we get signal


Thought I lost my Rubik's Cube

(tags Rubik's Cube)

I thought I lost my Rubik's Cube on the bus a week back. I placed it on the window sill and immediately in the back of my mind the voice that makes me keep things said "You're going to lose that." I got back home, emptied my bag of Ichigo Mashimaro OVA 2 DVD 2, slept, then went back to work. I noticed only then that my Rubik's Cube was gone. All that day I was going through Rubik's Cube withdrawal pains. At work I kept thinking about that bus seat. I was reading that Doki Doki Tama Tan in Nakayoshi issue 2009/04 during that bus ride and it was just... not much of an improvement. I also kept thinking that I had to break out my spare Cube and lube it and get it all nice and loose like.

In the end, I got home and noticed the Cube was where I dumped my OVA DVD. Oh. Carry on.

I'm feeling pretty fast with the Cube today. Usually it takes me a complete escalator ride at the Kobe Subway Harborland Station (watch the train come in) to solve one, but today I solved it 75% of the way. I credit the feeling of looking ahead one combo move. I'm not going to bother with a measurement though.

In other news, I keep reminding myself that I need to learn some new moves. I have been experimenting with just some moves at random, to see if they stick in my brain. I like the moves that are cyclic, e.g. I do the same move three times and it brings me back to the same position, like L2 U2 L U L' U L. Ah, I had to bust my Cube out to write the sequence. Learning it by feeling, not by sheet music.



Rubik's Touch Cube

(tags Rubik's Cube, game)

I first learned of the fabulous Rubik's Touch Cube from Rubik's Cube Nikki. But after seeing the Engadget initial report, I am not so thrilled. Basically you can only move one side at a time, which makes it not very applicable to speedy Cubing. Those who are into the Cube will see this as a trophy piece to show off to friends, but probably not much more. Plus the price tag of USD 150.00 relegates this toy to the executive room.

There's also the Rubik's 360 thing which is more action oriented. Huh, wut.

I'm starting to think that the Rubik's Cube is a timeless game/toy that won't be surpassed in my lifetime.

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It's not a Rubik's Cube, it's more awesomer: stop animation V-cube 7

(tags Rubik's Cube, video)

I was catching up on Rubik's Cube Diary (ルービックキューブ日記) and there was this amazing stop-motion animated video on the V-Cube 7.

Wow. She says, I know, it's only in my head.

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Yellow fading Rubik's Cube

(tags Rubik's Cube, failure)
(Originally written 2008-06-24 23:40)

Speaking of my (main) Rubik's Cube, the yellow stickers are finally losing their color and are turning white. This is after 10 months of use. Well all of the stickers look grimy and ugly. However, the critical yellow-blue facelet though looks like white-blue, which is impossible. Still it annoys me how dependant I am on looking at the colors of the cube when moving pieces.

So I tore off the yellow sticker. 8 yellow fading stickers remain, and a disconcerting black spot. This is annoying as well.

So why don't I just replace those stickers? Um... yeah. I'm just lazy. I can't get the sticker grime off satisfactorily.

I am annoyed. I'm annoyed with the fade, now I'm annoyed with the black, I'm annoyed with my lack of volition, lack of skills, I'm annoyed enough to write a post. What will it take to resticker my cube?!?! ;-o

I can always start using my second cube. But I have to lube it first. I am annoyed. Huh.

Update to the present: I broke down and restickered my cube. Well only three faces because it takes so long. (WTF only 10 minutes per face) And the stickers don't line up so good. I am annoyed. Yet, the stickers feel pretty good and clean. I would snap a picture but ...

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7 layers of cube and others

(tags Rubik's Cube)

Rubik Cube Diary reports from the Omocha Show 2008 about new Rubik's Cube related toys coming down the pike.

There will be a 6 set (2 cubes per set) celebration for the Weekly Shonen Sunday Magazine's 50th anniversary, coming 2008-07, 2008-09, and 2008-11. Each set is 5250 yen. It makes me wonder what kind of design it is. No thanks.

On Baseball Day, which is 2008-08-09 , there will be 4 baseball themed cubes. Big woop. It says though that two of the set's plastic will be white. Hm. No thanks.

Also there seems to be a new Rubik's puzzle called Rubik's Mirror Blocks. 2008-10. Okay, maybe.

