we get signal


Kansai themed Melon-chan (Melonbooks key-holder)

(tags Melonbooks, collectable, goods, kawaii, Kobe, Osaka, Kyoto)

Last month I went to Kyoto to see the Autumn Leaves in fancy Japanese temples and shrines. Big woop but my camera failed to capture the leaf beauty.

While I was in the area I picked up the Melonbooks key-holder goods (メロンブックスオリジナルの特製グッズ交換 「ご当地めろんキーホルダー」). Basically, each Melonbooks store has their own themed key-chain goods, based on their lead moe-ish character "Melon-chan".

Melonbooks Melon-chan keyholders from Kansai

It was no sweat to pick up the Kobe's Sailor Melon (神戸/水兵メロン). Kyoto's Maiko Melon is the classic (twin-tail) beauty (京都/舞妓めろん). And Osaka's Takoyaki Melon makes me laugh nandeyanen?! (大阪/たこ焼きめろん).

Artist Shun Kazakami (風上旬) is responsible for this killer design. I totally forgot about it, but this artist was featured every month in the now defunct moe-friendly Majikyu magazine (マジキュー連載「5階美少女家電売り場でございます」). I have all 40 issues, heh heh.

Melonbooks goods Melon-chan from all around Japan

There are 20 themes in all, and all of them are pretty kawaii. Gotta catch 'em all, except I hate travelling. I've been trying to do the Auctions but not all of them are up. I did collect some already but at this rate I think I'll be done in 2011.

Melonbooks goods Melon-chan from all around Japan (official banner)

Oh, and the official web banner. Hawt. I forgot how much 300 Melonbooks points is in yen, but it's not that expensive. I have like 4000 Melonbook points. Now all I need is a bicycle to ride around.

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Doki Doki Tama-tan: get a writer

(tags manga, Koge-Donbo, kawaii, failure)

Doki Doki! Tama Tan (どきどき!たまタン) was a doujin-level affair (doujinshi and telephone card and figure) last year, but this year it was revamped for the commercial arena. 

どきどき!たまタン first run in なかよし

It's running in Nakayoshi, which I think is a main stream manga magazine aimed for kids. Gone is the blog angle, Tama-tan is now a ordinary school student who luckily... aw crap this story is totally weak.

どきどき!たまタン first run in なかよし

It just doesn't make sense. 

More info available from Koge-Donbo's blog posts.

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Tama-tan: Pink wins over Black

(tags figure, Koge-Donbo, illustrator, kawaii)

I'd like to get this figure by illustrator Koge-Donbo and figure creator Takeshi Miyakawa (T's System), called "Tama-tan" (T's system「コゲどんぼ×宮川武コラボレーションフィギュア たまタン」 ). It's a 1/6 scale, pre-built PVC figure. The pink one was released at Wonder Festival Winter 2008 earlier this year, and I saw one for sale at Sofmap Zaurus Treasure Box for about 12000 yen. I'm kinda kicking myself for not getting it then.

Pink and Black versions of Koge-Donbo and Takeshi Miyakawa Tamatan Figure

You can now pre-order the black one from Tora no Ana online for 7500 yen, but only until 6/14. Black doesn't suit my fancy (white is more like it, aww yeah), so I am staying away. I only noticed the latter because I subscribed to Koge-Donbo's blog and steal her pics, at least the one announcing this figure. There is a nice photo-heavy blog post capturing the pink "Tama-tan" at the Tenra Blog (天羅Blog: T's system「コゲどんぼ×宮川武コラボレーションフィギュア たまタン」 ) and at Yotsuba to Figure (よつばとフィギュア:コゲどんぼ×宮川武コラボレーションフィギュア 1/6たまタン ワンダーフェスティバル2008Winter)

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Pikachu reuse

(tags kawaii, character goods, Dual Screen, hardware, Pikachu)

I stopped by the Pokemon Center on a quiet Friday. There seemed to be a lot more Pikachu goods for some reason. Maybe hard times are hitting the Pokemon brand?

Pikachu goods from Pokemon Center Osaka 2008/02

Aww, the plastic case illustration is just so perfect. :-)

It's not like I'm going to use yet another Pikachu skin and case and stylus. But I will use the hand towel for bathing. Okay, no jokes about electricity and the bath, please.

