we get signal


Youtube Will Not Die! IWBTG and Mega Man 2

(tags video, game)

I spent the morning accepting comments on my year-old video about Bangai-O Spirits, "Homing don't play that: Bangai-o Spirits (video)" and "Calmin' Napalmin': Bangai-o Spirits (video)". Sorry I didn't know people commented on them. One of the commenters pointed out there are blue clouds blocking the missles, so the air wall block is not a bug but a feature. Yeah right.

I then started looking at the regular things on Youtube, "Man walks on water", "Ikaruga 1 person 2 player", yeah regular things. Which lead me to I Wanna Be That Guy, which is a masocistic side scrolling platform game that pilfers music and graphics from games from the 80s and 90s. And even Ikaruga. Oh. I'm not even going to download it, though. But there was one level which had excellent music which brought me me to...

Mega Man 2. OMG, I don't even remember if I played it before, but it looked familiar. But the music is so great! "Dr. Wily Stage 1 & 2", "Air Man", "Wood Man". It makes me want to break out the emulator, because if I did own it 20 years ago, it's long gone now. I suppose I could go try to buy the sound track, but I bet it's really expensive. Perhaps doujin remix CDs are still available. OMG remixes: "Mega Man 2 Dr. Wily´s Castle Theme on the guitar." which led to "Air Man Will Not Die"... which lead to "Eroge ga owaranai"... Better quit now before my weekend ends.

Youtube Will Not Die! :-)

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Shot across the bow: Steam vs GoG

(tags online, game, Windows)

Obviously Steam and GoG, who both sell games for download, are in competition with each other, but it has never been more clear than this weekend's deals.

GoG offers for the first time Prince of Persia Sands of Time, Beyond Good and Evil, IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 this weekend, at USD 9.99 each. I got the mail directly from GoG.

Then I learn later through Kotaku that Steam is offering BG&E, IL-2 Sturmovik and Farcry for USD 9.99 combined. (The other game, Dark Messiah Might and Magic is not available in my region!) It's just for the weekend though, but that's enough.

Which one do I like better? Obviously the Steam deal is compelling, since I want to play BG&E and IL-2 Sturmovik (probably with my Xbox controller just for the latter.) But GoG is totally DRM-free, and I can download again anytime I want, working on multiple computers.

Except games for me now are a play-once affair. I rarely get nostalgic about games. I'm currently thinking of going with Steam since it's the same level of convenience and cheaper. I'll think it over one more day though.

However, does this mean that whenever GoG gets a deal just to publish, Steam will try to cover the deal in response? This will be interesting.

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Musings on Geometry Wars 2 Deadline

(tags Geometry Wars, game, Xbox 360)

In order to understand my own performance, I started recording my scores vs how many geoms I collect, in Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2 Deadline (GWRE2). Here's a graph of geoms (x-axis) vs score (y-axis in millions), in nice black background. (Generated using OO.org Calc 3.x)

Geometry Wars 2 Deadline Geom vs Score 20090323

This is a collection of 133 games (5hr) over a period of two days, with no pruning (quitting mid-game). Unfortunately I didn't record the geom count on my current personal best score... :-( Higher is better. Since my geom count is increasing at a linear rate, I expect my score to be exponentially increasing, and it sure looks like it.

The points on the far right are probably the rare occasions that I don't die even once. Although I do recall dying at least once on my current personal best score of 32 million. There has to be some trick to boost my score that involves Gravity Wells. Actually, I've become more cognizant of Gravity Wells spawning in. I hear their sound and I think it's a gift from God, at least the Score God. Huh.

Also my fear of moving around the whole arena, instead of sticking to the area down at the bottom, in the latter half of the game has diminished. I credit this as well for my improved scores. Basically I either run along the walls looking for the Gravity Well, and approach it with caution. At the last possible second I activate it and destroy it, hopefully wiping out the posse giving me a hard chase. I try to approach it at a tangent with my direction of fire swiping it sideways. This should land me lots of geoms and score, because at that point my firepower alone cannot overcome the chasers. I also head towards the middle and bottom as fast as possible after the encounter, since things are probably still chasing me.

