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Did not get a Stylish: various Xbox 360 demos

(tags game, Xbox 360, action)

I'm not a Devil May Cry follower. I remember trying to level up in DMC1, but it was taking forever so I didn't finish. Plus it was really visually dark. Still, seeing the demo at a store made try it out at home. I like how you can just mash buttons without thinking. Of course, doing just that doesn't get me a "Stylish" rank combo. I really like the "badass" acting, but what's happened to Dante and his arm? Or is this another guy?

Because of that Burnout Paradise demo I also played some Burnout Revenge for the Xbox 360. The load times are heinous and the graphics aren't a step up, just competent. I don't see myself playing this unless I'm desperate for Achievement Points. I really want to play BP now, though.

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