credits Roll: Cliff Bleszinski
Cliff Bleszinski: "Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence."

Cliff Bleszinski is also one of my heroes, not just because we share first names. He's a gamer turned game dev and is really good at map flow, speeches and hyping. But I don't know if he programs or what. I do know he's pretty artistic with his CliffyB's Ownage Map selections from UT99 and UT2004 (sadly dead link?). His quote is acutally directly lifted from H.L. Mencken. I still wonder why Mencken said that originally.

In any case, UT3 will be sitting on my hard drive unused. And, no I can't extract the music because its locked up. Looks like I'll have to buy the soundtrack. Whoa, this site has all the soundtracks I have been wanting recently, Halo 3, UT3, and Mass Effect.

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The only fun I'll have: Installing Unreal Tournament 3

(tags game, Windows, FPS, Unreal Tournament)

I was surprised again when just this morning my Unreal Tournament 3 Collectors Edition box came. I payed by bank transfer yesterday at 1300. Then again the shop is based in the Kinki region.

Unreal Tournament 3 Collector's Edition Box (recyclable steel)

The back is mainly in English with some French. Then again there's a ESRB label. Whoa it looks scratched up. And I open it but the "tin case" is dented in some areas grumble grumble. And what's this? The case has places to put the discs, but the three discs are in paper sleeves. Um. Is this copy pre-h4XXor'd? :-/

So I started installing about 40 minutes ago and it's still going. Language selections that remind me of a Euro release. Let's see if my DVD key works. :-/

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Finally joining the Portal hype

(tags game, Windows, FPS, Xbox 360, Idolmaster)

I started off this weekend in the Idolm@ster mood but a couple of hours with the Xbox 360 game leave me cold. Seriously. :-( "Haruka" is a winner but I can't tell if I'm winning or losing. Yes, I don't even feel like I'm making progress. Perhaps I've become more and more impatient.

So I'm buying Portal over Steam, right now. Single player FPS is what I've had the most fun over the last couple of months, and I love puzzle games. I guess I can't stand Mr. Alvin telling me about how much fun it is and me missing it.

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Crackdown breakdown

(tags game, Xbox 360, FPS, grotesque)

Crackdown is a big colorful sandbox. The entire capital, which probably takes 2 minutes to traverse by car, finally fits fully onto my screen.

Swim away from the island. Know your limits

Just taking a nice southernly swim. I wondered how far the simulation went, but it turns out the game teleports you from the boundary to a few meters back. I was making progress, or so it seems, but the stars never lie.

All 500 agility orbs found

That dream where I found the last of the agility orbs? Well it didn't look like this. In the dream I was at the top of a majestic skycraper, looking up into the awaiting orb perched on top of an antenna. In reality, this was at the low corner of a forgotten, dingy two story warehouse roof. And I did it without FAQ-support, woopie me.

As far as the Hidden Orbs are on concerned, I've got 3 more left, but I'll leave it to FAQ-support. The less time on the game, the better.

The beatings will continue until morale improves! Bystander AI does not mimic real life. Stomping blood from a polygon mesh.

Frustration with the orb hunting made me snap last night (or is it stomp? :-]). Instead of finishing some achievements, I was researching the blood spurting algorithms and Peacekeeper/Bystander AI. o_O It's disturbingly grotesque to throw, stop, and kick lifeless bodies against walls or in front of other people. Still I made time to take this picture, which features a lovely target, cleverly hides the "press b to lift body" dialog and includes indifferent bystanders, so what does that make me?

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Sleeping a dream about you: Crackdown

(tags game, Xbox 360, FPS)

A day or two ago I was sleeping and dreaming that I found the 500th and final Agility Orb in Crackdown. In reality I have 499 orbs. I can almost taste the Achievement Points.

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Crackdown till it hurts, completed and achievement unlocking

(tags game, Xbox 360, FPS)

I was going to title this "Crackdown bubble cracked", but I'm still playing it. Tuesday was Crackdown till 3, Wednesday was Crackdown till 3 part 2, Thursday and Friday was I'm so tired but I'm still playing till midnight. I'm busy protecting Pacific City, in that anime style where a character is standing on a high pole:

Crackdown till dawn (in-game)

I finally completed the campaign mode on Saturday. On Thursday, though, I really did feel like the enthusiasm sapped, because I realized the fun would soon be over. The end only makes me want a sequel to Crackdown, but not because of the story.

