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Fast and loose: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times)

I haven't cleaned the inside of my Rubik's Cube in a long time. I was surprised to see some fine grit inside. So I took it apart and wiped away the grit. I should have lubricated it while it was all in pieces, but I wanted to get back into the revolving action. I also loosened the green side screw, but maybe just a little bit too much.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Tue Jan 22 20:27:23 GMT+09:00 2008 -----

Average: 1:06.13 (1:08.95 -2.82 last time)

Fastest Time: 42.03 (57.94 -13.91 last time)
Slowest Time: 1:29.61 (1:28.25)
Standard Deviation: 11.15 (05.91 hmm)

Individual Times:
1:29.61 U' B' L' R B D2 U2 F' U' F' B' R' B' U' L D R' D' B' R' D' F2 L' R2 U
1:16.09 B2 R D2 U' B' U D B U' R L2 U' D' B' D U L F D2 U L' F2 D2 B2 D
1:21.11 R2 D2 F' D2 L' D2 B' D U2 F2 R' B L' B R U' L B' U2 D L' F2 D L' U
0:56.34 D U' F2 B D' U' B2 F2 D L2 U D' F' U' F2 R D R L2 F2 U F U B' U2
1:00.20 R U2 B U2 L R2 D' F2 L2 U' L2 D2 L2 U R' B2 R2 D R2 D2 U' B U2 F' U2
0:51.03 B2 L U2 F' B' R' B L' F' R F U2 L2 U L' F L B2 F' D R' D F R2 L
0:42.03 L R2 U' R2 L U' F' D U2 B2 D' R2 L2 U' R D' B2 L R F D' B F' L D
0:58.34 L D F' L' R' B D R' B2 U2 L' D' U2 F' R F' D' B2 D R U2 B D' L' D'
1:03.75 L' B2 L2 U' R2 U B' U' F L R B' U2 L2 F' L' D2 F D2 F2 R B2 U D' R
0:58.47 B' R L2 B' D' L2 F2 R2 B' D2 U F2 D' U' R2 D' L' D2 L2 D L2 R2 F' U' F2
1:21.81 F U' B' L' R B' L F' L' D' B' L U R2 U2 B D U L2 F L2 U' B U' D2
1:14.18 U' L B L2 U2 R2 B D2 B2 R' B F' R' B2 L F' U' D' F' U2 L B F D' R2

I was totally all over the place. The cube felt really light after the cleaning but unfortunately I wasn't used to it. I was getting into it in the middle with some sub 60 seconds times, but on the eleventh try I POP'd my cube. Ugh, that's a first. I couldn't get over the shock, which explains the tardy finish. I think I need to re-tighten the green side. I would hate to POP on the bus or train.

Ugh, I POP'd again while taking a break from writing this blog post. :-(

One thing is during the F2L, instead of making a 3x2x2 and then putting the remaining F2L side on top (F2L using Blue on L), I was doing the "steeplechase" (R U' R' U' F' U F) to finish off the edge cubies on all 4 sides. Doing the "steeplechase" forces me to do Blue on D, but I lose seconds consciously thinking about it. I need to practice that.

I can do now some more basic PLL moves like "slant" (R B' R' B - F R' F - B' R' B R F2 U; PLL position: 143/248/769) and "cross" (R L U2 R' L' - F' B' U2 B F; PLL position: 183/654/729) somewhat automatically now. This brings up the total of mastered PLL moves to 4 out of 21. :-) But I don't think I'm that slow at the PLL. I think I need to improve my F2L.

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