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Nanoha cross-media uppercut

(tags game, movie, なのは)

I thought my Nanoha fandom died out after ignoring the third TV series, but I got swept into this weekend's one two otaku-targeted cross-media punch: Nanoha the theatrical movie and Nanoha the PSP game. Below is the instant when my fandom re-ignited, mostly raw and unedited. I want to expand on certain facets of it in separate posts, but give me a night to polish (and collect pictures eh heh).

Written around 2010-01-22 Friday evening:

Nanoha the Movie 1 starts tomorrow. Wanna watch it. Then again its 1500 yen and no special goodie with ticket because I was too slow to pre-order. The movie is showing at Cine Libre Kobe (シネ・リーブル神戸) which is this artsy almost-independent place that sometimes shows anime. Also starting tomorrow is the Fate/Stay Night movie but I'm not into that. Well, that's two "Fate"s in one day (the other is Fate Tessterosa from Nanoha, ha ha).

Yesterday, there were many limited edition copies of the Nanoha PSP game to be had, but the regular edition was either sold out or just not in yet (or stores are forcing the sale of the expensive version first).

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My Avatar movie experience

(tags movie)

"Do I really have to do this now?" "Yes while it's still fresh."

Avatar hasn't moved me to write a screed. But it reminds me of earlier last month.

I was digging through my stash when I found this old DVD of Terminator 2, with burned in letterboxing. Unlike other DVDs I owned, I felt the need to watch it right then and there. Two hours flew by, and I had new found (refound) respect for this James Cameron work. Remember when the T-1000 rammed the truck through the bridge barricade? This was the point of the movie for me where I know the bad guy (and the production crew) wasn't just messing around. That was movie magic.

So with that Terminator 2 fresh in my mind, and the buzz and hype from blogs I read (I mean skipped over) and other Internet friends, I decided to watch it on a theatre discount day. The weekend before was also a discount day and I watched the sequel to Tinkerbell there as well, which I hoped was a good as the first but unfortunately was forgettable Disney moralizing and deus ex machina.

I announced my intention to watch the movie to my IRC chat buddies at #insertcredit and most of them recommended the 3d version. I was set on watching the 2d version with subtitles but after some rumination (you can't duplicated the experience at home) and seeing the price difference (only 300 yen more, so it was still a good discount), I decided to give the 3D "IMAX" version a try. BTW, I always thought the "IMAX" thing was the distorted 180 degree bubble screen. I think that was the last time I ever saw anything called IMAX.

I arrived at the theater one hour before, intending to watch the 13:10 but it was sold out. Was this the result of the discount pricing? The second showing was at 20:10 but I didn't hesitate. Coming back again, I decided to get popcorn and drink with this movie, hoping the movie food would suspend my disbelief. Buying overpriced snacks at the theater is a rarity for me. I felt dismayed when the admission lady handed me the required 3d glasses though.

Still I sat throught the whole 2 hours and 40 minutes not wondering when it would end. I also spent the whole period wondering what is CG and was wasn't. Technically speaking, the 3d effect is not very impressive and has turned me off to the 3d display push now happening in the consumer electronics arena. All it does is make the background blurry. Maybe I need to have my eyes checked, but maybe only young people can enjoy this 3d effect. Not me.

After the movie ended, I had to walk home uphill 30 minutes during a winter midnight. At least the weather wasn't too bad. My brain was stuck on processing the movie, but nothing of eloquence or insight came out. It was just as if I've seen Terminator 2 full of awesome visuals, but with none of the satisfaction of thinly-veiled moralizing. The story played with my emotions bouncing them in obvious ways. Too much happy end and deus ex machina. Because of that, I unfortunately don't think this one will stick in my brain. It will be a year or 10 before I feel the urge to watch it again.

I'm not saying that this movie is bland, but perhaps that watching all this anime, reading science fiction and playing fantastic backdrop games, etc etc, its standard fare for my imagination.

Okay now onto the web to read all the other reviews I skipped.




(tags DVD region 2, computer graphics, movie, 2008)

I was going to be stuck at home nursing a debilitating neck cramp with some proscribed painkillers, so I bought Tinkerbell (2009) the direct to retail product on DVD. Previously I picked up the CD music "inspired" by the movie, but that was back in 2008 at Tower Records in Kobe. The music was pretty and ethereal, but I admit it's not my everyday traveling music.

