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Miku in my Chrome

(tags browser, customize, Hatsune Miku, Windows XP)

Google Chrome, as far as theming and skinning is concerned, is a big miss. Artist-created themes seem to have been released yesterday. 95 themes but none of the hit. This official Artist-created theme with Hatsune Miku, while somewhat stylish, is not very attractive or functional.

Google Chrome theme Hatsune Miku by Crypton Future Media

I mean the colors are garish and the contrast between background and text when hovering over links is not strong. Besides, other windows in Google Chrome are not themed!

I gave up and installed the default Classic and/or the Grayscale theme. They match great with XP Royale and Zune skins. Too bad my desktop look the same as it did 3 years ago.


Google Chrome theme Good Smile Company

I missed the Good Smile Company one, which also has some adorable Miku. There are some games and anime as well, so my interests are well represented.

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Heck: Apple IIGS laptop

(tags hardware, Apple IIGS, customize)

Ben Heck doesn't seem to play much video games himself, but he's a retro-fitting hardware wiz, with modifications like one-handed Xbox controller, PS3 laptop, portable SNES, etc. But this is the first time I've really wanted one of his creations: Apple IIGS laptop (thanks Engadget)

The air slits at the front totally remind me of the IIGS ventilation slits. The IIGS, like the IIe, had multiple expansion slots, and I knew that in recent times, even a Compact Flash hard drive expansion card was available. However, Ben Heck had to right angle the memory expansion card (!) and the CF expansion card as well. Wow. I remember installing my memory expansion card, 1MB, and I physically had to install the chips on it because it was originally a 256KB card, haha.

In reality, it would probably be more efficient to emulate the Apple IIGS on my post-2000 PC. Still that doesn't detract from this brilliant one-of-a-kind mod.

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Firefox just got better: Tree Style Tab

(tags browser, Firefox, customize)

For years I have been using Sleipnir just for the hierarchical tabs, but now Firefox has this functionality in multiple different ways. Earlier this month I started using Tab Kit, but it was just a disorganized mess because it was trying to handle both the tree-view and the normal tab list, with nonsensical grouping options and no manual rearranging. But then I found Tree Style Tab (ツリー型タブ), which is pretty much what I want. Hierarchical, manual tab group rearranging, fast. Now I will be opening Sleipnir less and Firefox more. Coupled with the del.icio.usBookmarks extension, the Session Manager extension and FEBE user setting/extension backup extension, I finally will enjoy Firefox more.

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He's just discovered picture viewing and background saving

(tags media, Xbox 360, customize)

So long Master Chief, hello Sugar!

Sugar graces my Xbox 360 as a background

Xbox 360 media viewing with items from your computer is automatic and painless. Plus you can make a global background, just like on the PSP. Nice but not too nice.

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