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Sayonara Toys 'R Us Kobe: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times, failure)

I didn't know this until the beginning of this month, but the Toys 'R Us in Kobe where I got my Wii pre-order (2006) and Rubik's Cubes (2007), closed for good on Friday (2008-01-10). What a shock. That building, now called Bee's Kiss, used to house the Kobe Sofmap that I always frequent. Now the only reason for me to go to that building is to check out the 100 yen store. There are some other Toys 'R Us in my area but nothing of interest around them. I guess it's up to Osaka, especially Nanba (Den Den Town frolicking).

So last week I checked out the bargains if any. The discount video game bins were already pilfered but I got some Xbox 360 games like Burnout Revenge (again? with Achivements!) and Kameo. And I took this opportunity to get a Rubik's 2x2 Cube, Rubik's Professor (5x5) and a Rubik's Earth, though only the Earth was discounted.There wasn't much else though I did see a Suzumiya Haruhi jigsaw puzzle going for 300 yen (originally 1500 yen). Oh yeah and I also bought a discounted Pikachu bath towel. :-)

I can solve the 2x2. I cannot solve the 5x5. :-/ Since this is a Rubik's Cube post I'll just show the Rubik's Cube pictures:

Rubik's Cube Professor, Earth, and 2x2 from the final sale of Toys 'R Us Kobe

And here are my times. Jeez, I don't measure my times enough. And protip: don't attempt to learn new moves one day before measuring times.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Sat Jan 12 20:24:25 GMT+09:00 2008 -----

Average: 1:08.95 (1:09.33 -0.38 last month)

Fastest Time: 57.94 (53.08 +4.86 last month)
Slowest Time: 1:28.25 (1:28.25 hmm)
Standard Deviation: 05.91 (07.14)

Individual Times:
1:05.26 R B2 D B2 L' B U2 B2 L D L D2 F U F' U' B' D' L' U2 D' L' B F L2
1:01.67 B2 R L2 F U R2 L2 D2 L2 D' R F' D U2 L R B' F' L F' L' B2 R' U' B
1:28.25 R' D' F R F' R' B2 R2 U' F' U F2 U R' L2 D' R D2 R F2 B R' U2 F2 L'
1:09.20 B L2 U F' U' R2 L' D2 F' R D L2 F2 U F2 B' U' B R2 B' F' L' F R F'
1:11.67 D2 F' D2 L' F' B R L D B' L2 D L B2 U2 R2 B U D F R D2 F' D2 U'
1:08.09 R D2 R2 U' R' L' D2 B' F R F R U R U2 B2 L2 R F2 R' U' F U B2 D2
0:57.94 D' U' F2 L' F L' D2 L' U' D' B' U' R' D2 U2 B2 D L B2 D L' U2 L2 B2 R'
1:00.65 D' F U L2 B F2 L2 D' B' U' F2 L D2 L2 B F' R U' F2 D2 L B' R' D' R2
1:06.00 B L' R' U2 L2 R2 F2 U' F' B' D' U2 F L2 D2 R' D' F2 R F' L D B D' L2
1:11.98 U' B' F' U' L2 D L' D2 U2 L2 B2 U' L2 B2 D R' F2 D' F U2 R L' B F' R'
1:15.54 L' D L' F L2 U2 R' B' D' U' B R' L F' B' D2 R' D2 B D' R2 D' B' F' L
1:19.42 F' U2 R' U' D B D2 R2 L' F2 L2 R' F D' R U' R2 F D2 B' U2 L' R2 D' F2

I am 25 months away from attaining my one minute goal! :-( I have no idea why, but my hands were slick with sweat, which is not normal.

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