I am a sucker for computer-generated primary color meadows and nature. I'm also a dirty old man who questions/welcomes the hemline on CG characters. (Too short!/?) But let me highlight the best part of Tinkerbell: Tinkerbell's quick reconsideration and rejuvenation when the pixie dust fairy Terrance responds with "I am [proud to be just the pixie dust guy]". This scene not only conveys her wide thoughtfulness, but also her quick mind. It works so much better that the cutting room floor snippets that I saw from the "Bonus Material". Maybe this is not so subtle but I wasn't expecting the expression on Terrance's face and Tinkerbell's reaction to carry this moment.

The movie stylistic does more showing than telling. I loved that part where she rebuilds the music box ballerina (with the tooth piano making a sound while her expression turns to enlightenment). The best graphic has to be the sunset capturing her dance with the finished ballerina.

It's not to say that I did like the voices. I watched it in English and Tinkerbell's voice actress sounds great. Maybe when I get board I'll listen to it again in Japanese. There are two voice actresses on that side who are familiar.

The story has a deus ex machina and I hate those. Except I kept on thinking that Tinkerbell was going to bust out with duct-tape ala MacGyver, or the camera was going to start zooming onto her tools like in Army of Darkness. Scenes of creativity enrapture me.

Watching the rest of the material on the DVD and feeling the magic end made me think of buyer's remorse. So I went to the website to collect some wallpapers, and searched for the Internet reaction (mostly positive?). Oh gee, a Blu-ray version, but I don't need that yet. Oh a DS game, but it's so simplistic. Ack! The sequel adventures of Tinkerbell, yes I'll be looking forward to that.

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Star Trek: Action-packed baton pass

(tags Star Trek, movie)

As a self-professed Star Trek fan, I admit to not watching the later iterations of canon. For example I haven't seen Enterprise the TV series or the last couple of movies with the Next Generation cast. But it's hard to get excited about all the logical inconsistencies. I completely watched Star Trek Voyager on DVD and the ending was the last straw.

So I didn't have much enthusiasm for seeing this latest movie, Star Trek (2009). I mean come on, they did a reboot on TV and it fizzled. I didn't bother watching trailers. I did skip the discussions on Slashdot, just in case. Then the reviews come in. Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes show a better-than-expected favorable reception. It makes headlines pulling in money. Friends and virtual aquaintances that I know who aren't as nerdy as I am about Star Trek give it a thumbs up. Oh, okay let's check this out.

Star Trek opened the last week of May in Japan, after being out 3 weeks in most English speaking countries. I watched it today, on the 3rd day, to an early morning half-filled theatre. The couples around me were elderly, with one of the doods smelling of urine while the others smelled of fresh smokes. At least in Japanese theatres people don't heckle, but I really hate those old people who have breathing problems.

Then the movie began. I was surprised. I didn't expect [spoiler] to be there. I was floored. I laughed at the in-jokes. I was totally elated. Tears in my eyes (but usually I get emotional with any movie, bah). I wanted to see this movie a second time in the theatre. This was the Trek movie that I wanted to see.

At least on the surface.

I cannot and do not want to remove the years of watching The Original Series, Next Generation, Deep Space 9, Voyager. I've been to Trek conventions, bought some goods, even own complete DVD series sets (oh no Blu-Ray is out). I am a fan, I want to believe in its universe. But this is not the old, familiar Trek. This is a new Trek. I remember the baton passing from Captain to Captain in the Star Trek Generations movie. All I felt was "yeah, enough of Kirk".

The new trajectory doesn't have anything to do with science fiction or philisophical grunting ("There are four lights!"). It's pure action. Don't get me wrong, I love action. Well, it's like going to Chuck E Cheeze's expecting pizzas and arcade games, but getting hamburgers and bumper carts. Well if this is the new Trek, I like it. But I do I miss the old taste.

My post-movie review started with vague reflection, followed by stale Slashdot-hosted discussions. There they opened all the plot holes and other dissatisfying things that had been gnawing at my skeptical brain. I considered giving ST a break, that because this is a new Trek, some of those nitpicks about 24th century technology usage should be jettisoned. Or that this is a character development and motivation movie, not a "human condition" movie. In the end though, ST is the new city built on the ruins of the old one. We must raize it to save it. You can see that people lived here before, but they have nothing to do with the way we live now.

Oh well, at least the computer graphics were stellar. Let me loose inside that eye candy store. And the next movie is already in development. I'd like to see that one in the theatre, too. But I rather put the money that was on a copy for home into some SF magazines and novels. I wouldn't go so far as to say ST killed movie SF, but I won't label this new Trek as my kind of SF.

What. Oh, yeah go see it, it's a summer blockbuster movie.

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The Matrix has me

(tags movie, DVD region 2)

I just watched The Matrix again on DVD. I still like it. Maybe I'm a kid that needs to watch the same DVD over and over again, every day. Okay, no.

