we get signal


Exciting pickups the day before 11/22

(tags ECsite, purchase, breaking street date, game, Dual Screen, CD, DVD Region 2, anime, Kobe, US)

I gotta say that canvassing the shops around Kobe the day before "da bombs" drop is pretty exciting.

Kobe Sofmap had Elite Beat Agents, the US version. Amazing. Usually it's only Nipponbashi's Sofmap Saurus with the import goods (how quickly I forget that Kobe also had Dead Rising). Anyways I had to get a pic.

Elite Beat Agents (US version) sitting along side Japan DS software

Many items are "breaking street date" even if its just one day. Like the Aki Misato (美郷あき) best CD album "Sincerely" (LCHA-5060). I ripped and Musicbrainz that with teh quickness.

Elite Beat Agents can't top Aki Misato

There was also the re-release of Unreal Tournament 2004, 6 CDs worth at about 4000 yen. I wanted to get it but then again, 6 CDs just plain sucks. Which reminds me I haven't played it since my CRT died (2006/04). I am deathly afraid of getting fragged by laggy LCD screen.

I even swung by Gamers and picked up my pre-ordered Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱) 5 DVD one day early. Not like I'm going to watch it right now.