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lune lune lune la la lune lune lune is sweet: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags anime, season 2007/04, Rubik's Cube, times)

Yesterday while trying to get the perfect screenshot in Halo 3 I was listening to the new ending song of Hayate no Gotoku. The song is called "Chasse" and it's sung by Kaori Utatsuki (詩月カオリ) and it's totally lovely. "lune lune lune la la lune lune lune", so nice. Too bad it won't be released until 11/26. KOTOKO's single which the corresponding opening song was out today but I didn't want to get it yet, hoping that the former was already out.

Hayate no Gotoku Ending Theme Chasse

Anyway, I felt like today was a good day for recording my times. My hands feel up to speed, etc. I still haven't remembered the mirror for one of the basic moves but it's not too hard to do it when thinking. Acutally I discarded one of the times that was like 3 minutes because I misremembered one move. Duh.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Tue Oct 16 21:17:38 GMT+09:00 2007 -----

Average: 1:26.63 (2:11.50 -44.87 last month)

Fastest Time: 1:04.98 (1:29.59 -24.61 last month)
Slowest Time: 1:43.53 (3:44.43)
Standard Deviation: 09.05 (11.78)

Individual Times:
1:25.22 B' R' D2 L' B2 F2 D2 F2 B' D2 U2 R2 F R D' L2 B U L2 F R U F D B2
1:27.03 U' B2 U F L' R B' U L2 B' F R' B R2 L' B R2 L' B' D' F B2 R U B2
1:17.09 U' D B2 L2 F U L2 D' F' R' L' D2 B' R2 U2 F' L2 F U' F U' D R2 U2 L
1:30.29 B L R D2 L R' U F2 B' R2 F U L F U D2 F2 R' D2 F D2 B D R' D2
1:43.53 U2 B2 F2 R' L' F L D' B' U' B D' U2 L' D R' F' L2 D2 F U2 D2 B' U' L
1:04.98 L2 F B' D2 U' R2 F' B2 R B L B' U2 D2 L B' L' R2 U' F2 B U L' F R'
1:30.73 R' F' U' L' B' R B' R2 U' R' F2 B D' U F' U' B U' F R2 F2 L R D R2
1:40.40 F U2 R' F' L B' U F' D L' F U D2 B2 U' B' L2 R F' L U' R2 F2 R2 B'
1:35.48 R2 L' D L2 D' B2 L B R' B U' B2 D' R U' F2 R' F' B D2 U' B' L' F2 U'
1:19.39 B' D2 B' U' R' D L2 B' U B F2 U' D2 F' U2 D L2 R' U B' F2 R L' B2 U
1:09.98 F L' B' F' L' D' L U' F' L2 U L' R B U2 D R B2 D' B U2 L B' L2 R
1:30.73 F2 U2 D2 F' L2 B R B2 U2 B L' U F' D B U B L R' D L2 U' B2 R2 F2

86 second average. This totally beats my (unmentioned) original goal of 120 seconds to solve. Time to make 60 seconds my goal. This might take a while. :-)

I know that times aren't everything. I need to concentrate on making fewer moves and making my fingers turn the cube better. I think though the first area I need to improve is definately the opening cross. How do I make a blue cross in the fewest moves? I play it out in my mind. Also I hold the cube in this stage with the blue face on L. I'm not sure yet if its better to put it on the bottom. I'll hold off on trying to change the orientation for now.

Oh remember I said I was going to discuss the way I hold the cube in the "Minh Thai" beginner method? I won't write it up because I'm slow at it.

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