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Just get another console: Xbox 360 hard drive game install

(tags game, Xbox 360)

One feature that piqued my interest for the coming Xbox 360 firmware update was the hard drive game install. This should make playing Idolm@ster faster.

However, I don't have any free space on my HDD to install even one game. Let's see, "20 GB HDD", comes with 13 GB free, but most of it is taken up by Idolm@ster purchased stuff (oh come on, just 1.5 GB, right?), demo movies I like, like that Halo 3 and Ace Combat 6 "Even after the darkest nights, morning always comes.", and sizable demo downloads. I am down to 3.7 GB.

That 120 GB HDD upgrade is still 2_0000 yen. Perhaps it would be better to get a new Xbox 360 console with 120 GB installed, in order stave off (or hopefully avoid) the inevitable RROD.

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