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Beautiful Katamari and considering DLC

(tags game, Xbox 360, Katamari)

I never did finish the Katamari second outing on the PS2, but here I am playing Beautiful Katamari for Xbox 360 because the game was cheep used. Um, I only played it for about 4 hours and I've completed the story mode once. Now I have to go back and mine the same levels for more fun and Achievement Points.

Beautiful Katamari, wallpaper number 3

First off, though this is the JP version of the game, every single piece of overlay text is in English because of my locale setting. Of course the textures on the objects in the games are all in Japanese. Also the songs are Japanese, and they are the whimsical J-pop and anime genre I like so its not so bad. Graphically, I like it, though it feels only a marginal step up from the PS2 version. I like the art because its nice and vibrant, but have this feeling that the designers are conveying a totally new art design that I still can't get used to.

And now I'm considering getting the DLC for it. Obviously as a Achievement Point dilettante, I have to get the new levels. That's 250 AP there. I also want to get the gamer icons, but there doesn't seem to be an icon for the katamari itself. The accessories are waste of time and the Themes are still in that art design that I don't understand. In total, 5210 XBLP (JPY 7413), and considering the above, 4160 XBLP (JPY 5919). Namco Bandai, you are the master of overpriced DLC, but you support Xbox 360 nicely.

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