we get signal


Confirming Oshare Majo DS Lite

(tags Dual Screen, ECsite, purchase)

At most of the shops I went to, I asked if they were getting DS Lites tomorrow (11/22 Wed). All of them were tight-lipped.

At Gamers I asked the store manager and he said "I dunna". Way to make a sale d00d. Their gaming shelf is empty in preparation for tomorrow. Maybe, just maybe? Anyways this is backup number 2.

Sofmap had a gangload of that Oshare Majo DS collection behind the counter. OMG. Is that the DSLite special version? It was about the right size. I counted about 40 boxes maybe, all pre-orders. Yes I know they weren't going to break street date on this, but could please answer my question about availability and if it is the special version? I suppose I may have been a little rude, though. Anyways this is backup number 1.

Because Toys 'R Us starts at 10:00, I'll start my camping there, and then hit the above two at 11:00. If worse comes to worse I'm going to try that small shop in Sun Plaza and Seiden and Joshin, in that order.

I think I will be fighting the moms of little Oshare Majo fans tomorrow. Total otaku mode, sorry.