Finally, a company called Verdes Innovations has has 5, 6, and 7 layered cubes for sale under the brand name "V-Cube". This is the first time I've seen 6 and 7 layered cubes, other than virtual ones. It must be an engineering feat. 6 layer will cost 39 Euro, while 7 is 48 Euro. Expensive, but seemly rare. Want.



Rubik's Cube Osaka Competition

(tags game, Rubik's Cube, Osaka, 2008)

Last weekend was the Rubik's Cube 2008 Osaka Competition, sponsored by Japan Rubik's Cube Association (JCRA). I was thinking of just spectating but in the end I didn't attend. Star of Rubik's Cube had a picture of the small room where it was held. I looked over the final times, and I recognize the two names, "Nakaji" and "Gunji". I though to myself I could at least record a time in the first elimination round. Ha.

I also noticed that there was only one foreign guy placing. Neat. It's annoying to see the highlighting on the women's names. They do that at my work as well on those personnel sheets. What is the point of emphasizing gender?

I'm hyped up and motivated to keep on practicing.

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Bus pop

(tags Rubik's Cube, failure, video)

Well it finally happened. I POP'd my Rubik's Cube on the bus. One of the edge pieces fell out of sight, at least for a short while. It's kinda hard to hear myself laugh with my headphones on. Anyways, I found the edge piece after no help from the other passengers. Now my Cube feels really loose. I wonder if I need to tighten it.

Speaking of loose, what are these clamps for? Why does pushing the center facelet away from the center make it loose?

Speaking of Rubik's Cube, rubiccubist linked to a recent Honda UK commercial video involving Rubik's Cubes on a grand scale. Nice.

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On the edge: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags telephone card, kawaii, Rubik's Cube, times)

This week I was able to pick up the Gamers point exchange card for 2008/01. It's a Christmas theme, and Dejiko and Puchiko look good with their new eye colors. I forgot the exchange day was on Monday, so I raced to the shop on Tuesday evening. They don't publish the availability but they do show that they have it in the glass cabinets. "Only 2 to a customer". Yes, please enforce that rule.

Gamers telephone card

This evening on the way back home I was feeling pretty good with my Cube. I was walking around from my train to my bus through the anime and manga shops, twisting my Cube two-handed. I can't stop twisting it, it's so fun. I even did a one-handed solve, but the time is nothing interesting, probably more than 4 minutes. On the bus too, I was really burning up (subjectively). So I decided to measure again.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Thu Jan 24 21:09:13 GMT+09:00 2008 -----

Average: 59.14 (1:06.13 -6.99 last time)

Fastest Time: 0:50.12 (0:42.03 8.09 last time)
Slowest Time: 1:18.70 (1:29.61)
Standard Deviation: 05.26 (11.15)

Individual Times:
1:18.70 L' R' F R2 D L' U F2 U' B D2 R L2 D' R2 D F D' F2 B U' B' U2 D B
0:57.39 B F2 L2 U2 B2 L2 F U L2 U' L F' U2 D2 R' L' D U2 L B2 F' L U' L' B2
0:57.73 R' B R' L2 B' U' B' U' F2 D2 F D L' F D R F L' D R' B2 D B' F' U2
0:50.61 L D B2 F U' D B2 R' U2 L' U2 B D' U' L U R U' L R' F2 B R U F
0:55.17 F2 B L' B2 F2 U2 F' R2 B2 L2 B' L2 D' R D2 L2 R' D R D B' F' D' U R
0:57.78 U2 F' R2 F B D' U' F2 B R L' U2 L U B2 L2 B2 R2 U2 D R' U' F' U R
1:05.47 L D' R U2 R2 U' R2 F' R' B' R F' U2 B L D2 B' U F D' R D2 B' D U
1:03.48 F2 L B R2 B2 R U D B L' F2 B' U F U2 L R D' B F D2 U' B2 U2 B2
1:08.54 D' B' R' D2 R2 B' F2 D B L' R' F' L2 B' L' D L2 R' B L D2 U2 R' L2 F'
0:56.79 F2 U2 D L' U2 D' L' U' B' R L' U2 B U' D F U B2 D2 B2 F' D L' D R
0:58.42 F D L' F2 L U2 D' B' R2 B' U D F' D' B2 F R2 L2 F' U2 B D2 L' U' L2
0:50.12 U2 B' R2 U D B' R B2 F2 L F L2 R' D2 R2 U' L' B' D B2 R2 U F R B

I barely squeaked by my goal of a 60 second average solve. I suppose I can say I can solve the Cube in a minute (on a good day). My cube feels really light, but on the last solves I feared that it would POP. It feels kinda loose and fragile now.

