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On the edge: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags telephone card, kawaii, Rubik's Cube, times)

This week I was able to pick up the Gamers point exchange card for 2008/01. It's a Christmas theme, and Dejiko and Puchiko look good with their new eye colors. I forgot the exchange day was on Monday, so I raced to the shop on Tuesday evening. They don't publish the availability but they do show that they have it in the glass cabinets. "Only 2 to a customer". Yes, please enforce that rule.

Gamers telephone card

This evening on the way back home I was feeling pretty good with my Cube. I was walking around from my train to my bus through the anime and manga shops, twisting my Cube two-handed. I can't stop twisting it, it's so fun. I even did a one-handed solve, but the time is nothing interesting, probably more than 4 minutes. On the bus too, I was really burning up (subjectively). So I decided to measure again.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Thu Jan 24 21:09:13 GMT+09:00 2008 -----

Average: 59.14 (1:06.13 -6.99 last time)

Fastest Time: 0:50.12 (0:42.03 8.09 last time)
Slowest Time: 1:18.70 (1:29.61)
Standard Deviation: 05.26 (11.15)

Individual Times:
1:18.70 L' R' F R2 D L' U F2 U' B D2 R L2 D' R2 D F D' F2 B U' B' U2 D B
0:57.39 B F2 L2 U2 B2 L2 F U L2 U' L F' U2 D2 R' L' D U2 L B2 F' L U' L' B2
0:57.73 R' B R' L2 B' U' B' U' F2 D2 F D L' F D R F L' D R' B2 D B' F' U2
0:50.61 L D B2 F U' D B2 R' U2 L' U2 B D' U' L U R U' L R' F2 B R U F
0:55.17 F2 B L' B2 F2 U2 F' R2 B2 L2 B' L2 D' R D2 L2 R' D R D B' F' D' U R
0:57.78 U2 F' R2 F B D' U' F2 B R L' U2 L U B2 L2 B2 R2 U2 D R' U' F' U R
1:05.47 L D' R U2 R2 U' R2 F' R' B' R F' U2 B L D2 B' U F D' R D2 B' D U
1:03.48 F2 L B R2 B2 R U D B L' F2 B' U F U2 L R D' B F D2 U' B2 U2 B2
1:08.54 D' B' R' D2 R2 B' F2 D B L' R' F' L2 B' L' D L2 R' B L D2 U2 R' L2 F'
0:56.79 F2 U2 D L' U2 D' L' U' B' R L' U2 B U' D F U B2 D2 B2 F' D L' D R
0:58.42 F D L' F2 L U2 D' B' R2 B' U D F' D' B2 F R2 L2 F' U2 B D2 L' U' L2
0:50.12 U2 B' R2 U D B' R B2 F2 L F L2 R' D2 R2 U' L' B' D B2 R2 U F R B

I barely squeaked by my goal of a 60 second average solve. I suppose I can say I can solve the Cube in a minute (on a good day). My cube feels really light, but on the last solves I feared that it would POP. It feels kinda loose and fragile now.

What should be my new goal? Sub 55 on two measurements? Change the orientation while doing F2L? I'm going to just keep on walking around with my Cube in hand. It's just too fun.

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Fast and loose: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times)

I haven't cleaned the inside of my Rubik's Cube in a long time. I was surprised to see some fine grit inside. So I took it apart and wiped away the grit. I should have lubricated it while it was all in pieces, but I wanted to get back into the revolving action. I also loosened the green side screw, but maybe just a little bit too much.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Tue Jan 22 20:27:23 GMT+09:00 2008 -----

Average: 1:06.13 (1:08.95 -2.82 last time)

Fastest Time: 42.03 (57.94 -13.91 last time)
Slowest Time: 1:29.61 (1:28.25)
Standard Deviation: 11.15 (05.91 hmm)

