we get signal


Crackdown till it hurts, completed and achievement unlocking

(tags game, Xbox 360, FPS)

I was going to title this "Crackdown bubble cracked", but I'm still playing it. Tuesday was Crackdown till 3, Wednesday was Crackdown till 3 part 2, Thursday and Friday was I'm so tired but I'm still playing till midnight. I'm busy protecting Pacific City, in that anime style where a character is standing on a high pole:

Crackdown till dawn (in-game)

I finally completed the campaign mode on Saturday. On Thursday, though, I really did feel like the enthusiasm sapped, because I realized the fun would soon be over. The end only makes me want a sequel to Crackdown, but not because of the story.

I just gotta say I like the announcer's voice. "Skills for kills, Agent. Skills. For. Kills." I feared that the announcer would be forcibly Japanified on the Riot Act domestic release, but fortunately for me, everything is English, as if they gave up on the localization. (But reading the manual confirms the localizers had a Japanese voice cast.) I like how the innocents curse, especially the woman's voices: "This is fucked up!" Indeed.

So the rest of my Saturday gaming was maximizing my achievement point potential. My stats are heading to the max. I'm killing with "Global Impact" (an achievement that would have you kill 15 enemies with a big brass globe). My driving stat is lagging, but I found a combination of using the Agency SUV (with turbo boost!) and running over stopped gang cars, waiting for the dumb AI to get send the gang members out of the car, and backing up is a sure way of upping the stat. Just a few more hours (or is this too slow?) and I'll be maxed and then I will persue the racing. Perhaps I should just try racing itself, that should give me points. I made the mistake of restarting the campaign though, which may interfere with it.

Also I checked on Wikipedia, and the updates it mentioned were present in my game. I didn't even know it was different from the original release. I did knowingly download the extra freebees, but it was so seamlessly integrated into the game. The annoying part is the premium content, because I didn't buy the 800 XBpoint for it, but the game shows it on the maps anyway. I will buy it some time, when I've given up on it.

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