What should be my new goal? Sub 55 on two measurements? Change the orientation while doing F2L? I'm going to just keep on walking around with my Cube in hand. It's just too fun.

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Fast and loose: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times)

I haven't cleaned the inside of my Rubik's Cube in a long time. I was surprised to see some fine grit inside. So I took it apart and wiped away the grit. I should have lubricated it while it was all in pieces, but I wanted to get back into the revolving action. I also loosened the green side screw, but maybe just a little bit too much.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Tue Jan 22 20:27:23 GMT+09:00 2008 -----

Average: 1:06.13 (1:08.95 -2.82 last time)

Fastest Time: 42.03 (57.94 -13.91 last time)
Slowest Time: 1:29.61 (1:28.25)
Standard Deviation: 11.15 (05.91 hmm)

Individual Times:
1:29.61 U' B' L' R B D2 U2 F' U' F' B' R' B' U' L D R' D' B' R' D' F2 L' R2 U
1:16.09 B2 R D2 U' B' U D B U' R L2 U' D' B' D U L F D2 U L' F2 D2 B2 D
1:21.11 R2 D2 F' D2 L' D2 B' D U2 F2 R' B L' B R U' L B' U2 D L' F2 D L' U
0:56.34 D U' F2 B D' U' B2 F2 D L2 U D' F' U' F2 R D R L2 F2 U F U B' U2
1:00.20 R U2 B U2 L R2 D' F2 L2 U' L2 D2 L2 U R' B2 R2 D R2 D2 U' B U2 F' U2
0:51.03 B2 L U2 F' B' R' B L' F' R F U2 L2 U L' F L B2 F' D R' D F R2 L
0:42.03 L R2 U' R2 L U' F' D U2 B2 D' R2 L2 U' R D' B2 L R F D' B F' L D
0:58.34 L D F' L' R' B D R' B2 U2 L' D' U2 F' R F' D' B2 D R U2 B D' L' D'
1:03.75 L' B2 L2 U' R2 U B' U' F L R B' U2 L2 F' L' D2 F D2 F2 R B2 U D' R
0:58.47 B' R L2 B' D' L2 F2 R2 B' D2 U F2 D' U' R2 D' L' D2 L2 D L2 R2 F' U' F2
1:21.81 F U' B' L' R B' L F' L' D' B' L U R2 U2 B D U L2 F L2 U' B U' D2
1:14.18 U' L B L2 U2 R2 B D2 B2 R' B F' R' B2 L F' U' D' F' U2 L B F D' R2

I was totally all over the place. The cube felt really light after the cleaning but unfortunately I wasn't used to it. I was getting into it in the middle with some sub 60 seconds times, but on the eleventh try I POP'd my cube. Ugh, that's a first. I couldn't get over the shock, which explains the tardy finish. I think I need to re-tighten the green side. I would hate to POP on the bus or train.

Ugh, I POP'd again while taking a break from writing this blog post. :-(

One thing is during the F2L, instead of making a 3x2x2 and then putting the remaining F2L side on top (F2L using Blue on L), I was doing the "steeplechase" (R U' R' U' F' U F) to finish off the edge cubies on all 4 sides. Doing the "steeplechase" forces me to do Blue on D, but I lose seconds consciously thinking about it. I need to practice that.

I can do now some more basic PLL moves like "slant" (R B' R' B - F R' F - B' R' B R F2 U; PLL position: 143/248/769) and "cross" (R L U2 R' L' - F' B' U2 B F; PLL position: 183/654/729) somewhat automatically now. This brings up the total of mastered PLL moves to 4 out of 21. :-) But I don't think I'm that slow at the PLL. I think I need to improve my F2L.

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Other shiny; Are you going to compete?