Individual Times:
1:29.61 U' B' L' R B D2 U2 F' U' F' B' R' B' U' L D R' D' B' R' D' F2 L' R2 U
1:16.09 B2 R D2 U' B' U D B U' R L2 U' D' B' D U L F D2 U L' F2 D2 B2 D
1:21.11 R2 D2 F' D2 L' D2 B' D U2 F2 R' B L' B R U' L B' U2 D L' F2 D L' U
0:56.34 D U' F2 B D' U' B2 F2 D L2 U D' F' U' F2 R D R L2 F2 U F U B' U2
1:00.20 R U2 B U2 L R2 D' F2 L2 U' L2 D2 L2 U R' B2 R2 D R2 D2 U' B U2 F' U2
0:51.03 B2 L U2 F' B' R' B L' F' R F U2 L2 U L' F L B2 F' D R' D F R2 L
0:42.03 L R2 U' R2 L U' F' D U2 B2 D' R2 L2 U' R D' B2 L R F D' B F' L D
0:58.34 L D F' L' R' B D R' B2 U2 L' D' U2 F' R F' D' B2 D R U2 B D' L' D'
1:03.75 L' B2 L2 U' R2 U B' U' F L R B' U2 L2 F' L' D2 F D2 F2 R B2 U D' R
0:58.47 B' R L2 B' D' L2 F2 R2 B' D2 U F2 D' U' R2 D' L' D2 L2 D L2 R2 F' U' F2
1:21.81 F U' B' L' R B' L F' L' D' B' L U R2 U2 B D U L2 F L2 U' B U' D2
1:14.18 U' L B L2 U2 R2 B D2 B2 R' B F' R' B2 L F' U' D' F' U2 L B F D' R2

I was totally all over the place. The cube felt really light after the cleaning but unfortunately I wasn't used to it. I was getting into it in the middle with some sub 60 seconds times, but on the eleventh try I POP'd my cube. Ugh, that's a first. I couldn't get over the shock, which explains the tardy finish. I think I need to re-tighten the green side. I would hate to POP on the bus or train.

Ugh, I POP'd again while taking a break from writing this blog post. :-(

One thing is during the F2L, instead of making a 3x2x2 and then putting the remaining F2L side on top (F2L using Blue on L), I was doing the "steeplechase" (R U' R' U' F' U F) to finish off the edge cubies on all 4 sides. Doing the "steeplechase" forces me to do Blue on D, but I lose seconds consciously thinking about it. I need to practice that.

I can do now some more basic PLL moves like "slant" (R B' R' B - F R' F - B' R' B R F2 U; PLL position: 143/248/769) and "cross" (R L U2 R' L' - F' B' U2 B F; PLL position: 183/654/729) somewhat automatically now. This brings up the total of mastered PLL moves to 4 out of 21. :-) But I don't think I'm that slow at the PLL. I think I need to improve my F2L.

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Sayonara Toys 'R Us Kobe: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times, failure)

I didn't know this until the beginning of this month, but the Toys 'R Us in Kobe where I got my Wii pre-order (2006) and Rubik's Cubes (2007), closed for good on Friday (2008-01-10). What a shock. That building, now called Bee's Kiss, used to house the Kobe Sofmap that I always frequent. Now the only reason for me to go to that building is to check out the 100 yen store. There are some other Toys 'R Us in my area but nothing of interest around them. I guess it's up to Osaka, especially Nanba (Den Den Town frolicking).

So last week I checked out the bargains if any. The discount video game bins were already pilfered but I got some Xbox 360 games like Burnout Revenge (again? with Achivements!) and Kameo. And I took this opportunity to get a Rubik's 2x2 Cube, Rubik's Professor (5x5) and a Rubik's Earth, though only the Earth was discounted.There wasn't much else though I did see a Suzumiya Haruhi jigsaw puzzle going for 300 yen (originally 1500 yen). Oh yeah and I also bought a discounted Pikachu bath towel. :-)

I can solve the 2x2. I cannot solve the 5x5. :-/ Since this is a Rubik's Cube post I'll just show the Rubik's Cube pictures:

Rubik's Cube Professor, Earth, and 2x2 from the final sale of Toys 'R Us Kobe

And here are my times. Jeez, I don't measure my times enough. And protip: don't attempt to learn new moves one day before measuring times.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Sat Jan 12 20:24:25 GMT+09:00 2008 -----

Average: 1:08.95 (1:09.33 -0.38 last month)

Fastest Time: 57.94 (53.08 +4.86 last month)
Slowest Time: 1:28.25 (1:28.25 hmm)
Standard Deviation: 05.91 (07.14)

