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Skull cheating: Halo 3 campaign, again

(tags game, FPS, Xbox 360)

I spend most of today finding "skulls" in the Halo 3 campaign mode. I set the difficulty to normal, and I proceeded to try to find some skulls without a guide. After spending a morning doing fruitless searches, I succumbed to a Google search for "Halo 3 Skull", which took me to Halo 3 Planet's "Halo 3 Skull Locations". Thus I spent the rest of my day following a guide. By far the hardest or most irriating one to obtain is the Cowbell Skull, which is about 30 minutes into the "The Ark" map.

So I collected all but one of the skulls and I finished another secret. So my Gamerscore is now up to 680 points. Hey its going up, woopie.

Most of the skulls make the game unbearably difficult (Enemies have 2x health, etc). The one I like is the "birthday" one. Hooray!

Campaign is fun. Campaign with scoring is fun, though I'm not close to clearing it to win Gamer Points. Battle rifle I like it. Carbine I am liking less now. Melee, I press B button in your face FTW.

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