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Let cruft go: XBLA cleaning start

(tags game, Xbox 360)

No I'm not talking about Microsoft's proposal to de-list Xbox 360 games. I'm talking about actually trying out the demos and delisting the ones I won't ever play again because they're not fun to me. So far, out of the 51 XBLA trials (some have been purchased/gifted... 5?), I got rid of 5. Not so efficient. Well I don't have a time limit.

I threw away Schizoid, though. Sure it's pretty. It does remind me of Ikaruga, just like that madman controlling two ships at one time ("doubleplay"), but there's no shooting or polarity changes. It's kinda like chipping away at a chalkboard with two erasers. Sure Schizoid is novel in its own way with its own game mechanic.

I was hoping to delist the trial games that are mistakenly listed in my Achievement list. It's annoying.

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