we get signal


Please sir may I have another: Pokemon Pikachu DS Lite online raffle

(tags game, hardware, Dual Screen)

How many DS Lites do I need? If its the Pokemon Pikachu DS Lite, two?

Pikachu DS members only online raffle, almost over

It turns out that I can register for the online raffle because I'm a Pokemon Dai-Suki club (ポケモンだいすきクラブ) member. Who isn't these days, since I think there are millions of them. There are two periods to enter. The first just ended today. The second starts up next month.

Yee. I used up all my luck this year, going to that Ichigo Mashimaro concert for free and getting one Pokemon Pikachu DS Lite.

I think I need to rename this blog "Greed". "Greed is good, greed works."

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