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Hikaru Utada rocks 32 people in Tetris DS

(tags game, Tetris, DualScreen, Nintendo, event, advertisement, convention)

Held at the same time as Comic Market 70 on 2006/08/12 but definately not at the same place, J-pop queen and Nintendo DualScreen front-line spokeswoman Hikaru Utada (宇多田ヒカル) took on all Tetris DS comers in a Nintendo sponsored event, according to Kotaku. The previous link has an official video, and she is fast! She beat 26 out of 30 guests who were winners of the Tetris DS contest, and 1 of 2 Tetris DS software developers. I think I would lose to her because I don't play Tetris that fast.

I remember the first time the official DS website opened almost two years ago with commericials of Utada. Here was my attempt at humor with her song titles... Yeah I said attempt, not success.