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Hero worship d00d huge

(tags game, design, creator, Unreal Tournament, Gears of War)

I don't know why Cliff Bleszinski is called Dude Huge by the Kotaku's editor. Maybe it's just a reaction from the man trying to disassociate himself from his old nickname CliffyB. Anyways, The New Yorker had a wordy interview with the Gears of War designer and long-time Epic Games employee. It's a pretty good read, even if I didn't get all the references. I always liked the man, especially when he introduced Gears of War with references to the old Bionic Commando.

At least my personal programming hero Tim Sweeney gets a line or two in, even though the spotlight is focused on Bleszinski. And yes, Unreal Tournament gets a mention, but only as "an uninspired but popular game". WTF, oh okay, so my vapid entertainment is uninspired. *fume* :-)

The last take-away quote was pretty good.

"You tell people what you do for a living," Bleszinski said later, "and they’re like, 'Oh, you play video games for a living.' No, I play a game that’s not as fun as it should be, that’s broken, until it’s no longer broken. Then I give it to other people to have fun with."


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