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Grinding Rez HD

(tags game, Rez, Xbox 360, shmup)

I've been through the Rez HD three times now. There's this Xbox 360 exclusive mode (or so I assume) called "direct assault", which as far as I can tell, is just the full game with faster (?) bullets and different background colors. Maybe the music is different, but I can't tell. There are six variations on this theme, and it takes about 60 minutes to complete a full game, so we're looking at some more hours at the Rez.

I have yet to try the three "lost area" levels. I wonder how to unlock the "beyond options".

I now put my "trance vibration" controller under my shirt. My abs need massaging.

Oh yeah I got a different text ending. But basically it was saying "Our princess is in another castle."

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