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Halo 3 DLC: Heroic Map pack

(tags game, Xbox 360, Halo 3, online, FPS)

So I bought the Halo 3 DLC Heroic Map Pack and I am now enjoying it while I type. It's 0.5 GB! Loading... Too bad there's only 38000 people online. 10:00 PM Japan time (+9) means 3 AM U.S. Pacific Standard Time.

Lost one, won one, but not through my skillz. I like the alternative games for a change, neutral assault, multi-flag CTF.

The Japanese dudez that are playing right now are congenial. Otsukare-sama deshita.

I played that Rat's Nest too many times, though. And got totally owned on Standoff - Territories. The other team knew how to control the Warthogs. Ouch.

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