we get signal


One expensive CD single: Mirror's Edge PC

(tags Mirror's Edge, game, Windows, music)

I failed to get the "Still Alive - Remixes" CD back in November. As for the PC version, since I was hyping it up to my PhysEngine-hugging pal, he actually broke down and purchased it (after throwing the controller when playing the Xbox 360 demo version). I think he's just starved to get some game that works with his fairly new graphics/physics card. Ha ha.

I also took a look at it in the shop, and was taken away by the words "特典 ミュージックCD" (Bonus Music CD). Of course.

Mirror's Edge Windows PC (Japanese) version, with CD single

The CD single must be the same thing that I wanted, and is now being sold for 4000 yen domestically or cheaper overseas. Aah. I'm still alive.

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Delays are welcome: Mirror's Edge DLC in February

(tags game, Xbox 360, DLC, Mirror's Edge, Final Fantasy)

Too many game blogs to read, and I keep on reading the same content over and over.

Anyway, Mirror's Edge DLC for the Xbox 360 is delayed to February. Yea. I did not clear many of the speed trial maps yet, despite my "OMG GOTY" exclaimation.

And Idolm@ster for the PSP is delayed till February, though I already knew about that.

Oh and yeah I saw the Final Fantasy XIII trailer. Animation looks great but the voice actresses sound a bit off. The guy's voice was pretty good. Gameplay? Menus again? Please. Is this coming in 2010 or 2009? Actually watching this video makes me want to play FF XII again.

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Mirror's Edge PC version has more flying stuff

(tags game, Windows, PC, Mirror's Edge)

Mirror's Edge seems to look better on Windows with the PhysX Engine visual tech. There's an official side-by-side video comparison. Now that I've seen it, the Xbox 360 version seems lacking. Well, only just a little bit. But there is that part where you're on the scaffolds and having the cloth/tarp just fly up from gunfire looks pretty killer.

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Mirror's Edge CD single

(tags game, music, Mirror's Edge)

I should have purchased the Mirror's Edge single remix in my last Amazon batch order. Now it's not available any more. Is it hawt?

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Swift and sure: Mirror's Edge

(tags game, Mirror's Edge, Xbox 360, action)

I bought Mirror's Edge from A-Too on Friday night, and beat the story mode on Normal on Saturday night. :-( I even got the No-Shot Fired Achievement, though I died a lot, of course. Swift, for sure.

I need to go back and find all the bags and try out the time trial part. I still can't get through a stage without dying, though. One thing that is amazing is that it feels like a movie when I do all the right moves and chain them together. The flow, live it.

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Welcome to before Mirror's Edge

(tags game, Kumatanchi, Ketsui, Unreal Tournament, Tiger Woods, golf, Mirror's Edge, Dual Screen, Xbox 360)

Portable gaming and Xbox gaming, and even PC gaming. Can he stop?!?

Ketsui DS rewarded me for playing 5 recorded hours. All of the videos for the "Welcome to Special Round" second loop clear for the second ship have been uncovered, but I have at least 40 panels out of 110 to uncover. This game is winding down for me, but I still love the feel of trying to avoid all the bullets. It's just impossible for me.

I'm still playing Kumatanchi. About a week ago I thought I was done, but there was one more furniture set revealed called "Future" (未来). And the prices were from the future, fully inflated. :-/ This game is getting long in the tooth, but I love how Kumatan smiles. Plus I don't think I uncovered all of the drama bits. One good thing is that Sumomo is now inviting me to her place, ha ha. Words only.

Xbox 360 is getting some love. According to my records, I've picked up at least 5 games for it in the last month! The latest conquest is Unreal Tournament 3 for cheep. It was fun to play it on the controller actually at a Sofmap demo unit. Of course, I was only playing Team DM with Experienced bots in Deck 16. Sweet Deck 16.

And my trend to getting the Tiger Woods continues. I got the 2006 version, thinking I was done, but then the game I was playing was the 2009 version. I found the 2008 version and I bought that one cheep as well. 2008 is graphically improved, but it's so hard to improve my career stats. Argh!

And yes I did try the Mirror's Edge demo game. I want more! But, I was let down. You know that first part where you jump off the billboard onto the crane in demo movie mode? That was my first let down. Tell me that you have to actually do in game some time, instead of watching her do it automatically. That would be pretty wicked sick.

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720p Hype: Mirror's Edge

(tags game, Mirror's Edge, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360)

I learned from the latest Famitsu's ad that Mirror's Edge will be arriving to Japanese shores on 2008-12-11, for both the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. I know the Xbox 360 version will be good and will be one I want to purchase, but I want to see this on the PlayStation 3 as well.

But, the US will be getting it on 2008-11-11. Ugh I can't wait.

Ah, the official Japanese site has been up for a week already.

And recently there was another Story Trailer video released. Kinda reminds me of the Animatrix. However the news post linked to downloadable high-definition video trailers, including a 1GB biggie that shows a whole lot more in-game footage. I got it from AOL's Big Download page.

I keep on watching and re-watching these trailers. Sweet. Except that I have some nits to pick. The solar panels are not facing the sun. They are angled for good jumping, I suppose. The ladders are unusable for normal people, only suitable for people who take flying leaps... No mirror image of your persona in a window.

I see the pre-ordering across the ocean comes with a designer carrier bag, for a total of USD 140.00. I would go for that. Of course I would use the bag. What is the sense of buying it without using it? What, it has a rendered woman's face on it? :-)

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In the future, we use the Xbox 360

(tags game, Xbox 360, Mirror's Edge)

I'm looking forward to two more games on the Xbox 360, but I don't think I'm even a hardcore game purchaser any more.

I first saw Mirror's Edge via Kotaku, and I am sold on this FPS concept. I looked at this video closely, and noticed that the target objects like pipes and planks turn color to indicate the path. I have to wonder what the control scheme is though. The Asian-chick protagonist is a (welcome but unneeded) plus, and at least it's not like that PC game where if you look down you see your own polygon boobs cleavage. Which game was that?

And I always wondered why the Xbox 360 didn't get those traditional menu-fighting gal-get games like the original Xbox (Angelic Concert, Cupid Bistro 1 and 2, Triangle Again, etc?) Of course there's Idolm@ster, but menu-fighting it ain't. Perhaps TimeLeap (タイムリープ) will fill the gap (thanks CannedDogs). Then again, games like these have poor story so I should just avoid it. This particular game on the PC seems to be rendered way less than 60 fps, though, so it might look terrible in comparison to Idolm@ster.

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