I am dancing more with the Spinners (purple homing enemies), which gives me a breather. Shmup dodging skills have seem to improved somewhere. The Weavers (green fancy dodgers) seem to be a managable group now, because I seem to be able to read their movements now. Those Gates are a risky proposition as always, but they also seem to be key to unlocking high scores.

In the beginning, of course I try to grab as many geoms as possible, but I have noticed that aiming for the Rockets yields better cost/performance, because they drop high concentration Geoms (+5?) and they have predictable movement. I notice the first Gravity Well then appears at T-2:3x. I bet that directly correlates to my Geom capture count, grab 80 then the first one appears. I then notice that around T-2:00 my score should be passing the 1 million mark. Around T-1:00 the score should be around 10 million. I try to limit my movement to the middle third, near the bottom wall, since I should be vacuuming up more and more Geoms and not just trying to shoot down stuff.

I really do hate those Snakes, though. They block my score-accumulating shots. Ugh. Sometimes when I die, I try to stick to the wall to kill the closest spawning enemy with my shield. If it is a Rocket, I quickly move away and kill it for the Geoms, but anything else, especially a Snake, is dangerous.

My reflexes as of late feel like they're on the fast side (like a biorhythm). I think its because of all the Rubik's Cubing I'm doing, 30 minutes a day every day. But more on that later. For now, more GWRE2. Can't stop. :-]

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(tags game, Xbox 360, shmup, Geometry Wars, telephone card)

I can either play Geometry Wars 2 or I can go out and get this month's Gamers point card. I chose to stay inside. Luckily I made progress with Deadline:

(extracted 2009-03-21T05:34Z)

Improved: Deadline 32,205,140 @ Rank 717
Improved: Waves 10,800,885 @ Rank 935

Live version again:

Actually I surpassed my high score of 25.7 million about two times in the three hour gaming session. Surprising. The improved score on Waves was from a session back in February or January, but I forgot where I put the score picture so I didn't report it.

I came to my senses and set out for Gamers at 1920. Unfortunately, since the Point card release day was a weekend (a holiday weekend at that), it sold out even on the same day. Drat.

Gamers DeGiKo no Hi point exchange telephone card

I returned home and promptly bought it (Buy-It-Now) through an auction. Why am I even collecting these points if I don't use it?

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I wanna watch Spider-Man 3... but can't (won't)

(tags UMD, PlayStation Portable, failure)

I watched Spider-Man 2 on UMD in quick impulsive bites. Oh, it's a super-hero flick. Somehow my current mood makes me expect more high-brow entertainment. Yeah right, I'm playing Trusty Bell now, that's high brow. Huh.

And I popped in Spider-Man 3 on UMB but it required a PSP firmware update to 3.51. Oh.

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Please don't file bugs

(tags programming)

"Please don't file bugs. At this point there are so many gaping holes that finding bugs is not the problem and dealing with them is just a distraction."

Taken from the early pre-alpha build of linux Chromium, the Google Chrome-derived browser.



I wanna watch Spider-Man 2

(tags game, UMD, PlayStation Portable, Xbox 360, Dual Screen)

Just another random "I got more content" post.

I decided to skip getting Hitsuji-kun nara Kiss shite ageru (羊くんならキスしてあげる) the PC turned PSP game which has an outrageous price of 7000 yen plus. The main draw for me was the illustrator Naoto Tenhiro's work. As always, the drawings are cute and kawaii. I'm hoping to get the telephone cards through the auction.

I went out today to Yodobashi Camera. I was in the mood to get the MadCatz Xbox 360 controller, but of course they don't have it. The alternative was the Hori one, but it only comes in Blue. I decided to get a small portable foldable game controller for the PC called the Buffalo BBT-GC01. I decided on that because I wanted a one-handed PC controller, like for viewing web pages and playing visual novels. Using the freeware JoyToKey for Windows, it should be a snap to remap Space, Enter, Page Up, Page Down, Control, etc. The D-Pad isn't so bad. I gave it a whirl on Parsec47 and it was very fun.

