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Room to grow: Project Slypheed

(tags game, Xbox 360, Project Slypheed)

After playing the tutorial and one stage of Project Slphyeed, I am encouraged.

It's pretty. I like the HUD and "vapor" trails.

Full 3D space combat is pretty tough for me but this game makes it seem easy. Uh, stage one there buddy, you wanna try the rest of the game? I thought the game's controls would be crippled or anemic but there are some advanced techniques and aids. It's overwhelming for right now.

Nose movement set to Reverse Up/Down, but Look set to Normal Up/Down. (somewhat Halo-ish)
Auto tracking: B + A.
Auto-focus: press down on RS.
Pursuit speed/release: LT + RT.

I will be adjusting my controller finger grip for this game: pointing fingers on LB and RB, middle fingers on LT and RT. This game sure is more active on the fingers.

I kept thinking about Sinistar: Unleashed (the PC game from 1999) and how I'd like that game to play like PSy. Hey, there's a game I'd like to try on the Asus Eee PC. Heck, I'd like to try that game on my PC right now... Too lazy.

I am surprised to learn that Square Enix published PSy. The (promised) amount of cut scenes remind me of Square RPG stuff. I thought Slypheed on the PS2 was a Konami/Treasure work? I am probably wrong.

PSy is heavy on words not in my Japanese vocabulary, though I suspect Gundam otaku would feel right at home. Thank gosh there's an option to show subtitles. Um yeah they're talking about a big ship right now, yeah right.

Enough of this, let's level up some guys and gals in FFTA.

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