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Kamichama Karin DVD 1

(tags anime, DVD region 2, kawaii)

Tuesday proves to be the day to grab new DVDs at Gamers.

Kamichama Karin DVD cover 1

I didn't see Kamichama Karin (かみちゃまかりん) before it went to DVD, but wow it seems kawaii. I did read most of the manga, though, so I can anticipate the story.

First off, there are parts I don't like, the opening song by Ali Project, the over-the-top guy transformations scenes (what comes around goes around), the shoddy animation work, the over-bright backgrounds. Most of all, I cringe whenever Karin says "I am God!".

But some of the cuteness is still salvagable.

Kamichama Karin DVD cover 1

The animation style reminds me of Pita-Ten and A Little Snow Fairy Sugar, so I'm going to keep checking this out. Maybe.

Gamers has the buy-full-set-get-telephone-card campaign again. I can resist, really.

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