(tags purchase, Den Den Town, telephone card, Rubik's Cube)

After World Hobby Fair, I made my way to the Toys 'R Us in Namba Parks, which is a new (to me) upscale mall between Nanba and Den Den Town. In fact, I didn't think TRU belonged there until I stepped inside. Unlike regular TRU stores, this one is called TRU Select and it had a mahogany color theme and pricey store displays. This was not the kind of TRU where you leave you kids unattended. Still the store sells the same things, and if ever I need to replace my Rubik's Cubes, I have my walk-in fallback.

I skipped the rest of Namba Parks but I strolled through Yamada Denki. If I didn't know better I would think I was in a big Yodobashi Camera.

I made my way to Den Den Town but to make a long story short, I only bought two things. The Comic Market Winter (73) fallout is over. There was a Noboru Kannatsuki telephone card set that caught my eye but one of the designs is already one of the background images I own, so it wasn't worth the 3500 yen. I didn't find a Xbox 360 joystick for sale anywhere. There were no other collectable telephone cards I needed "right now" but some Pitaten ones caught my fancy. I ended up getting volume 4 of Comic Yell manga magazine, which is kenzen I think but romance stories aimed at guys.

The other thing I got was the Gameboy Advance version of Yoshi's Adventure, I think. It's Super Mario Advance 3, right? Well I already have this game on Super Famicom, previously being swayed by the hype of "ultimate 2D run-and-jump adventure". (How about finishing Super Mario Bros. 2 JP there, goldfish?) I am lazy though because my SF is not hooked up and I've been giving my GB Micro some lovin' so... Well I went cheapskate and bought just the naked cartridge for 800 yen, even though it's now priced to move at 2000 yen at various shops. Ugh I feel guilty.

Finally while riding the train home, a guy tapped my idle Rubik's Cube sitting in my bag (WTF are you reaching for my bag, a$$'()e?!?!?), to start a clipped conversation with me. "So are you going to compete?" he smiled. This gentleman is the type of man to wear a suit on a Sunday evening. I'm thinking university professor. He was pretty knowledgable about "thinking about the next move" and "contestants are mostly young people", though I didn't know if he cubed himself. I embarassingly answered that I am slow and I would only consider attending a contest if I can get my average time to around 30 seconds. Oh well, starting conversations is great but maybe cubing on the train like an obsessed madman is giving off the wrong impression? I love it when people stare at my cube, but I hate it when I can't solve it before they look away, ha. Hey I'm only playing it in place of video gaming. Call it an 80's regression.

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Sayonara Toys 'R Us Kobe: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times, failure)

I didn't know this until the beginning of this month, but the Toys 'R Us in Kobe where I got my Wii pre-order (2006) and Rubik's Cubes (2007), closed for good on Friday (2008-01-10). What a shock. That building, now called Bee's Kiss, used to house the Kobe Sofmap that I always frequent. Now the only reason for me to go to that building is to check out the 100 yen store. There are some other Toys 'R Us in my area but nothing of interest around them. I guess it's up to Osaka, especially Nanba (Den Den Town frolicking).

So last week I checked out the bargains if any. The discount video game bins were already pilfered but I got some Xbox 360 games like Burnout Revenge (again? with Achivements!) and Kameo. And I took this opportunity to get a Rubik's 2x2 Cube, Rubik's Professor (5x5) and a Rubik's Earth, though only the Earth was discounted.There wasn't much else though I did see a Suzumiya Haruhi jigsaw puzzle going for 300 yen (originally 1500 yen). Oh yeah and I also bought a discounted Pikachu bath towel. :-)

I can solve the 2x2. I cannot solve the 5x5. :-/ Since this is a Rubik's Cube post I'll just show the Rubik's Cube pictures:

Rubik's Cube Professor, Earth, and 2x2 from the final sale of Toys 'R Us Kobe

And here are my times. Jeez, I don't measure my times enough. And protip: don't attempt to learn new moves one day before measuring times.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Sat Jan 12 20:24:25 GMT+09:00 2008 -----

Average: 1:08.95 (1:09.33 -0.38 last month)

Fastest Time: 57.94 (53.08 +4.86 last month)
Slowest Time: 1:28.25 (1:28.25 hmm)
Standard Deviation: 05.91 (07.14)

