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Halko Momoi live event at Nipponbashi next month, time two

(tags music, anime, live, purchase, Nipponbashi)

I was able to secure a free ticket to the Halko Momoi (桃井はるこ) live event. It will be held on 2006-09-09 Saturday, at that same live event space in Joshin/Disc Pier Nipponbashi for the previous Savage Genius live.

Halko Momoi's best song CD came out 2006-08-10. Poster shown. Ticket to Joshin/Disc Pier Nipponbashi live event. Ticket and CD times two.

I bought two CDs and received two tickets and posters. The other set is for a friend who wants to attend but can't get off his butt to go to the store, ha. We're 127 and 128 out of 150 people allowed. I was worried I wouldn't be able to attend. This is Halko Momoi, you know, and she already has a concert DVD and fan-favorite live events under her belt. Unfortunately, we won't be able to get a signature, but we will get some other treat for free. Judging from the Savage Genius treat, it will probably be a rinky dink can badge with her name on it. Big woop, not.

Actually, I'm not much of a Halko Momoi fan, though I did pick up her CD when she was part of the group Under 17. She's got this really cute, crazy distinctive moe voice, even when singing, and her anime (Popotan) and game (she was in a PS2 game... Tales of Symposia?) roles are really cute as well. I didn't recognize her though, she must have had an image change. Before she was very close to decorer, but now she's sexy cosplay. Nice.

So, my homework: I gotta memorize this CD so I'll have more fun at the live event.