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Go ahead and call me a coward: I Am Legend

(tags movie, science fiction, horror)

This weekend I watched the Will Smith movie I Am Legend. I went in without seeing so much as a trailer, though I did have to navigate to the official movie site to find a theatre. What breathtaking visuals. If Hollywood visual tech keeps improving like this, we won't be able to tell the difference between reality and CG (except for humans, I'm sure).

I must admit, I did not expect "horror" from this movie going in. And I hate to admit it, but images from the movie had me sleeping uneasy last night. And maybe tonight as well?

I like movies with simple plot resolution and an opening for questions. Too bad my movie companion did not want to discuss it much. "Wasn't it a great movie?" "Swell". WTF.

The original work is a novella by Richard Matheson in 1954. The movie however seems to be only related in concept, according to a review by Village Voice. No wonder there wasn't much use of the Internet. This makes me want to read the book.

Plus there's some mention of Bob Marley the singer. Smith's description of the artist "shot down but goes on" impressed me. He makes me want to find some music or at least read the wikipedia page on him. Hah.

The rest of my gibbering thoughts are in ROT-13: SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS

Ubj pbhyq gur znva punenpgre Arivyyr nffrzoyr uvf onfr bs bcrengvbaf jvgu gbbyf naq obzo-oneenpnqrf nyy ol uvzfrys?

Gung svefg gvzr jura Arivyyr tbrf vagb gur ohvyqvat naq fuvarf gur fcbgyvtug ba gur srrqvat cbfg-uhznaf jnf cerggl qnza fpnel. V jnf yvxr, JGS nz V ybbxvat ng, bu jnvg ab gung'f abg jung... Nvvrrr! Bs pbhefr gur zbivr gurnger jnf nf dhvrg nf n Wncnarfr nhqvrapr.

Jul qb gurl xrrc ba pnyyvat gur cbfg-uhzna Vasrpgrq nf mbzovrf? V thrff V qvqa'g haqrefgnaq gur pbaarpgvba orgjrra Arivyyr oernxvat uvf oybbq fnzcyr ng gur Vasrpgrq uvir nf ur gevrq gb pncgher bar Vasrpgrq sbe grfgvat.

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Die Hard 4.0 (Live Free or Die Hard)

(tags movie, theater)

I watched Die Hard 4.0 yesterday in a movie theater. I liked it because it felt fresh and yet so familiar. BTW, the movie theater I went to had a sit-down cabinet of Mr. Driller G, a 2001 game. Still 100 yen though.


This latest movie takes the Die Hard cliches and rachets it another notch. Its always about people wanting money, and John Mclaine (Bruce Willis) getting bloody and injured. He's mainly an "analog guy" that depends on help from bystanders and/or people in communication, and of course guns. Sometimes he wins the fist fights too, and he never hesitates to kill when needed.

Some of the action sequences were over the top but I didn't feel that way when watching them. Violence against women was noticably toned down. It's another computer/network technology empowering bad guys. I just ignore those technology parts.

You never know with this series if it is going to continue. I suppose if Bruce Willis is up to doing the action sequences, it will.


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Believing in the PSP: games, movies, advice

(tags game, PlayStation Portable, movie, purchase)

My favorite game device for the moment is the PSP. I've got that DJ Max Portable 2 making me make a scene in the trains and cafes. Yesterday I bought that Tatsujin no Taiko Portable (太鼓の達人ぽーたぶる) used (but this is because I want to make sure I know about it before it comes to the DS). I'm going to head out today to buy the current Famitsu PlayStation Portable magazine (with Final Fantasy Tactics screen wiper but I don't care).

And last night I settled in bed with the UMD version of the movie (2000) Crouching Dragon, Hidden Dragon. I got this UMD and Spirit UMD used at yesterday's Nipponbashi canvassing. Unfortunately I kept confusing this movie with Hero. Yeah, I wanna watch that movie again but I can't find my DVD of it. I did, while searching my room, coincidently find the promotional postcards for the Japanese release of Crouching Dragon, Hidden Dragon, shown below:

Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger promotional postcards for Japan release

Also yesterday evening, some visiting dude wanting to get a PlayStation Portable from the used console case at Sofmap Saurus was having problems being understood by the staff. I was peering at the case myself and he asked me some questions in English. I made sure that he knew about the "cracking" that could be done, and pointed at the firmware version numbers that Sofmap writes for buyer convenience. "Get a PSP with firmware 3.0.3 or lower". He seemed to be in a hurry though, so maybe I should have answered his original question: "Does this come with 1GB Memory Stick?"

I still haven't downgraded my silver PSP, though. I'm sure to get to it when things cool down, ha.

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