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On the edge: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags telephone card, kawaii, Rubik's Cube, times)

This week I was able to pick up the Gamers point exchange card for 2008/01. It's a Christmas theme, and Dejiko and Puchiko look good with their new eye colors. I forgot the exchange day was on Monday, so I raced to the shop on Tuesday evening. They don't publish the availability but they do show that they have it in the glass cabinets. "Only 2 to a customer". Yes, please enforce that rule.

Gamers telephone card

This evening on the way back home I was feeling pretty good with my Cube. I was walking around from my train to my bus through the anime and manga shops, twisting my Cube two-handed. I can't stop twisting it, it's so fun. I even did a one-handed solve, but the time is nothing interesting, probably more than 4 minutes. On the bus too, I was really burning up (subjectively). So I decided to measure again.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Thu Jan 24 21:09:13 GMT+09:00 2008 -----

Average: 59.14 (1:06.13 -6.99 last time)

Fastest Time: 0:50.12 (0:42.03 8.09 last time)
Slowest Time: 1:18.70 (1:29.61)
Standard Deviation: 05.26 (11.15)

Individual Times:
1:18.70 L' R' F R2 D L' U F2 U' B D2 R L2 D' R2 D F D' F2 B U' B' U2 D B
0:57.39 B F2 L2 U2 B2 L2 F U L2 U' L F' U2 D2 R' L' D U2 L B2 F' L U' L' B2
0:57.73 R' B R' L2 B' U' B' U' F2 D2 F D L' F D R F L' D R' B2 D B' F' U2
0:50.61 L D B2 F U' D B2 R' U2 L' U2 B D' U' L U R U' L R' F2 B R U F
0:55.17 F2 B L' B2 F2 U2 F' R2 B2 L2 B' L2 D' R D2 L2 R' D R D B' F' D' U R
0:57.78 U2 F' R2 F B D' U' F2 B R L' U2 L U B2 L2 B2 R2 U2 D R' U' F' U R
1:05.47 L D' R U2 R2 U' R2 F' R' B' R F' U2 B L D2 B' U F D' R D2 B' D U
1:03.48 F2 L B R2 B2 R U D B L' F2 B' U F U2 L R D' B F D2 U' B2 U2 B2
1:08.54 D' B' R' D2 R2 B' F2 D B L' R' F' L2 B' L' D L2 R' B L D2 U2 R' L2 F'
0:56.79 F2 U2 D L' U2 D' L' U' B' R L' U2 B U' D F U B2 D2 B2 F' D L' D R
0:58.42 F D L' F2 L U2 D' B' R2 B' U D F' D' B2 F R2 L2 F' U2 B D2 L' U' L2
0:50.12 U2 B' R2 U D B' R B2 F2 L F L2 R' D2 R2 U' L' B' D B2 R2 U F R B

I barely squeaked by my goal of a 60 second average solve. I suppose I can say I can solve the Cube in a minute (on a good day). My cube feels really light, but on the last solves I feared that it would POP. It feels kinda loose and fragile now.

What should be my new goal? Sub 55 on two measurements? Change the orientation while doing F2L? I'm going to just keep on walking around with my Cube in hand. It's just too fun.

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A fairy weekend: Fairial Garden, Bottle Fairy

(tags manga, kawaii, moe, Fairial Garden, anime, Bottle Fairy)

On Friday evening returning home, I spotted this kawaii manga called Fairial Garden by Minene Sakurano (桜野みねね). I wasn't expecting it at all. The images at the back sold me even though I couldn't tachiyomi. I even bought it at a place where I never buy manga. Strangely impulsive, this one.

When I got home I read it from cover to cover. On Saturday I read it again cover to cover. And Sunday morning I read it again one more time. I must really like the drawing style here. It reminds me of A Little Snow Fairy Sugar but with more moeness. I would like to call it kenzen but one of the male sub characters has a cosplay fetish, and Sakurano does not disappoint (muhaha) "Dance with the one you came with" I suppose. Otaroad Senaka Blog post 桜野みねねさん作 フェアリアルガーデン1巻発売 「妖精の女の子とドキドキ共同生活!?」 covers this release as well with some reviews and images. When Otaroad covers a manga you know its for the otaku set.