Individual Times:
1:05.26 R B2 D B2 L' B U2 B2 L D L D2 F U F' U' B' D' L' U2 D' L' B F L2
1:01.67 B2 R L2 F U R2 L2 D2 L2 D' R F' D U2 L R B' F' L F' L' B2 R' U' B
1:28.25 R' D' F R F' R' B2 R2 U' F' U F2 U R' L2 D' R D2 R F2 B R' U2 F2 L'
1:09.20 B L2 U F' U' R2 L' D2 F' R D L2 F2 U F2 B' U' B R2 B' F' L' F R F'
1:11.67 D2 F' D2 L' F' B R L D B' L2 D L B2 U2 R2 B U D F R D2 F' D2 U'
1:08.09 R D2 R2 U' R' L' D2 B' F R F R U R U2 B2 L2 R F2 R' U' F U B2 D2
0:57.94 D' U' F2 L' F L' D2 L' U' D' B' U' R' D2 U2 B2 D L B2 D L' U2 L2 B2 R'
1:00.65 D' F U L2 B F2 L2 D' B' U' F2 L D2 L2 B F' R U' F2 D2 L B' R' D' R2
1:06.00 B L' R' U2 L2 R2 F2 U' F' B' D' U2 F L2 D2 R' D' F2 R F' L D B D' L2
1:11.98 U' B' F' U' L2 D L' D2 U2 L2 B2 U' L2 B2 D R' F2 D' F U2 R L' B F' R'
1:15.54 L' D L' F L2 U2 R' B' D' U' B R' L F' B' D2 R' D2 B D' R2 D' B' F' L
1:19.42 F' U2 R' U' D B D2 R2 L' F2 L2 R' F D' R U' R2 F D2 B' U2 L' R2 D' F2

I am 25 months away from attaining my one minute goal! :-( I have no idea why, but my hands were slick with sweat, which is not normal.

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But the cave is warm: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times)

Ultimately I didn't go out today. I just remembered that next week my biannual salary "bonus" will be sitting pretty in my bank account, but not for long, heh.

So I warmed up my hands and busted out some Rubik's Cube times. This time when I mishandled the scramble, I fixed it back and tried the scramble again. So, it's been almost 54 days since my last "official" session. Have I improved greatly?

----- JNetCube Best Average for Sat Dec 08 18:24:31 GMT+09:00 2007 -----

Average: 1:09.33 (1:26.63 -17.3 last month)

Fastest Time: 53.08 (1:04.98 -11.9 last month)
Slowest Time: 1:28.25 (1:43.53)
Standard Deviation: 07.14 (9.05)

Individual Times:
1:28.25 F2 B' D L2 F2 R2 L' F U F2 R' F U2 L' U' D R L' F' L B R2 F R2 F
1:18.08 L D' L' B D2 F R' B2 U' L' D R D2 R' B' L U F U' R D2 B2 F' R L
1:12.78 B' F R2 U2 F2 R D' R' D' L B' U2 L2 B' U2 F2 U2 L' D' R B' R2 U' D R'
0:58.15 B' R' D' B' R' U2 R L' F L D2 R' U' F' L' D2 U2 L2 R2 D R2 D2 F2 R' F2
1:04.15 R' B2 D2 B2 D L U' R2 F U2 D' F' B U L2 R' U2 D2 R2 B F2 L' D' L2 B2
1:01.31 D' U' B2 F L' U' L' R2 B F D B D' B U' D' B2 D' U' F2 D L2 D U B'
1:06.44 U2 R' F' L' B' U2 B' L2 D L B D' U' B2 U2 L F2 L2 F' D L' D U' R' F2
0:53.08 R' F2 B' L2 R2 F' R2 B2 F' U2 L' D B' D R L' F2 B' L' D F' R2 L' D' B'
1:14.86 F2 B L' D L' F L2 U2 R F2 D2 L2 U L' B2 L' B F2 D' U L2 R D2 B D
1:07.31 D2 L2 R B' D' F' B D U2 L' D' R D2 B' R F B' D' R L2 B' F2 D U F2
1:19.84 R2 L' B2 R' L D2 R2 F' D2 R' L' D' R2 U2 B U2 R' U2 F2 B2 U F2 L2 D2 R
1:10.39 R D2 L2 B' U B' F' R2 D' U B' D B D2 B2 R2 F2 B U2 D' F2 B' D2 B' R

Here's a handy dandy chart showing the 6 official measurements from 2007-09-01 to today:

Rubik's Cube measured times 2007-09-01 to 2007-12-08

I'm getting faster, which is good. But maybe in 54 days I should have learned a lot more moves?

