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Everybody must comment on Kanon Prelude DVD

(tags anime, purchase, DVD)

Except me, even though I bought it. I just haven't watched it yet. Here's a picture of the DVD along with another haul.

Kashimashi DVD 5, Kanon Prelude DVD, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu DVD 2, on the left is Evangelion something something paper holder

Well I got two sources on my blogroll talking about Kanon: Prelude DVD already, Mr. Alvin and Matthew's Anime Blog.

Mr. Alvin watches everything (anime) on his HD (High Definition) television from the original sources. He's not impressed with the DVD and the Kyoto Animation studio. He blames the DVD's SD (Standard Defintion) for lack of impact because the winter isn't expressed as vividly as well as the summer in Air. He says the quality of the animation hasn't fallen in comparison to Air, but it just doesn't evoke more staying power than a "consistent quality, beautifully render". This echos his sentiments on Haruhi (涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱) as well. He is looking forward to the HD version of Kanon. I find his assessment harsh and probably clouded, but then again, I don't watch the tons of anime he does (up to 30 programs every season?!), nor have I played the original game like he has, so I give his assessment ample weight. I get the feeling that he won't ever consider purchasing an anime DVD set ever again, instead he's already moved onto HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. I, on the other hand, love the DVD format as it is enough quality for me, and I dread this HD-DVD/Blu-Ray war, begun it has.

Matthew's Anime Blog on the other hand, hails from the USA. I don't know how he got his copy, but I don't think it's from the DVD. His review has pictures and compares the Kyoto Animation to the the previous Toei release. In any case, he's my thermometer on the fandom in the US. He gives this work a thumbs up and does not find fault with any of the animation. I find the contrast of opinion striking, because as a college student, he's probably watching Internet rips and DVD quality video and has little or no experience with HD. (Same as me.) But then again, his focus is on the content and not the animation and techical itself. (Same as me.) I definately share the same interests as Matthew. Anime is (must be) cute.

As for me, this is my first foray into Kanon canon, despite all the Kanon-based doujin games and manga that have crept into my collection (example: the doujin shmup Hishou Ayu 飛翔鮎). I even have the PlayStation 2 game, somewhere in my stack (but none of the PC 18-older or general audience versions). Based on Mr. Alvin's enthusiasm I decided to get this Prelude DVD, but my mind is still not made up on Key (Wikipedia page), the original makers of Kanon (in 1999?!). That's why I'm watching Air DVD right now, it's another of their works that I must finish.