I just gotta say I like the announcer's voice. "Skills for kills, Agent. Skills. For. Kills." I feared that the announcer would be forcibly Japanified on the Riot Act domestic release, but fortunately for me, everything is English, as if they gave up on the localization. (But reading the manual confirms the localizers had a Japanese voice cast.) I like how the innocents curse, especially the woman's voices: "This is fucked up!" Indeed.

So the rest of my Saturday gaming was maximizing my achievement point potential. My stats are heading to the max. I'm killing with "Global Impact" (an achievement that would have you kill 15 enemies with a big brass globe). My driving stat is lagging, but I found a combination of using the Agency SUV (with turbo boost!) and running over stopped gang cars, waiting for the dumb AI to get send the gang members out of the car, and backing up is a sure way of upping the stat. Just a few more hours (or is this too slow?) and I'll be maxed and then I will persue the racing. Perhaps I should just try racing itself, that should give me points. I made the mistake of restarting the campaign though, which may interfere with it.

Also I checked on Wikipedia, and the updates it mentioned were present in my game. I didn't even know it was different from the original release. I did knowingly download the extra freebees, but it was so seamlessly integrated into the game. The annoying part is the premium content, because I didn't buy the 800 XBpoint for it, but the game shows it on the maps anyway. I will buy it some time, when I've given up on it.

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Crackdown till 3

(tags game, Xbox 360, FPS)

I played Crackdown till 3. I'm already 1/3 of the way finished in the campaign mode. Sweet. Except I'm late for work now, oops.

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Weak-willed: Crackdown in the house

(tags Xbox 360, game, FPS)

I have no will power. I have bought a used copy of Riot Act (Crackdown) and I am going to play it right now. Right now! So much for clearing Halo 3 again on Campaign meta-game.

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Lost Planet: The cold suppresses me

(tags game, Xbox 360, FPS)

One of the five games that made me buy a Xbox 360 was Lost Planet. After the high point of finishing Legendary Halo 3, I started this game. Though I played the demo again and again at the game shop kiosks, it feels like its starting to lose the novelty. Its Halo 3 and Crackdown's fault. Lost Planet feels so slow. Walking is slow. Melee is slow (but probably unnecessary). I have passed only 3 levels but its dragging. But it feels epic.

One thing that is new to me that is different from previous consoles is that the achievements keep me going. I "need" more gamer point cred. I don't know whether to praise MSFT for making me get more out of the game, or to lambast them for making me waste my time. I know I am ridiculous because I am the one making me do things. Choice is good. Making a bad choice is bad. :-/

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Work-like: Halo 3 Legendary

(tags game, FPS, Halo 3)

I prolonged the Legendary Halo 3 fight for a week. The monotony of dying and restarting was playing over and over in my mind. I was dreading it. But I stopped procrastinating on Saturday, and I finished it. It's over. Done with.

Mongoose on last level

125 gamer points to me. The only thing I wished for was remembering to take a picture of Achievement dialog, the one that flashes for 10 seconds.

Gamers who have the patience to outwit the AI and the skill to pick off each enemy one by one can easily clear Legendary. I didn't need godlike aim skills, or refined strategy because it was basically the same dumb AI with tougher armor and quicker weapons. I can recall only two times I out ran the enemies, though, so pretty much it was mowing down everybody, one timid shot at a time. I must have devoted at least 15 hours to all of it.

Now all that's left is to play the game for points in the campaign meta-game and play lots of ranked online. I should play online now while the Xbox Live is filled with n00bs, or has that already passed?

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Let's get los, Let's get los: Unreal Tournament 3 Demo

(tags game, Unreal Tournament, FPS)

OMG the Unreal Tournament 3 demo came out!!!!

I am downloading this 750+ MB file as we speak!

But its taking an hour to download so let's watch Angry German Kid to get me in the mood.

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Stealing kills for skills: Halo 3 Online retake

(tags game, Xbox 360, Halo 3, FPS)

My intent last weekend was to finish the Halo 3 Campaign on Legendary. I did get through most of the stages through a combination of run and gun, praying for the words "Checkpoint... saved". In fact I only have two more stages to go. But I had an online date with some IRC channel #insertcredit regulars and that got my online mania started.