I then went down to A-Too Nipponbashi. No Xbox Mad Catz Street Fighter IV controller pads, not even the PS3 ones. So I looked around in the bins for things cheep and picked up Too Human and Alone in the Dark for the Xbox 360, each for about 1500 yen. I wanna play Too Human because I liked the demo, but balked at the price. Alone in the Dark was just a whim, I'm actually scared to play it. (Wussy!) I also picked up the PSP-UMD versions of Spider-Man 2 and 3 and Pirates of the Carribean (2003). There's no PSP firmware restriction on the movies, which is nice. I haven't watched these movies yet, but they were more desirable than the Aliens vs Predator laying alongside.

Last thing I want to mention is that I went to Sofmap Zaurus and the Treasure Box floor is a shadow of its former self. Still there was this one box where I picked up other PSP-UMD movie HitchCrazy Taxi for the PSP, Blue Dragon for the Xbox 360, and NanoStray for the DS. The prices were below my cutoff for purchasing, so...

I forgot to mention that I purchased a lot of telephone cards, but no pictures so it didn't happen.

Too much stuff to do.

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Doki Doki Tama-tan: get a writer

(tags manga, Koge-Donbo, kawaii, failure)

Doki Doki! Tama Tan (どきどき!たまタン) was a doujin-level affair (doujinshi and telephone card and figure) last year, but this year it was revamped for the commercial arena. 

どきどき!たまタン first run in なかよし

It's running in Nakayoshi, which I think is a main stream manga magazine aimed for kids. Gone is the blog angle, Tama-tan is now a ordinary school student who luckily... aw crap this story is totally weak.

どきどき!たまタン first run in なかよし

It just doesn't make sense. 

More info available from Koge-Donbo's blog posts.

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Discrete Math Achievements: Project Euler

(tags programming, Ruby, Project Euler)

I sure need to put these type of posts into my programming blog, but obviously I don't have one at the moment. Still check it, programming Achievements. A whole lot cheeper than DLC.

Project Euler, or You put Achievements in my Programming

Project Euler is a programming site that revolves around posing discrete math problems like finding the sum of all the prime numbers below two million (problem 10). You create an account for free, you fill in your attempted answer, and if you get the answer right, you get a green icon and access to the discussion forums on that problem. I think the best part is it shows your status in Xbox Live-like Achievement icons and also it shows how many people have solved the same problem. Plus the guarantee that the problems are posed such that you will be able to solve them in 60 seconds execution time using a modern computer gives me instant feedback.

I still have some work to finish just to shrug off my newbie status, eg. to reach first level rank I need to solve 25. The problems aren't too hard, though I am concerned that I am using I am brute forcing a lot using Ruby. Yes Ruby. Using Ruby feels natural to me, because the flow of thinking, typing, and running is uninterrupted (using the REPL inside Emacs is just golden). I am also trying to solve the problems in C++ (it's not that bad) and Clojure (actually haven't started yet). But first I explore using Ruby.

And here I am thinking I should be trying out Python because it has better multi-platform support (Windows is a first-class citizen), execution speed faster than Ruby, and I don't have a problem with whitespace as syntax. While I'm at it, I should just try on JavaScript and Common Lisp versions as well. Or go crazy and try to do it in AutoHotKey, Visual Basic 6 (this one pays money, I'm sad to say), Windows Command Shell, or even Gnu Bash. Yeah right.

These aren't really "push-ups" for regular programmers though, because I think they are far removed from regular application programming, which is just pretty much pushing data from one place to another. Plus I'm pretty sure there are no compiler questions, given that Euler manning the post. But I think it's great practice for thinking about efficiency vs premature optimization (at the design and execution level, etc).

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Oh no

(tags pre-order, telephone card, Card Captor Sakura)

Oh no.

Gamers original telephone card for Card Captor Sakura Blu-ray box Crow

Oh no.

Gamers original telephone card for Card Captor Sakura Blu-ray box Sakura

Oh no.

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Plans foiled again by blogging and the Internet

(tags game, book, Xbox 360, Trusty Bell, windows, English, failure)

I was going to relax by:

  1. Playing some Trusty Bell (Eternal Sonata) on my Xbox 360
  2. Finish up Shukufuku no Canpanella on my PC
  3. Read some English fiction book, The Guardian by Nicholas Sparks

but, no, I had to blog and read up on my RSS feeds and auctions and the like.

