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Check Bayonetta out

(tags game, Bayonetta, Xbox 360)

I don't check out many demos on Xbox 360 because they are mainly disappointing. The recently released demo for Bayonetta is one true exception. I'm not talking about how the main character is woman (which is how I like my avatars anyway). And I'm not talking about how over-sexualized she is. Who stands like this?!

Bayonetta demo

Yes I will check, thank you.

I like how this game reminds me of the fun I had with Devil May Cry 4. It's slick, 60 frames per second, timing dependent button pressing reaction gaming with plenty of action and reaction. The tutorial shows the combo list directly, encouraging me to try it out. The loading screen also shows this combo list tutorial, which is a step forward. The evade system rewards me with the bullet-time slow down. I like using this in my offline Unreal Tournament III sparring practice, because it makes me feel super human.

Other than that, it feels like a DMC. It's the same old same old. Enemies are strange, there are gory death effects, invisible walls impede my exploration, weird floating and glowing things to collect, completion ranks. The combo system and weapons systems are different, but I'm still mashing the X, Y and B buttons. Oh wait I like that part. Will they ever fix the polygon collisions? Also the leaves on the trees are faked using the old Doom like sprite rotating trick. I didn't notice it until my second walk through, though, so its no biggy.

Wanna get this when it comes out.

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