Halo 3 online matchmaking is a cesspit of vulgarity and cursing, at least the voice chat part is. In about 150 social matches, I've only remembered one time when the voice chat was useful for identifying rallying points. The other time were just silence or even worse, distracting IRC-like talk which had nothing to do with the game. The pre-game trash talk is random and sub-witty, mostly consisting of "woo woos", "your mama", racial stomping, etc. Its my take though, when I am severely out ranked (lieutenants, captains, etc) that the trash-talking outranker wants to see some challenge from you. In the social matches I decided to detach my mic/headset because it was useless. And I know how to use the mute feature but I tire of using it every match. Maybe I should be pulling up my end of the game by voicing but I need to memorize the names areas of the map. "2 camping the sword spawn" "laser snipe on the center hill" etc. There is so much meaning in those simple phrases.

My shotty play against the blue snipers on Last Resort Social Slayer

Still, despite the lag and random chance of punching success, it is more fun than I gave it the first time. In fact, the combination of playing against and with other people and being able to replay my moves and other's moves in the Theater mode has improved my FPS thinking, such as which enemy to prioritize, how to cover my teammate, how to understand the rhythm of my regenrating shields, how to use elevation to my advantage, (how to steal kills, heheh) etc. Definately I can see some room for improvement when watching my own killing sprees and cannon fodder runs in Theatre mode, but it has taken a game like Halo 3 to make the deficiencies visible. I saved some clips where I think I play good but they are probably embarassingly mediocre. In the voice of that Crackdown demo announcer, "Remember! [Stealing] kills for skills." Hahah.

I can see that for the Halo games, you need to keep one eye on the radar at all times. Its really training wheels, a crutch that is no substitute for being one with a map and the enemy. Its only a two dimensional display though, so you can play some mind games. Unfortunately, this feature can be exploited in sparingly few locations, but there is at least one point on each map.

Its frustrating to see Halo 3 so restrictive in some things such as maps and open-ended in others. There are so few maps. One of the things that attracts me to DM/Slayer in FPS is epiphany from learning a new map. I can see that the PC will still be my preferred FPS platform. My UT99 mods and user maps folder is almost a huge 5 GB, in an era where maps were about 1 to 5 MBs. But the Theatre mode is really good. I met a 3-star Major in a social match, and I was able to watch his file share stuff and learn. I suppose because Halo 3 is a mainstream game, you need to dumb down the knobs and controls. You really don't need more maps, you need to play this map better.

Now that I'm a "Gunnery Sergeant Grade 2" with about 65 Rating Points (RP) and the game says I need 85 more RP to get one more rank up when it previously said only 10 RP more for the next level, I think the game is telling me to get out of the Social lobby and into the Ranked lobby, which means become an "Officer" instead of staying "Enlisted". This page by Gruntsrus is really useful. Unfortunately, the period of easy kills is pretty much over. Anybody staying in this game for longer than two weeks is probably skilling up as well.

Am I going to play more? I'd like to. But it can wait for Legendary.

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My other ride is a full Prowler

(tags game, Xbox 360, FPS, Halo 3)

This is how we ride on Halo 3 Legendary:

Halo 3: my other ride

Fire it up!

I was able to stack my Prowler with a Rocket Launcher guy and Fuel Rod Launcher guy. It made things a heck of a lot easier. Unfortunately I lost the movie for this part, so I can't get an in-game screenshot. Well, it wasn't too hard to load the Prowler so maybe I can do it again.

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Viewing (and hearing) Unreal Tournament 3

(tags game, Unreal Tournament, FPS, Windows)

Gaming right now consists of Halo 3 on Legendary and Rubik's Cube "speedcubing" (pretender status, though). But on the blog front its all Unreal Tournament 3 anticipation. The next front is figuring out the specs. GameLife seems to have some info, but "citation, please?"!

UT3 vs Project Sugar, via GameLife

I barely meet the minimum requirements. I need to free some HDD space, ha.

What is a ATI Radeon 9600+ video card? DXDIAG.EXE on Project Sugar shows my old dependable ATI Radeon 9600 Series AGP video card (whoa this card's tech is almost 4 years old!). Does this mean I can "enter" the Tournament? It probably means I am all ready for the slide show. Heh.

No specs confirmation at the official site, but they had some great mixes of the UT franchise music. "Mech B Mix", "Go Down Mix" are my favorites, but there is representative Onslaught music from UT2004 as well. Frankly it just sounds like they added more instruments and put more percussion, but I put away my critical ear and just bob my head all the same. I hope these tunes are a format that I can put in my music player, and past trends show Epic not locking down on that (UT99 == .MOD, UT2k3,4 == OGG).

