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A slice of life, Birth of Venus

(tags blog, book, news)

There is one feed on my blogroll that I let accumulate. It's as if I dread reading it. Dread is more appropriately associated with my finance and/or productivity feeds: You should be saving more, stop procastinating! Ugh.

This feed though gives me the most perspective. It's the Christian Science Monitor All Stories feed. Some stories don't appeal to me, but there are always some gems, like language learning through girlfriends or first name basis criticisms. Plus I like the slice of life stories, like dad dealing with the three-second rule or middle-aged volunteers.

I can't stop thinking about getting an Xbox 360 and Halo 3, but I must wait until this Friday, so I am also passing the time with a book: The Birth of Venus by Susan Dunant. I read it in bed and it puts me to sleep. Historical novels? About or related to striking women depicted paintings? It must be historical literature moe.

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