Individual Times:
1:05.26 R B2 D B2 L' B U2 B2 L D L D2 F U F' U' B' D' L' U2 D' L' B F L2
1:01.67 B2 R L2 F U R2 L2 D2 L2 D' R F' D U2 L R B' F' L F' L' B2 R' U' B
1:28.25 R' D' F R F' R' B2 R2 U' F' U F2 U R' L2 D' R D2 R F2 B R' U2 F2 L'
1:09.20 B L2 U F' U' R2 L' D2 F' R D L2 F2 U F2 B' U' B R2 B' F' L' F R F'
1:11.67 D2 F' D2 L' F' B R L D B' L2 D L B2 U2 R2 B U D F R D2 F' D2 U'
1:08.09 R D2 R2 U' R' L' D2 B' F R F R U R U2 B2 L2 R F2 R' U' F U B2 D2
0:57.94 D' U' F2 L' F L' D2 L' U' D' B' U' R' D2 U2 B2 D L B2 D L' U2 L2 B2 R'
1:00.65 D' F U L2 B F2 L2 D' B' U' F2 L D2 L2 B F' R U' F2 D2 L B' R' D' R2
1:06.00 B L' R' U2 L2 R2 F2 U' F' B' D' U2 F L2 D2 R' D' F2 R F' L D B D' L2
1:11.98 U' B' F' U' L2 D L' D2 U2 L2 B2 U' L2 B2 D R' F2 D' F U2 R L' B F' R'
1:15.54 L' D L' F L2 U2 R' B' D' U' B R' L F' B' D2 R' D2 B D' R2 D' B' F' L
1:19.42 F' U2 R' U' D B D2 R2 L' F2 L2 R' F D' R U' R2 F D2 B' U2 L' R2 D' F2

I am 25 months away from attaining my one minute goal! :-( I have no idea why, but my hands were slick with sweat, which is not normal.

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But the cave is warm: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times)

Ultimately I didn't go out today. I just remembered that next week my biannual salary "bonus" will be sitting pretty in my bank account, but not for long, heh.

So I warmed up my hands and busted out some Rubik's Cube times. This time when I mishandled the scramble, I fixed it back and tried the scramble again. So, it's been almost 54 days since my last "official" session. Have I improved greatly?

----- JNetCube Best Average for Sat Dec 08 18:24:31 GMT+09:00 2007 -----

Average: 1:09.33 (1:26.63 -17.3 last month)

Fastest Time: 53.08 (1:04.98 -11.9 last month)
Slowest Time: 1:28.25 (1:43.53)
Standard Deviation: 07.14 (9.05)

Individual Times:
1:28.25 F2 B' D L2 F2 R2 L' F U F2 R' F U2 L' U' D R L' F' L B R2 F R2 F
1:18.08 L D' L' B D2 F R' B2 U' L' D R D2 R' B' L U F U' R D2 B2 F' R L
1:12.78 B' F R2 U2 F2 R D' R' D' L B' U2 L2 B' U2 F2 U2 L' D' R B' R2 U' D R'
0:58.15 B' R' D' B' R' U2 R L' F L D2 R' U' F' L' D2 U2 L2 R2 D R2 D2 F2 R' F2
1:04.15 R' B2 D2 B2 D L U' R2 F U2 D' F' B U L2 R' U2 D2 R2 B F2 L' D' L2 B2
1:01.31 D' U' B2 F L' U' L' R2 B F D B D' B U' D' B2 D' U' F2 D L2 D U B'
1:06.44 U2 R' F' L' B' U2 B' L2 D L B D' U' B2 U2 L F2 L2 F' D L' D U' R' F2
0:53.08 R' F2 B' L2 R2 F' R2 B2 F' U2 L' D B' D R L' F2 B' L' D F' R2 L' D' B'
1:14.86 F2 B L' D L' F L2 U2 R F2 D2 L2 U L' B2 L' B F2 D' U L2 R D2 B D
1:07.31 D2 L2 R B' D' F' B D U2 L' D' R D2 B' R F B' D' R L2 B' F2 D U F2
1:19.84 R2 L' B2 R' L D2 R2 F' D2 R' L' D' R2 U2 B U2 R' U2 F2 B2 U F2 L2 D2 R
1:10.39 R D2 L2 B' U B' F' R2 D' U B' D B D2 B2 R2 F2 B U2 D' F2 B' D2 B' R

Here's a handy dandy chart showing the 6 official measurements from 2007-09-01 to today:

Rubik's Cube measured times 2007-09-01 to 2007-12-08

I'm getting faster, which is good. But maybe in 54 days I should have learned a lot more moves?