Claire enjoys a strawberry crepe (manga, right), Yuiko Tokumi version Miku Hatsune paper bag

Okay, the story kinda bites, though. The fairy, Claire, can't talk a lot except for a few emotionally loaded phrases like okaeri, iya, and arigatou, having just been born. She can transform into three different size (no explanation). Noa, who brought home the flower which sprouted Claire, has some grief and coping issues with losing a rare pet to his parents' scientific whims. So the story is about how he returns to being an emotional and trusting person, I suppose. However, the character development shines, because I am rooting for him to get back to feeling again. The whole sequence about teaching Claire to say "arigatou" was endearing. I can't wait until the next volume comes out, in what 6 months? :-(

I don't recall who manga artist Minene Sakurano is, but the ever convenient Wikipedia mentions she was responsible for long running manga and anime まもって守護月天! (Guardian Angel Getten). Not that I know of it, huh. Wait a minute. After reading the description of GAG, I see that this FG has many similar elements such as "strange girl", "lost mother", and "science parent". Maybe I should look into GAG as well? Then again I'm thinking that Sakurano may not be good at storytelling.

Bottle Fairy DVD region 1

And the other fairy thing this weekend was my purchase of the U.S. English version of Bottle Fairy (瓶詰妖精) the DVD series. Puki puki payo. I'm now reviewing this series in voiced English, which is pretty decent. I forgot the entire content and even the names of the fairies but I love watching it again this time. I acutally LOL, jeez. I want to remember the Japanese holidays through memory association with Bottle Fairy, but despite the absurdity of the plot, it just does not stick in my mind.

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Pikachu "Hatsumode" (2008)

(tags food, Pikachu, kawaii, promotion, collectable, 200801, Japan)

Greetz and howdy to your 2008. Hope you are having fun.

So, I did it. I went to McDonalds on New Year's Day and asked for the "Happy 2008 Pikachu ga ippai 50 pose sticker sheet", which meant I had to jump through the hoop of buying a Happy Set which I know as a Happy Meal but no fancy cardboard box. I did not bother to choose to recieve the default Happy Set toys, though. Gotta set the limit somewhere. :o

A Happy Meal with Pikachu

What is the phrase in Unreal Tournament? "It's been decades since I've seen one of these". :-)

Every time I think of McDonalds now I think of that picture of that Michelin tire fat kid sitting with the McDonalds bib. Going to McDonalds on New Year's Day just breaks all sorts of Resolutions, imagined or not. I'm not making any resolutions for this year but I'm going for goals. One goal is to make one Pikachu related post every month. :-)

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Pikachu love: McDonalds Happy... ga ippai

(tags food, Pikachu, kawaii, promotion, collectable, 200801, Japan)

I ate at McDonalds yesterday, so Super Size Me. Anyway there's a special Pikachu sticker promotion if I buy a McDonalds' Happy Meal starting 2008-01-01. I didn't count how many pictures of Pikachu it was but... Oh wait, its on the net: Happy 2008 Pikachu ga ippai 50 pose sticker sheet.

McDonalds JP promotion: Happy 2008 Pikachu ga ippai 50 pose sticker sheet

I'm going to do it.

I'm going to do it so I can decorate my Pikachu DS lite. I'm going to do it so I can digitize it and use it as my wallpaper (to offset all the bishoujo moe).

Uh. I will be in a McDonalds on January 1, ordering a Happy Meal. I. Am. Sad. :-/

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Life-sized: Paper Moon meido and Pikachu

(tags figure, Pikachu, kawaii)

Last year around this time I was able to see Paper Moon's life size dolls. This time they seem to have done the same exhibition again, but at the Akihabara UDX building. The event is called (my trans) "Real-size Figure Anime Party In Tokyo Anime Center" 等身大フィギュアパーティーin東京アニメセンター and its on till the 14th of December.

I know the building as "Cross Field". I like passing through it whenever I'm in Akiba because its not as geeky as the rest of the area and plus there's normal restaurants there. And the Center itself caters to the mainstream, even though its about anime. So yes it was surprising to see some of the risque Paper Moon figures there (through Moeyo! Akibajin blog, of course).

