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piyo pi pi: Tokimeki Memorial Only Love

(tags anime, season 2006/10, seiyuu, figure)

I finished marthoning the Tokimeki Memorial Only Love (ときめきメモリアルOnlyLove). Wow. 4 out of 5 stars. Story was predictable and less than completely satisfying, because this is another harem-can't-decide-guy anime. The visual quality never stopped for one second though, nice.

This was the first time I heard Hekiru Shiina (椎名へきる) as a voice actor, though it seems that this 1990's seiyuu-idol is making a comeback.

Hekiru Shiina poster from HM3 special magazine 45

Also heavyweight voice actors Yukari Tamura (田村ゆかり) and Kikuko Inoue (井上喜久子) make their one-shot appearances, ho hum. Even Masumi "Masumin" Asano (浅野真澄) is in this one but in an unforgetable role, ugh. And main guy Mamoru Miyano (宮野真守) was partly on the annoying side but still servicable.

I hated when the changed the ED to a different song. The OP song "Yokan" (予感) is brilliant. In fact I had a devil of a time trying to find this song's single, but I nabbed it at Sofmap Nipponbashi Saurus. The first half ED song "Kiseki no kakera" (奇跡のかけら) is wonderful. I suppose I want to get the character singles now. I don't want to buy the DVDs, though.

And I can't let go of hiyokko-kun (ひよこっこ). A little chickadee voiced by Mai Kadowaki (門脇舞), nevertheless with a bad attitude (shown by the anime-styled angry mark). It is so funny to see it eat, like a jackhammering woodpecker. Ha. "piyo pi pi pi pi pi pi"

I even went to the official home page and scoped out the official "Sayuri Amamiya" (天宮小百合) figure, w00t zettai ryouiki. There's just something about the sound of "amamiya", which sounds lovely because its all vowels and soft consonants. The previous time I recalled an "amamiya" was from Nanaka 6/17 (ななか6/17).

edit: Added the Hekiru Shiina poster from HM3 Special 45 and expanded Shiina comment. Grammar fix on Masumin comment.

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Spooky: Tokimeki Memorial Only Love CD singles

(tags anime, season 2006/10, CD)

I really like the opening and ending songs from the anime series Tokimeki Memorial Only Love but I was unable to find the opening ones so... Here are the two ending songs:

Tokimeki Memorial Only Love CD singles

Actually I picked up the left CD ("from January" it says) at Animate but I didn't know it was the only for the latter half of the series. The right CD is the ending theme for the first half of the show.

The girl with the dark blue hair, pale skin, and red eyes looks really spooky to me. What is it with Konami/Tokimeki Memorial and the crazy hair colors? Still I like watching this series.

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