we get signal


Shooting this wall for multiplier

(tags game, shmup, Xbox 360, Omega Five)

Woops I credit feeded Omega Five today and its already "unlocked". The end boss was ridiculous but I finally got to see my Xbox 360 slow down.

I've figured out some of the scoring technique, which was pretty fun. Chaining enemy shots before times runs out is not very original, but it works. I was checking the scoreboards and there are people in the 6 million range. Whoa. Plus there's this "replay" thing, how does that work and why doesn't it work for me?

I have no idea how to use the two types of bombs, though. Is it necessary?

I am kinda satisfied with Omega Five, but I was expecting one more stage. Jeez. And I still haven't figured out why its called Omega Five. :-)

Now I'm going to bed at 22:15 to play some FFTA. I need to level up my guys and gals.

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