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Winamp, my old friend

(tags music, player, Windows)

I can't recall the first time I used Winamp but I have some memories of discovering the joy of MP3s with it. After MusicMatch and iTunes though, I rarely installed it. Recently I found out it could read my iPod docked to my work computer without iTunes, so I gave it a go again. Wow its good, fast and stable. The playlist and song info is really detailed too. This feature is due to a software module called pmp_ipod, which is built-in. It is a fork of the optional ml_ipod, and for my use pmp_ipod is better, but compare it for yourself.

Too bad I can't rate songs or have it count my usage. Plus the internationalization on the main window part is still deficient. :-(

Perhaps this type of utility will be gone for the newer iPods, since "Apple kills Linux compatibility with new iPods" (thanks Download Squad).

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