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More finger exercising: Skewb, Pyraminx, and 7 days book

(tags Rubik's Cube, puzzle, book)

There is a reason why I scope Toys 'R Us every week. Puzzles, physical puzzles that don't require electricity, portable physical puzzles.

Skewb and Pyraminx

I saw some alternative rotation shape puzzles on Rubik's Cube no hoshi. I thought, yeah that's nice. But then I found them at the store, so I picked up the "Skewb" and "Pyraminx", but passed on the more complicated "Dekaminx". The Pyraminx reminds me of my time in walking around with the family at the old Swap Meet. You know, people selling knock off stuff that maybe isn't licensed for over-the-counter sale. Back then I had a toy similar to the Pyraminx but my patience broke and so did the toy.

Let's see if I fare any better at trying to solve these by myself.

ルーブックキューブ7日間集中トレーニング (小西克幸)

And then, by chance on one of my blogrolls I saw a link to this book Rubik's Cube 7 Days Concentration Training: Mastering Speed Cubing (ルーブックキューブ7日間集中トレーニング~スピードキューブ完全マスター) by Katsuyuki Konishi (小西克幸) (ISBN 978-4-88380-677-5). It seems to be a distillation or embellishment of the author's free site Planet Puzzle. The author himself is the current vice president of the JRCA (Japan Rubik Cube Association, 日本ルービックキューブ協会の副会長), and holds a number of contest records in the previous years. Amazon showed it as sold out, but my local Junkudo had it FTW.

This book is more promising that a previous Rubik's Cube book I bought because it teaches the basics of speed cubing, like Finger ShortCuts (FSC) and the pros and cons of doing the first step "blue cross" on the top, bottom, or side. There's even a "before you go crazy on the cube, make sure to do this" section, which starts off with "practice every day, even just 5 minutes" and "don't give up" which is good. But then there's more suggestions like "make sure to keep in good touch with your family" and "eat three meals a day" and "sleep good", which sounds kinda wonky.

Basically this book teaches you the LBL method that all the other recent books and puzzle supplements explain. The latter parts of the book do show the same endgame 57 OLL positions and 21 PLL positions, but the notation is different. It is possible that the moves are different as well, because some of the basic moves in the F2L are heavy on the F, R and U faces, unlikemy previous tutorials. The author suggests to "remember at the hyphens" within the notation, which really is helpful. In short, there seems to be more meat to chew on here. Plus the book readily references the videos available at the original site, so those who can't grok the Rubik's Cube notation aren't left out in the cold.

BTW, my average Rubik's Cube times are still hovering around 60 to 80 seconds. I measure them during my lunch break, but I only consider a 12 cube run an official time so no stats for now.

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Overpriced Speed Stack Timer

(tags game, Rubik's Cube, ECsite)

Never go to Toys 'R Us on a weekend, especially in December. OMG, is it crowded with the young and the parental. I was hoping to find a Rubik's Magic, which MegaHouse will be republishing soon (thanks Rubik Cube Diary ルービックキューブ日記), but there was none. Of course there isn't any because there isn't a release date listed. But it doesn't stop me from visiting the store to check out the special Rubik's Cube display and the bargain binned video games.

The Speed Stacking Pack with timer

I looked at the store flyer and I noticed something I wanted, a Speed Stack timer. Unfortunately it's only bundled with a "Speed Stacks Stack Pack", which is 5000 yen. I don't care about Speed Stacking and I think that hobby should just go away. Rubik's Cube is much better. :-p (I kid I kid!)

Still what this Speed Stacking company has done is commendable, which is creating the timing devices for Speed Cubing contests. But as you can see the stacking cups only kit is 1800 yen, and the DVD is priced at 800 yen, which makes the remaining items of timer and mat a 2400 yen value. Come on now.

I checked their online store and the timer only item seems to be missing from the Japanese part, but available (not updated?) in the English version. Bleh, 4000 yen for the additional features of memory and a connection port to the competition LED display.

Let's just stick with the competently full-featured, de facto standard JNetCube program on my computer for timings, okay?!

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You still buy stickers at your age? Rubik's Cube replacements

(tags rubik's cube, mail order)

I ordered the MegaHouse seal/sticker replacements for my Rubik's Cubes on Monday, and the package suprisingly came on Friday.

