we get signal


dat ass!

(tags Windows 7, Nanami Madobe, Quo cards, poster, collectibles)

dat ass!

Nanami Madobe Windows 7 2010 Spring Quo Card

dat quo card ass!

Nanami Madobe Windows 7 Quo Cards

dat blown up, multiple ass!

Nanami Madobe Windows 7 Quo Cards

dat clear file ass!

Nanami Madobe Windows 7

dat big ass poster sofmap ass!

Windows 7 Toilet Paper

Wipe dat ass!

Windows 7 Toilet Paper



Ahem, Windows 7 Mania, indeed. This "official" mascot, Nanami Madobe (窓辺ななみ), sure is moe. And Windows 7? It's a pretty good Spider Solitare platform. Heh.

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わふー! はろー・わーるど!なのです。(A Kudo PC unboxing affair)

(tags hardware, PC, Windows 7, Kudo)

Today was the 6th Nipponbashi Street Fair, but I was only interested in one thing: The Noumi Kudryavka PC netbook. It's a VisualArt's / Key Official Original Goods「わふーでハイすぺっくなnetbookなのです。」 To make a long story short, I purchased one way overpriced Atom Pineview netbook.

I woke up at 6:00 AM, arrived in Nipponbashi at around 7:40. I thought I was late, and I was, since there was about 500 people already. They lined us up in groups of 60. I was standing in the middle but for some reason, they decided to let our group (5th!) enter first. I finished buying everything at 9:15 AM, and I headed back home, missing the rest of the Festa.

Noumi Kudryavka PC model-KUDRYAVKA1 the box

One unremarkable cardboard box gives way to a kawaii assault. The box set is basically the netbook and the themes backup CD-ROM.

Noumi Kudryavka PC model-KUDRYAVKA1 the case

Everything seems to be in order. Glossy finish with no imperfections. Hard disk looks alright at 320GB. No discernible way to upgrade the 2GB RAM. Only two USB 2.0 ports and both of them on the left side.

Noumi Kudryavka PC model-KUDRYAVKA1 the backup and boot up

There are important things to do before booting into Windows 7 Home Premium Japanese. I first checked the boot up sequence, then did a quick MemoryTest+. After that I backed up the hard drive using Clonezilla Live USB. Finally I ran Windows, played around with the themes and backgrounds, and checked out my Miku score.

This is pretty much my first time to listen to Naomi Kudryavka in depth. It's the original voice actress Miyako Suzuta (鈴田美夜子). The PC comes with 6 voice themes: maid, wife, sister, love, wahoo and russian. The wife one is good for a laugh but the sounds are longer than 3 seconds so I know I will tire of them quickly. First I need to make some noise by making errors.

Now to actually play this Little Busters!. It's been 2 years already and I still haven't finished any scenarios. I just like the way she's illustrated. Now that there's enough space I will install that game, Kudo-Wafter (クドわすたー) when it comes out, and Starcraft 1 right now!

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