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My ride is a full Warthog

(tags game, Xbox 360, FPS)

Before I attempt to try Legendary difficulty on Halo 3 Campaign, I want to show that I have at least some fun with the single player.

Halo 3: my ride

Light it up.

I now have all the skulls, yea.

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Skull cheating: Halo 3 campaign, again

(tags game, FPS, Xbox 360)

I spend most of today finding "skulls" in the Halo 3 campaign mode. I set the difficulty to normal, and I proceeded to try to find some skulls without a guide. After spending a morning doing fruitless searches, I succumbed to a Google search for "Halo 3 Skull", which took me to Halo 3 Planet's "Halo 3 Skull Locations". Thus I spent the rest of my day following a guide. By far the hardest or most irriating one to obtain is the Cowbell Skull, which is about 30 minutes into the "The Ark" map.

So I collected all but one of the skulls and I finished another secret. So my Gamerscore is now up to 680 points. Hey its going up, woopie.

Most of the skulls make the game unbearably difficult (Enemies have 2x health, etc). The one I like is the "birthday" one. Hooray!

Campaign is fun. Campaign with scoring is fun, though I'm not close to clearing it to win Gamer Points. Battle rifle I like it. Carbine I am liking less now. Melee, I press B button in your face FTW.

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I'm a n00b all over again: Xbox Live and Halo 3 online

(tags game, online, Xbox 360, FPS)

Last night I used the Ethernet cable to hook up the ol' Xbox 360. I made a new account in the Japan region, because I want Idolm@ster stuff. Unfortunately I won't be able to get the TMNT Arcade game without an US account. So how to beat the system? I asked my Xbox 360 expert and he said, google the words "US account" (「北米アカウント」). I'll try this later, not now.

I spend most of the first two hours online download stuff for the Xbox Dashboard. There are a lot of demos to try, but I deleted some pre-installed demos and videos already. I'm just not interested in those things. I expected the Xbox Live Marketplace to demand you to pay stuff for frivolous things, but seeing it for the little icons for your profile (game pics) is still shocking. I will get some Xbox Live points but not now.

And yes, I tried Halo 3 multiplayer. I played Deathmatch mode, which is called "Slayer" in Halo. I also played Big Team Matches which include Assault/Defense (like UT Domination but less dynamic), Team Slayer, VIP, and CTF. It's not fun for me. :-( I'm lagging and I need voice chat to understand team movements. I did win a Slayer game but it was a fluke because the top guy left. Some people say that the additive part of Halo is the online multiplayer. However, after years of playing UT online, I don't think this is my kind of game.

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My Halo Campaign finished

(tags game, Xbox 360, FPS)

I don't know exacly how long it took me, but after two days of owning the Xbox 360 I finished the Halo 3 Campaign mode on Heroic difficulty. Legendary will probably make me cry. :-p

I got 530 gamer points for finishing. This gamer score is a new thing to me, but I like its simplicity. How do I unlock the rest?

The action is great, the weapons are killer, the vehicles, sweet. I like sci-fi action, not killing nazis or zombies (uh the Flood?). At least the map-backtracking is kept to a minimum here. As far as the story goes, all in all I was disappointed, but how else can you end it? Also I wished I heard this game in English because I like the voice actors, but I'm not going to spend more money on it right now.

I'll write my spoiler thoughts below before taking a new challenge: Xbox Live (online), with no mic because I use headphones for my primary audio.


Znfgre Puvrs'f anzr vf zragvbarq. V unys rkcrpgrq vg gb or zl tnzre cebsvyr anzr, ohg vgf npghnyyl ibvprq. Ol nqqvat n anzr, vg znxrf uvz zber uhzna ohg ng gur fnzr gvzr vg fcrpvsvrf enpr. Ohatvr fubhyq unir xrcg vg nabalzbhf fb gung crbcyr nyy bire gur jbeyq pbhyq svyy va jungrire gurve cerpbaprcgvbaf gnxr gurz.

Gur ynggre yriryf ner svyyrq jvgu gur Sybbq. V ungr gur Sybbq. V jnaan fubbg ng zber Pbiranag. Gur jnl gurve oyhr be benatr oybbq cnvagf gur jnyyf naq ebpxf vf... jryy vgf tebgrfdhr. :-) Sybbq orpbzrf crn terra juvpu whfg qvfthfgvat. Qba'g trg zr fgnegrq ba gur betnavp ybbx ynlre "Pbegnan" znc. Lhpx.

