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Chief ga shinda! The Xbox 360 plunge

(tags Xbox 360, FPS, game, purchase)

It's already 1 in the morning on a work day Friday so I better make this quick. Xbox 360 Halo 3 Special Edition. Halo 3 Limited Edition game. Wireless game adapter for PC. I've taken the plunge. ;-)

Xbox 360 and Halo 3 coming home. Also Wireless for PC

It was heavy. 7 Kilograms. Personal photo unboxing, who cares about that. I can't wait to play!

I plugged it in with no problems, audio passes through one of those source selector boxes I have for my consoles. Turn it on, VGA cable is good to go, I have the 1280x1024 selected. Halo 3 runs, Heroic because I'm a bad-ass. OMG its in Japanese with English subtitles. I skipped the intro by mistake, looking for the voice language selection. There is none. I make another profile to view the intro again.

I don't care what people say about Halo 3 being graphically mediocre. It looks incredible to me. Then again this is my first current-gen console. I need that "progress bar" on my computer, very nice. Jungle fever, everything is brighter and colorful. Gosh darn it, gotta unlearn "green thumb" and stop hitting X to reload. I keep losing that fancy bubble shield with that. Sweet, a Covenant Carbine. Ok an hour to get through the first level. Did the Arbiter die then just reappear at the end? I have unlocked my first achievement uh huh.

I played some Lost Planet single player demo. W00t, no problems and just as fun as I expected. Then plugged in my Halo 2 for Xbox 1 disc. It runs without a problem. I suppose this console is preloaded with a lot of goodies. 10.4 GB free. Gotta delete some crud.

I am very satisified right now with the Xbox 360, with only 2 hours into it. Wee! Now how do I charge this controller and "turn off" my console?

Tomorrow I might connect this console to the Internet, if I get too frustrated with Halo 3. And what the hey, let's play in Japanese voices. They don't sound that bad.

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