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lune lune lune la la lune lune lune is sweet: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags anime, season 2007/04, Rubik's Cube, times)

Yesterday while trying to get the perfect screenshot in Halo 3 I was listening to the new ending song of Hayate no Gotoku. The song is called "Chasse" and it's sung by Kaori Utatsuki (詩月カオリ) and it's totally lovely. "lune lune lune la la lune lune lune", so nice. Too bad it won't be released until 11/26. KOTOKO's single which the corresponding opening song was out today but I didn't want to get it yet, hoping that the former was already out.

Hayate no Gotoku Ending Theme Chasse

Anyway, I felt like today was a good day for recording my times. My hands feel up to speed, etc. I still haven't remembered the mirror for one of the basic moves but it's not too hard to do it when thinking. Acutally I discarded one of the times that was like 3 minutes because I misremembered one move. Duh.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Tue Oct 16 21:17:38 GMT+09:00 2007 -----

Average: 1:26.63 (2:11.50 -44.87 last month)

Fastest Time: 1:04.98 (1:29.59 -24.61 last month)
Slowest Time: 1:43.53 (3:44.43)
Standard Deviation: 09.05 (11.78)

Individual Times:
1:25.22 B' R' D2 L' B2 F2 D2 F2 B' D2 U2 R2 F R D' L2 B U L2 F R U F D B2
1:27.03 U' B2 U F L' R B' U L2 B' F R' B R2 L' B R2 L' B' D' F B2 R U B2
1:17.09 U' D B2 L2 F U L2 D' F' R' L' D2 B' R2 U2 F' L2 F U' F U' D R2 U2 L
1:30.29 B L R D2 L R' U F2 B' R2 F U L F U D2 F2 R' D2 F D2 B D R' D2
1:43.53 U2 B2 F2 R' L' F L D' B' U' B D' U2 L' D R' F' L2 D2 F U2 D2 B' U' L
1:04.98 L2 F B' D2 U' R2 F' B2 R B L B' U2 D2 L B' L' R2 U' F2 B U L' F R'
1:30.73 R' F' U' L' B' R B' R2 U' R' F2 B D' U F' U' B U' F R2 F2 L R D R2
1:40.40 F U2 R' F' L B' U F' D L' F U D2 B2 U' B' L2 R F' L U' R2 F2 R2 B'
1:35.48 R2 L' D L2 D' B2 L B R' B U' B2 D' R U' F2 R' F' B D2 U' B' L' F2 U'
1:19.39 B' D2 B' U' R' D L2 B' U B F2 U' D2 F' U2 D L2 R' U B' F2 R L' B2 U
1:09.98 F L' B' F' L' D' L U' F' L2 U L' R B U2 D R B2 D' B U2 L B' L2 R
1:30.73 F2 U2 D2 F' L2 B R B2 U2 B L' U F' D B U B L R' D L2 U' B2 R2 F2

86 second average. This totally beats my (unmentioned) original goal of 120 seconds to solve. Time to make 60 seconds my goal. This might take a while. :-)

I know that times aren't everything. I need to concentrate on making fewer moves and making my fingers turn the cube better. I think though the first area I need to improve is definately the opening cross. How do I make a blue cross in the fewest moves? I play it out in my mind. Also I hold the cube in this stage with the blue face on L. I'm not sure yet if its better to put it on the bottom. I'll hold off on trying to change the orientation for now.

Oh remember I said I was going to discuss the way I hold the cube in the "Minh Thai" beginner method? I won't write it up because I'm slow at it.

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Mamoru-kun is orz: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags anime, Rubik's Cube, season 2006/10, times)

I was watching some Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo! (護くんに女神の祝福を!) but its pretty bad. Seiyuu Mikako Takahashi (高橋美佳子) voices the main gal Ayako here, but the only role I liked her in was Ayumi in Hachimitsu to Clover.