V rkcrpgrq gur ynfg npgvba frdhrapr bs gur tnzr gb or gvzrq, whfg yvxr Unyb 1. V nyfb rkcrpgrq gb pbageby gur Nevovgre ng fbzr cbvagf. Univat gur Neovgre jvgu zr erzvaqrq zr bs gur pb-bc pnzcnvta cynl, juvpu vf fjrrg pbaprcg. V qba'g rkcrpg gb cnegvpvcngr va bar tnzr gubhtu.


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Chief ga shinda! The Xbox 360 plunge

(tags Xbox 360, FPS, game, purchase)

It's already 1 in the morning on a work day Friday so I better make this quick. Xbox 360 Halo 3 Special Edition. Halo 3 Limited Edition game. Wireless game adapter for PC. I've taken the plunge. ;-)

Xbox 360 and Halo 3 coming home. Also Wireless for PC

It was heavy. 7 Kilograms. Personal photo unboxing, who cares about that. I can't wait to play!

I plugged it in with no problems, audio passes through one of those source selector boxes I have for my consoles. Turn it on, VGA cable is good to go, I have the 1280x1024 selected. Halo 3 runs, Heroic because I'm a bad-ass. OMG its in Japanese with English subtitles. I skipped the intro by mistake, looking for the voice language selection. There is none. I make another profile to view the intro again.

I don't care what people say about Halo 3 being graphically mediocre. It looks incredible to me. Then again this is my first current-gen console. I need that "progress bar" on my computer, very nice. Jungle fever, everything is brighter and colorful. Gosh darn it, gotta unlearn "green thumb" and stop hitting X to reload. I keep losing that fancy bubble shield with that. Sweet, a Covenant Carbine. Ok an hour to get through the first level. Did the Arbiter die then just reappear at the end? I have unlocked my first achievement uh huh.

I played some Lost Planet single player demo. W00t, no problems and just as fun as I expected. Then plugged in my Halo 2 for Xbox 1 disc. It runs without a problem. I suppose this console is preloaded with a lot of goodies. 10.4 GB free. Gotta delete some crud.

I am very satisified right now with the Xbox 360, with only 2 hours into it. Wee! Now how do I charge this controller and "turn off" my console?

Tomorrow I might connect this console to the Internet, if I get too frustrated with Halo 3. And what the hey, let's play in Japanese voices. They don't sound that bad.

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XBox 360 I can't wait

(tags game, Xbox 360, purchase, FPS)

I have been going to Sofmap every day. Well, make that Tuesday and today (Wednesday). I was hoping that the Xbox 360 Halo Edition would be "street-broken" but no. All that launch party and blog hubbub over in the States and even New Zeland, but we don't get it until tomorrow, ho hum. I am trying not to read the user reviews of the campaign, since that's the main reason why I'm getting it.

Two weekends ago I considered the Xbox 360 a done deal so I bought the Lost Planet game. Only 2980 yen new, its a typical Sofmap bargain bin. I had to go to the Osaka Tennoji store though, which is not well trafficked, because my Kobe store actually sold out. Whoa. And I picked up the Trusty Bell faceplate, which would probably look like crap on a Halo Edition Xbox 360. Heck, all my faceplates will look like crap.

Lost Planet, Xbox VGA HD AV cable, Trusty Bell Faceplate

Finally yesterday after conferring with my Xbox friend over audio possibilites, I decided to get the video cable just in case. I went with the VGA cable which has a mini-DIN converter with it. Yes I will be again playing with 2.0 headphones on my 5:4 1280x1024 LCD monitor.

I'm kinda worried about the 20 GB thing again. Now I hear that the Halo 3 will save videos of your campaign automatically. How much space will that take?

Tomorrow I should have the Xbox in hand. W00t. My homework is not done though: sell off some unused stuff for store credit, xbox 1 compatible games, etc.

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Team DM, 32 inhuman bots, Shock Arena, DM-Pah

(tags game, FPS, Unreal Tournament)

I must also mention I'm passing the time playing Team Deathmatch in Unreal Tournament (1999). I really can't wait for Halo 3. The Halo series has that reload sequence and rifle butting that I just can't get enough of, and as an alterative, there is Half-Life 2, which I still haven't finished. But the Touhou this weekend reminded me that I wanted quick "arcade" action that makes me feel good about myself.