BTW, Trusty Bell looks really beautiful. Vibrant colors and cell shading. I can't yet evaluate the game mechanics but at least it's not a menu fighter. And Aya Hirano (平野綾) as the main voice actress, ugh. Wait, no ugh, I need to just listen to her acting, not her.

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Mine mine all mine

(tags telephone card, collecting)

"People seem to enjoy things more when they know a lot of other people have been left out of the pleasure." - Russell Baker (quotation)

This describes my feeling about collecting telephone cards with "nice" pictures on them. Heck it describes my whole video game collection, and other collectables. :-)

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Wii want to play Tennis: MotionPlus out soon?

(tags Wii, hardware)

According to Engadget, Nintendo's newer controller, called the MotionPlus, is rumored to be out before this June. The first time I played the Wii, it was that Wii Tennis game. I wasn't impressed enough to buy the console, because the controls were not there. Perhaps with this more accurate controller, I'll be playing virtual tennis again?

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Death Smiles 2 cosplay at AOU 2009

(tags cosplay, arcade, convention, Tokyo, gothic lolita, loli, Death Smiles)

This is gothic lolita right? Even though the clothes aren't black and white.

AOU 2009 Ge-maga omake: cosplay pink heart basket something

This cosplay promotion is for Cave's Death Smiles 2. All I gotta say is thanks Geemaga. This one has better lighting than this other guy's pictures... but his has some background info: (official?) cosplayer for "Spee" (sp?), a 150 cm tall, 15 years old, idoru talent named Eri Yamaguchi. Oh, and here I am thinking that the creases in her face makes her older, like legal or something. One more from Gigazine, with some video.

As for the actual game, Death Smiles and 2, I'll buy them on the Xbox 360, but it will be my first time to play them. It's a Cave shmup, that's good enough for me.

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Seller's perogative

(tags auction)

I recently ran into an online auction seller who wouldn't let me bid. At least, I could not bid and I could not ask a question, for reasons unknown, but I'm going to assume I'm on the seller's blacklist. I cannot fathom why but I must have auction snipered him sometime ago. Tee hee. Anyway, being blacklisted makes me mad and angry and frustrated and... huff puff... Acceptance. I did not see the auction item on sale. What auction? There is no auction. :-) Oh wait, I saved the item pictures. I am happy. :-)

It's kinda the same feeling I got when I read another seller's conditions: "Will not sell to foreigners." No, this is not a misreading of "will not ship to a foreign country". I got real worked up on that one but I didn't bother venting outwardly. Luckily this kind of condition is very rare. I've only seen it once in probably a thousand or more listings. Anyway, the item for sale at the time was a Xbox 360 joystick that looks like the old Atari 2600 joystick. It's currently going for 12000 yen at Game Hollywood at Akihabara. Ugh.

Yes, I've been hiding in auctions for the last two weeks. That's why this blog is so empty.


I should have went... Street Fighter IV controller pad

(tags game, English, controller, Xbox 360)

First off, I got called on my misuse of English on a forum: "I should have went to the store...", which elicited a "I hope you're not teaching English (in Japan)". :-/ Ouch. I lack confidence in my Japanese, and now I just learned that my English is shot up in ways I haven't even noticed. It's like those people who don't know they are incompetent and grade themselves highly. I feel reluctant even to continue typing English right now. :-/ :-) haha, I turned off comments (I never had them anyway!) so... :-/

In any case, I should have gone to the Nipponbashi game import store with the quickness to pick up the Street Fighter IV third-party controller. It has the comforting D-pad (like a Sega Saturn controller) but the buttons are slightly different. I tried playing Shooting Love and Ikaruga and other shmup games recently and I am back to hating on the Xbox 360 standard controller again. Why can't Hori make a mainly D-pad based controller for the Xbox 360? They make enough joysticks already.

BTW, I got age "23" for my "shmup age" in Shooting Love. Is it sad that I feel good about this? :-)

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