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When will games disturb us?

(tags game, criticism, culture)

Look to disturbing games in order to legitimize "games as art" argument. Great quote here: "Using art as a salve alone is foolish - and a one-dimensional way to experience humanity". I think Water Cooler Games and Game Girl Advance is doing a fine job advancing game culture critique.

I think though, the title is "When will (mainstream) games disturb us?". There are plenty of examples of thought-provoking non-mainstream games, that Food Force game, that cancer shmup, that victim-created Columbine game, etc. I'm not sure I want to go down that "despicable choice" entertainment, though. I don't want to decide (moral) compromises, like "kill a few" to achieve a greater good.

To me, games are a salve (especially gal-get games, yeah). Sure I also would like to rally on the "games as art" argument, but at the end of the day, I don't look to games to push my mental boundaries and tolerance, but to reassure and coddle (and also reflex-test my sorry self). Seemly at odds with that is the desire to play "worthwhile" games, whatever they are.