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Choosing games over food: Dead Or Alive 4, Ridge Racer 6, and Rumble Roses XXX

(tags game, Xbox 360, fighting, race)

I had maybe 20 minutes before my bus, so I went to the supermarket/department store Daiei. I went up to the stationary/interior floor and there was a newly opened "Wanpaku" game shop occupying the open aisles.

So I saw the games with the original covers and their cheap used price tags. Dead or Alive 4, Ridge Racer 6, and Rumble Roses XXX. Now, I don't have to look at online auctions no more. :-P Some how I feel my Xbox 360 collection is "complete" as in there's nothing more that interests me, I think. /me looks at my wish list :-o :-(

Dead or Alive 4, Rumble Roses XXX, Ridge Racer 6

Looking at the games took too much time, and 6 PM is a pretty busy time at the supermarket, so I went home empty. Fabulous choice of priorities there. Looks like its peanuts and fried garlic for breakfast.

Anyways, I did one run with Kasumi already. Nice sakura leaves. And I did one play with Ridge Racer 6. Oh my it truly is Racing on Rails (heh Ruby on Rails 2.0). I don't know when I'm going to play that Rumble Roses XXX. Maybe when I'm totally bored.

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Atheist on the Highway: Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune music for free

(tags music, free, game, race)

According to the elitist snobs at Insert Credit, there was (and still is) a freely available music collection for the arcade game Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune (湾岸ミッドナイト MAXIMUMTUNE), composed by Yozo Koshiro (古代祐三). You can download this free 14 track trance-themed soundtrack.

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