we get signal


Finished! But I didn't get all the dog tags

(tags game, PlayStation 2, かしまし, love-sim, spoiler)

Finally I finished the "Yasuna" scenario in Kashimashi Girl Meets Girl PS2 game. I did finish the "Haneru" scenario before without much comment. So I've completed all four heroine scenarios, the other two being the "Tomari" and "Kakeno". I think I can call this game finished. I even completed this love-sim without a time-saving guide, wierd. Here's a spoiler: Hazumu doesn't get kissed by the characters not in the anime. Ooh, titillating! Not.

This game gets 4 out of 5, seriously. From the voice actress standpoint I like it very much, but as the story goes, the details aren't botched up but there isn't anything truly new to the story. The artwork and character design is top notch. So this is not much of a game, but an interactive novel. So what, it was entertainment.

It says I have 66 out of 80 pictures uncovered, and 217 out of 255 events uncovered, but to hell with completionist tendancies. I'm going to google "かしまし 攻略" and set the controller on "auto-pilot." Besides, I have the bomb of a game Rozen Maiden to open (pictures you lazy...) and OMG I bought Ookami. As if I didn't have enough to do this Golden Week.