等身大フィギュアパーティ 会場の様子

But the winner today is Pikachu. Aww, so adorable. Standing on a tree stump. There's no price here, so the figure is not for sale. They need to put this figure in the middle.

I'm kinda disappointed that black bunny suited figure from last time isn't there, though the meido brigade is. In the minority were some full-size anime figures like Doraemon and Gundam. Finally, I didn't see any new Paper Moon creations. Maybe they were too hawt for this event. Do they sell the demo ones or are these just for show?

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Pikachu cute quota filled: Pokemon Dai-suki Select shop news 11/3

(tags goods, kawaii, Pikachu)

There's a reason why I subscribe to the HTML version of the Pokemon Center online store Pokemon Dai-suki Select Club Shop Mail Magazine. The pictures are killer kawaii.

Pikachu goods 2007/11 : Wallet and bag

The above is from 「【だいすきクラブ限定(げんてい)グッズが3アイテム登場!】ポケモンだいすきセレクトショップNEWS★11月3日号」 mail message. It is a bit Pikachu heavy. I like it that way!

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Relax, desuu... Rozen Maiden "Suiseiseki" figure by Miki Ousaka

(tags figure, Rozen Maiden, kawaii, purchase)

Rozen Maiden is still charming. Here's "Suiseiseki". Oh great, an unplanned purchase but the look on "Suiseiseki"'s face is killer kawaii.

Rozen Maiden

You would never guess that she's the high-tension tsundere. She looks so relaxed.

According to the official page, this PVC full-painted pre-built figure is non-scale. The pics on the Senaka Otaroad blog show how the different scales between figures destroy the sense of balance. Also more pics at Akibablog, Moeyo (1, 2) and the high-quality photo-review from FooBarBaz.

This figure was originally sculpted by Miki Ousaka (チェリーブロッサム桜坂美紀) who is famous for making bishoujo figure kits to sell at those biannual Wonder Festival figure conventions. She also made a lot of commercial figures for animes such as Nadia and To Heart 2 (according to GA news). I want her Hina-Ichigo figure, so cute! Woops, according to the news page, Ousaka attended the World Hobby Fair in Kobe (my backyard!?!) last Sunday 10/28. Well there is no danger from me buying a kit, since I can't build it, but there goes a picture taking opportunity lost. Too bad. :-(

Anyway, along side this new figure was a Hina-Ichigo figure but it was kinda low-quality around the face area so I let it slide. Besides, other figures in the same series was discounted a while back, so perhaps I can get it cheaper later.

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3rd in the world!?!? Idolm@ster leads Xbox live item downloads

(tags Xbox 360, Japan, online, kawaii)

According to the same Microsoft press event at Tokyo Game Show, The IdolM@ster's Xbox Live Item download count is the third largest in the world. (Thanks Geemaga Blog)

This game is Japan only, and coupled with the fact that there are 400,000 consoles in Japan while the US and Europe have like 11 million, does this mean Japanese otaku are picking up the Xbox slack or other territories don't buy into (or pay money for) Xbox Live Arcade online goods? How is this even possible?

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Kamichama Karin DVD 1

(tags anime, DVD region 2, kawaii)

Tuesday proves to be the day to grab new DVDs at Gamers.

Kamichama Karin DVD cover 1

I didn't see Kamichama Karin (かみちゃまかりん) before it went to DVD, but wow it seems kawaii. I did read most of the manga, though, so I can anticipate the story.

First off, there are parts I don't like, the opening song by Ali Project, the over-the-top guy transformations scenes (what comes around goes around), the shoddy animation work, the over-bright backgrounds. Most of all, I cringe whenever Karin says "I am God!".

But some of the cuteness is still salvagable.

Kamichama Karin DVD cover 1

The animation style reminds me of Pita-Ten and A Little Snow Fairy Sugar, so I'm going to keep checking this out. Maybe.

Gamers has the buy-full-set-get-telephone-card campaign again. I can resist, really.

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I am dying from cute: Pika Pika Yukai

(tags anime, dance, video, parody, kawaii)

I got my Pikachu quota for this month already.

"Pika Pika Yukai" (thanks Kotaku).