Rubik's Cube replacement stickers from MegaHouse

I was worried that it wouldn't come with instructions. Well how hard could it be? But what I really wanted was a sticker removal "blade". That picture up there makes it look so easy.

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Cube otaku? Conversation killer/starter

(tags rubik's cube, practice, Japanese)

My Japanese teacher introduced me to the Nakaji-kun article. However she rolls her eyes whenever we discuss the Rubik's Cube. I try to at least make it palatable by not discussing the technicalities, but about how I feel when I do the cube. You know, share my human experience, don't be a bore. It isn't working though. Last time, I asked her to give me a copy of the article and I decided to quickly change the topic. Still she explained a relevant phrase: 「たかがキューブ、されどキューブ」 == It's just a cube, but it's deep.

Sometimes when I'm cube-commuting, elderly people try to spring up a conversation with me. Its funny to hear in a roundabout way how Nakaji-kun gained the spotlight. The conversation quickly degrades to "which country did you come from", oh yeah.

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I don't want to feel slow: Avoiding the right side initial blue cross

(tags Rubik's Cube, practice)

The initial step to solving the cube using the LBL/Fridrich method is assembling the edge pieces of the first layer, which makes a cross pattern. Beginners like me make this first layer the Blue side. I put the Blue side facing left because as a right hander, it should allow my right hand to place the pieces into position. I continue this orientation until I finish the second layer.

However I tried putting the blue cross on the right. Boy was that a new feeling of slow. Moving stuff around using my left hand showed I had some unconscious habits with the right side. I suppose it would better to face the blue cross on the bottom, because in the endgame all of the moves are on the top (white) face. (White is on the opposite side of the blue). Unforutnately I can't seem to remember the order of the colors, still.

For now I'm going to concentrate with the blue cross on the left.

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(incf practice-cubes) ?

(tags Rubik's Cube, practice, Common Lisp)

According the article on Nakaji-kun, he has 20 cubes. I don't yet see the reason why you need more than a main cube and one backup. Do cubes have a lifetime? Actually I only have one cube right now, so maybe I should get one more? I recently bought another Speed Cubing Kit (SCK) as a backup. But, I need to readjust the screws and re-lubricate the main cube I got.

A second rubik's Cube for practice: SCK

I recently subscribed to "THE ART OF RUBIK'S CUBE" blog who mentioned his favorite things about the SCK back in 2007-08. I now know the meaning of otona kai (大人買い) which means buying by the armful. If I want to buy by the armful I can head off to Toys R Us because they've got a sizable bunch in stock. He linked to a nice photo-expose of the SCK by Planet Puzzle (80 pictures). Now I can throw away these plastic boxes.

Off topic: (incf practice-cubes) is a statement in the Common Lisp programming language for increasing the count of practice-cubes variable by 1. Get your free Common Lisp tutorial here! SEO measures on "Common Lisp" "tutorial". Yes I've been reading the PDF of this 528 page Practical Common Lisp book on and off.

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Quick hero: Nakaji-kun

(tags Rubik's Cube, Japan)

Still the backslapping and national pride is continuing with "Nakaji-kun", ie Yuu Nakajima (中島悠), the Japanese youth who won the Rubik's Cube normal event at the World Rubik's Cube Championship 2007.

Yuu Nakajima (Asahi Shimbun, 2007-10-21 Sunday edition)
(from Asahi Shimbun, 2007-10-21 Sunday edition)

Recently I read an article about him in the newspaper (above). He practices 4 or 5 hours a day, for at least 2 years and he knows 500 moves. In comparison I practiced probably 40 minutes a day (on a concentration-robbing commute) for the last 3 months and I know only 7 moves. That is the difference between 12 seconds and 90 seconds.

Also, more recently he's been awarded a special commendation by the mayor of Kushiro city (Hokkaido, Japan). (Thanks Rubik's Cube Diary (ルービックキューブ日記), Hokkaido Shimbun, Kushiro Shimbun). It's great to celebrate local heroes.

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Pop crazy: What it is and why am I encountering it now?

