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Spelunkering my own things: Bottle Fairy DVD-Box

(tags DVD Region 2, anime, Bottle Fairy, failure)

While perusing the Yahoo Japan Auctions I usually skip items I have but I clicked on this "Bottle Fairy DVD-Box (domestic version)". (I recently re-watched the English version.) There I read the description: "includes Desktop Accessory CD-ROM". Buh-wha? *sputter* There's PC installable goodies with that box? I didn't even open my copy! I need to find my DVD-Box and install the goodies into my computer now! :-/

Somewhat related, I bought (won an auction of) another set of those four small Bottle Fairy figurines. I brought them to work. They sit right beside my Beavis and Butthead clear trading card and my Pikachu pencil cover. I want to say I don't have more personal crap at my desk, but I can't.

Okay, time to go to sleep but before that let's level up my gals in FFTA.

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