we get signal


We don't go there anymore, except for achievements: Half-Life 2

(tags game, Half-Life 2, Xbox 360)
(originally written 2008-06-24 22:41)

Dread is what I feel whenever I go to "Ravenholm", Half-Life 2's night-time level. I don't like the dark tunnels.

Oh did I mention I finally finished Half-Life 2? Geez, what a disappointing ending. Then again, I didn't finish Half-Life, so this is "fool me once".

So I started HL2: Episode 1. And already I dread the early stage. "Shine your light on that thing." Aaah! WTF is my trusty, unlimited ammo crobar?! Well I'm not exactly piss-my-pants scared, but I rather play something else. Perhaps I need to change my perspective and force myself to think that it's interesting. Discover a range of emotions.

Still I'm in it to complete the achievements. I think.

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