Anyways on the cubing front, I did better than last time by not trying to Cube while watching.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Mon Sep 17 21:15:07 GMT+09:00 2007 -----

Average: 2:11.50 (2:47.16 -35.66 last week)

Fastest Time: 1:29.59 (2:14.03 -44.44)
Slowest Time: 3:44.43 (3:46.20 -1.77)
Standard Deviation: 19.48 (11.78)

Individual Times:
2:15.34 R2 B2 L F2 D2 L F2 U L2 D F2 L' B2 U' D B' U R U2 F R2 B2 U' F L
2:08.18 D' U2 L' R' U' F U2 L D R' U2 R B U F U2 D B U2 F' U D2 R U2 R2
1:29.59 U' R B' L2 D R' D' F' L B' U D2 L R2 B L2 B' F U' L R2 U' D2 F2 L
2:29.57 L' D' B2 F2 D F B' U B L2 U2 R' D U' L' U' F L' R B R' U' B' F' U2
2:35.00 B2 U' B2 L' B' F2 U' F U L' B' D2 B' L' B R' L F' L2 D' R U2 D' F U
1:50.28 D' B' D2 B2 F R B2 D L B' U' F B2 L' R2 B L B2 F2 D' U B' D' B2 F2
1:54.25 B2 U D' B' D R2 F B' L' U2 L' B' F' R' B' D' L U2 L2 U' F2 B2 L' D F
2:40.38 B U F' U2 D F R2 B' D U' F' L' R2 B2 F R L F' L F L2 B2 D' L2 B2
3:44.43 B' D R2 D R2 L U2 D2 F2 U2 F' R' D' R D2 B L B L' F' U2 L2 R B' D'
1:59.25 B F' U' B L' F' L2 U2 R F2 L2 B2 F' L2 D' L' F B2 U2 L U' R L2 B F2
2:18.31 F' U2 B2 L2 D' B F D2 F2 L2 F2 U L2 F2 R2 L D' U' B2 U' R U2 L2 B D
1:44.45 D L' R' B2 U2 B2 L' U2 R2 D2 L D L2 F2 U2 D R2 F2 B2 L2 D' L D B2 R2

Another improvement of about 30 seconds this week. I didn't "prune". I just did a straight run without rejecting or rolling over. I didn't even warm up, after resting 2 days from daily practice. I must say my hands don't feel very dexterous, and I "pop" my cube a lot. Over the course of the week I have somewhat mastered those last two Fridrich moves, but I forgot them on some these of the runs, which explains those 3 minute + results.

One thing I allow myself is to look at the cube for as much time as I want. Usually I get impatient but sometimes I try to think about how to move to the cross. I also try to shortcut some moves if I can look in advance. Cubing improvement is all about looking ahead, so if I can "see" the colors, I can get rid of redundant movement.

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Doujin Work is orz: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times, anime, season 2007/04)

I was watching some Doujin Work, a season 2007/04 anime, and even though my favorite seiyuu Masumin (浅野真澄) is voicing the main character, the whole story just bites hard. Thumbs down. So I busted out my Rubik's Cube while glancing at the episodes. To tell you the truth though, I couldn't concentrate on doing both, so I repeated a set of 12 solves after it was done. The scores for this week:

----- JNetCube Best Average for Sun Sep 09 22:27:20 GMT+09:00 2007 -----

Average: 2:47.16 (3:16.43 -29.27 last week)

Fastest Time: 2:14.03 (2:17.57 -3.54)
Slowest Time: 3:46.20 (5:51.78 -125.58)
Standard Deviation: 11.78 (28.76)