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Winter Garden DVD: Charmingly cute

(tags anime, DVD region 2, kawaii, seiyuu, Koge-Donbo, Sugar, omake, telephone card)

Winter Garden aired at the end of 2006, but I knew this would be my type of anime to purchase, so I didn't watch it live. Instead, I waited for the DVD to come out. It's been 4 months people! I've been waiting to open this Christmas Box for some time now.

Winter Garden DVD and Christmas Box goodies, postcard

It has the lively Di Ji Charat sisters banter coupled with the cute character design originally by Koge-Donbo. Shinya Hasegawa (長谷川眞也) refined the character design for animation, and this refinement looks so very familiar to me because he's the same person who took care of the A Little Snow Fairy Sugar series.

Winter Garden anime, Puchiko cheering up Dijiko / ウィンタガーデン デジコを励むプチコ

Greatest! I'm pretty happy just watching this anime because so charming. Then again, I'm not very well versed in the Di ji charat universe, so I didn't figure out the in-jokes. I only know about the in-jokes because of the booklet and the audio commentary, which was very entertaining and informative. Other works' audio commentary tracks left something to be desired (ugh: Kasimasi) because they lacked focus. This anime's audio commentary was blessed with the director, Hiroaki Sakurai (桜井弘明), adding the necessary backbone to the talk. For example, I totally forgot that Dijiko is a Akihabara gal, because this anime forgos the otaku atmosphere, but Sakurai explains this point.

Since I'm not a hardcore Di ji charat fan, I welcomed the change of pace of this anime. It's more homely and down-to-earth, with a little bit of romance to lighten it up. Gone are the "cat ears". I did have to question the connection of this series to the previous outings, because it seemed so out of character. Asami Sanada (真田アサミ) and Miyuki Sawashiro (沢城みゆき) reprised their roles. I didn't expect Sanada to have a normal girl voice but I'm not an expert. Sawashiro's definately has range and variation to her voice based on the different series I've seen with her, but I kept superimposing her "Shinku" persona onto "Puchiko".

I do have to admit the animation is a little rough in places, but there are plenty of high quality scenes. There are not much gags in this run, so the director emphasized the little body movements that make a character seem alive. There are references to other series. Even the live band scene took on Haruhi-like parody atmosphere.

Winter Garden ceramic cup and telephone card

For this photo-expose shootout, I didn't open that Christmas Box, which evidently contains a micro-fiber towel, a telephone card, and pocket watch with serial number. But instead, I bring the picture of the Gamers' tokuten mug cup and Comi-Deji magazine's special telephone card for Winter Garden. Isn't it just so kawaii? I do have a gripe with that mug cup picture. It just doesn't seem cute enough. This is blasphemy because Koge-Donbo herself drew it.

Thumbs up. 5 out of 5 stars. Only 2 episodes but this is very special.

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Slap a "Made in China" sticker on anime

(tags anime, China, Japan, criticism, kawaii, season 2005/04)

One of my favorite English-based anime bloggers, Matthew, had an interesting report on how Futago Hime is being shown in the Chinese TV prime-time despite being a Japanese-made anime, because it is restamped as "made in China". This anime has all the audio parts in Chinese, voices, OP and ED songs, but the visuals are the same as the Japanese version.

He in turn links to a Japanese speaker who is conversant in the Chinese anime otaku scene with 3 posts (「ゴールデンタイムに日本のアニメを「中国で制作した」として放映?」:1, 2, 3) on this very issue.

Summarizing (hopefully not too crudely), the company that made the 2005 TV anime Fushigi Hoshi no Futago Hime (ふしぎ星の☆ふたご姫) is the HAL Film Maker Co,. Ltd, which is one company in the TYO Group. TYO Group also has a 31% stake in the Chinese company Da Lian Eastern Dragon Cartoon Development Co., Ltd, who is responsible for this "made in China" anime.

So the transfer of assets seems legitimate. It sounds like a business strategy to repurpose a successful product towards a different market. I'm sure that the "made in China" stamp is so that the show garners more eyeballs, which in turn will feed the toy purchasing.

But it's the same situtation as when any U.S. based (or elsewhere) dubbing company releases a Japanese anime. Do you call that product "made in the U.S.A"? I didn't think so.

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