So there it is: Team Deathmatch, 32 inhuman bots, with mutator Shock Rifle, and starting off with map DM-Pah by David Münnich.

The rest of my Team DM map list:

  • DM-Deck16][
  • DM-Distinctive
  • DM-Morbias][
  • DM-Malevolence
  • DM-Nitro

My team almost always wins, and sometimes I even get the most frags. Yea me.

I notice that on some of the maps, the bots congregate in specific areas and don't move around. This is sad from an action perspective but barrel-o-monkeys fun. (Ducks in a barrel, doofus). Come on, shock rifle makes lots of gibs. I like it. I also love the first spawning on some maps. 32 bots == telefragging and missed First Blood opportunities.

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Halo 2 fun but Kasumi Xbox 1 "dies"

(tags Xbox 1, hardware, failure, FPS)

I've been playing Halo 2's Campaign mode over the weekend, trying to find the levels that I like. So far I like the bridge one not because of the Scorpion but because I can go through it with a Warthog. I try to give my shotgun-riding support my rocket launcher or a rifle. Also I really like the Covenant Carbine and the SMG, they are cool. Again I'm doing the levels on Heroic not Legendary because I wanna have fun.

But on Monday, my "Kasumi" Xbox 1 refused to read my Halo 2 disc. Then I tried an audio CD, which confirmed it was a problem with the drive. My Xbox is effectively "dead". Now I'm faced with the prospect of "hacking" my Xbox 1 though I resolved not to modify it. I'm glad that somebody wrote up this Xbox drive failure problem, but disappointed that its frequent enough to occur. I'll give the "DVD drive cleaning kit" option before looking at adjusting the laser's potentiometers (!), replacing the laser (!) or replacing the drive unit (.).

With any hardware failure I am despondent. I even fleetingly reconsidered not buying a Xbox 360. Ha, yeah sure.

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Can't wait, playing Halo 2 again

(tags game, Xbox 1, FPS)

I went out and got some Xbox 360 related stuff, which made me impatient for the hardware. So, I started playing Halo 2, again. Not on legendary but heroic. I can't believe how much easier it is that way. And now it's almost 3 in the morning. :)

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iD lives on in Valve's Steam

(tags game, download, FPS, Windows)

iD is re-releasing its old games on Valve's download service Steam (Thanks Slashdot). This includes genre defining games such as Doom, Quake but also older classics. I have the Doom series and some of the Quake ones I think on CD somewhere, but I am still tempted to buy this digital thing. I can install it at any time, anywhere (well within reasonable limits). Here I bold the games I am interested in:

  • Commander Keen, Episodes 1 through 5
  • Wolfenstein 3D
  • Spear of Destiny
  • Return to Castle Wolfenstein
  • Ultimate DOOM
  • Final DOOM
  • DOOM3
  • DOOM3: Resurrection of Evil
  • QUAKE Mission Pack 1: Scourge of Armagon
  • QUAKE Mission Pack 2: Dissolution of Eternity
  • QUAKE II Mission Pack: The Reckoning
  • QUAKE II Mission Pack: Ground Zero
  • QUAKE III Arena
  • QUAKE III: Team Arena
  • Heretic
  • Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders
  • HeXen
  • HeXen: Deathkings of the Dark Citadel
  • HeXen II

But at USD 70.00 and 17 games and/or add-on I won't play, I think I should just skip it.

This move should put those Epic/DE people to shame. Come on, where's the downloadable Unreal/Unreal Tournament pack? I would definately buy it if its on Steam.

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Finish the fight? Halo 2 and Burnout: Revenge

(tags game, Xbox, FPS, racing)

All last week I've been finishing up Halo 2 single-player campaign. I forgot how or why my Xbox is connected, but I think its because its been a long time since I played a game on this LCD monitor. In any case, I finished it on Heroic difficulty which makes it really slow. I tried the first level on Legendary but I can't make any progress on the first level, even after two hours of work. Still this game is fun on Heroic.

I also dug out my old copy of Burnout: Revenge. I forgot why I stopped playing this one but I think its because I don't like any of the tracks. The old Xbox says that its been since 2005/12/11 since I've played the game. Wow. Now on my 19 inch LCD it looks great. I really love the feel of speed and the vibration. (I tried MotorStorm PS3 on Friday and it was visually appealing but my hands were literally unmoved).

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