Individual Times:
1) 2:45.73 U' L2 D' F D B2 L' B2 L U2 R2 D2 R B U2 B D2 U2 L' U B F R B' L2
2) 3:08.45 U' F2 L B U D2 F' B D F D R D2 R2 U' F' U L2 D' U' B' L2 R D' F
3) 2:53.28 U2 B2 L2 F L F2 R2 D F R2 D' F2 R2 B' U2 F D F' U D' B U2 D' F2 L
4) 2:38.46 D' U' F2 U F' U D2 F R' D2 B L2 R' B2 L2 B2 U2 F' U F2 R2 U' L2 D2 F
5) (3:46.20) D F2 B L R B D L2 U D2 R' B2 D2 B F' U' D B R' U2 R' F D F D
6) 2:50.26 D F' L R' B' L' U2 F B L2 R B' U2 F B' D' R2 D R D' L D B2 F2 R'
7) 2:52.29 D2 L R U B' F2 U L' D2 U F' D' L' D' F' B' L2 D2 U B' L2 R D F D'
8) 2:48.46 U' B2 D L F R2 U' R B F D2 F' U' L F B' U R' L F U F2 L B2 F'
9) 2:21.84 R' B' L U' F D2 U' F U' B2 R B F2 R' F2 D2 B F' R' U' R L' B' F' U
10) 2:47.28 U B2 D2 F2 D2 U R2 B' D' B U D2 L R U2 F R L' D U2 B2 U R' F R
11) (2:14.03) R2 D' F2 B2 U L R2 D' U2 B L B L2 F' D2 F U2 R2 L' B' F L B F' D
12) 2:45.53 B L F2 U2 R' L' B D R2 U R' F2 L B2 L' F D2 U R B2 F' U R F2 R2

Well an improvement about 30 seconds, but last week I didn't "prune" like I did this week. I'm still using the same method, but I think my hands are getting used to spinning the cube.

I have come to the conclusion that the Heise Method is for advanced Cubists, so I have given up on it. I still need the crutch of matching colors to absolute positions. I have switched to doing Blue side first, in a method similar to Fridrich but only 3 of the edges at a time. Still I haven't learned how to do the simple version of Friditch PLL corners and edges, even though I've practiced them a number of times.

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Positively Glacial: Rubiks's Cube first measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times)

Well I found the PC app that people use to measure themselves with solving the Rubik's Cube. It's called JNetCube because its written in Java, and supports networked speed racing. You use the program like shown in this video called "Harris Chan 10.46 seconds avg of 12 of Rubik's Cube".

So here I measure myself after 2 weeks of informal playing:

----- JNetCube Best Average for Sat Sep 01 19:23:53 GMT+09:00 2007 -----
Average: 3:16.43
Fastest Time: 2:17.57
Slowest Time: 5:51.78
Standard Deviation: 28.76
Individual Times:
1) 3:27.45 F2 R F2 U' D2 L' F B U' B' D2 U2 B R U R2 B' F2 R' U R' D' B U' F
2) 3:51.68 R2 L D L D' F U' D2 F2 D' L D L2 F L' B' L' D B D' R B' F D2 U2
3) 3:45.49 F D F2 L2 U B2 D2 F' B U2 F' B L2 D2 U2 F' D2 R2 L' D2 B U' R F2 L
4) (5:51.78) R U2 D' F' B R' F2 R U2 D2 R2 U' B' L2 U' D L2 F' R' U D' L' D' B D2
5) 3:28.46 R' D2 B' L F D L' F' R' D2 L' D B2 U R U R' F' U2 F R D L2 D U
6) 3:41.71 U B' D2 L' R U2 F' D' B U L D' U2 F' D' F' U2 D2 L2 U D2 F2 U2 F L2
7) 3:28.88 D' F2 D2 U F' R' D2 U2 L D2 F2 U R2 F' R2 F' B U2 B' F L2 R' D' B2 D2
8) 2:39.24 R' D L U' D2 L2 D F B U' D' F L B2 R' U2 R2 B U L2 F' D F2 L B'
9) (2:17.57) F' U2 D' L' F' D2 R U' R' B U L F' D' B' U F2 L2 F' B2 L2 D L F' R
10) 3:01.51 D2 B' L F U' B2 F2 L2 B' R2 U' F D' R' D2 R D R2 B' D2 B2 L' R D2 R
11) 2:36.04 U2 R' L2 D2 F U B2 D' L' B U' F2 B R2 L' F U' B' U' B2 D U' R L2 F2
12) 2:43.87 U R' U' F D2 L U' D' R' D F2 U' D' F2 L' D R2 D2 L U L' F2 D2 U' R

Oh boy am I slow. I am even slow at scrambling the cube using the above maneuvers.

I want to improve so that my average is ... say 2 minutes. That would probably entail changing my algorithm at the very least. My algorithm is the first part of the Heise method, and finish it off with the Tsukuda method. I am having trouble understanding the Heise method Conjugates and Commutators, though. Perhaps this page called "Writing a Basic 3 Piece Shuffle" will help.

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