(tags rubik's cube, practice)

Last sunday morning I enjoyed the sunshine at the local park, and I brought my Rubik's Cube (a speedcube). I spent probably about an hour grinding away since the sunshine was so pleasant for a mild October day. I kinda felt fast, because it was the middle of the day, I was sitting still and upright, and there was natural light all around me. However, sometimes when I scrambled my cube, an edge piece would pop out. This is the right definition of "pop". I confused this with unnatural sound of faces snapping together.

Since it wasn't during a solve, I thought it was just my rough and coarse turning habits. I think its just that my hands are getting stronger but not elegant. In any case it's not happening during my commute cubing time. I fear losing a piece on the bus and the embarassment of searching for it on all fours.

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lune lune lune la la lune lune lune is sweet: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags anime, season 2007/04, Rubik's Cube, times)

Yesterday while trying to get the perfect screenshot in Halo 3 I was listening to the new ending song of Hayate no Gotoku. The song is called "Chasse" and it's sung by Kaori Utatsuki (詩月カオリ) and it's totally lovely. "lune lune lune la la lune lune lune", so nice. Too bad it won't be released until 11/26. KOTOKO's single which the corresponding opening song was out today but I didn't want to get it yet, hoping that the former was already out.

Hayate no Gotoku Ending Theme Chasse

Anyway, I felt like today was a good day for recording my times. My hands feel up to speed, etc. I still haven't remembered the mirror for one of the basic moves but it's not too hard to do it when thinking. Acutally I discarded one of the times that was like 3 minutes because I misremembered one move. Duh.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Tue Oct 16 21:17:38 GMT+09:00 2007 -----

Average: 1:26.63 (2:11.50 -44.87 last month)

Fastest Time: 1:04.98 (1:29.59 -24.61 last month)
Slowest Time: 1:43.53 (3:44.43)
Standard Deviation: 09.05 (11.78)

Individual Times:
1:25.22 B' R' D2 L' B2 F2 D2 F2 B' D2 U2 R2 F R D' L2 B U L2 F R U F D B2
1:27.03 U' B2 U F L' R B' U L2 B' F R' B R2 L' B R2 L' B' D' F B2 R U B2
1:17.09 U' D B2 L2 F U L2 D' F' R' L' D2 B' R2 U2 F' L2 F U' F U' D R2 U2 L
1:30.29 B L R D2 L R' U F2 B' R2 F U L F U D2 F2 R' D2 F D2 B D R' D2
1:43.53 U2 B2 F2 R' L' F L D' B' U' B D' U2 L' D R' F' L2 D2 F U2 D2 B' U' L
1:04.98 L2 F B' D2 U' R2 F' B2 R B L B' U2 D2 L B' L' R2 U' F2 B U L' F R'
1:30.73 R' F' U' L' B' R B' R2 U' R' F2 B D' U F' U' B U' F R2 F2 L R D R2
1:40.40 F U2 R' F' L B' U F' D L' F U D2 B2 U' B' L2 R F' L U' R2 F2 R2 B'
1:35.48 R2 L' D L2 D' B2 L B R' B U' B2 D' R U' F2 R' F' B D2 U' B' L' F2 U'
1:19.39 B' D2 B' U' R' D L2 B' U B F2 U' D2 F' U2 D L2 R' U B' F2 R L' B2 U
1:09.98 F L' B' F' L' D' L U' F' L2 U L' R B U2 D R B2 D' B U2 L B' L2 R
1:30.73 F2 U2 D2 F' L2 B R B2 U2 B L' U F' D B U B L R' D L2 U' B2 R2 F2

86 second average. This totally beats my (unmentioned) original goal of 120 seconds to solve. Time to make 60 seconds my goal. This might take a while. :-)

I know that times aren't everything. I need to concentrate on making fewer moves and making my fingers turn the cube better. I think though the first area I need to improve is definately the opening cross. How do I make a blue cross in the fewest moves? I play it out in my mind. Also I hold the cube in this stage with the blue face on L. I'm not sure yet if its better to put it on the bottom. I'll hold off on trying to change the orientation for now.

Oh remember I said I was going to discuss the way I hold the cube in the "Minh Thai" beginner method? I won't write it up because I'm slow at it.

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World Rubik's Cube Championship 2007

(tags Rubik's Cube)

On the Japanese Rubiks Cubists blog I'm tracking (1, 2, 3, 4), there is some national pride and back-slapping regarding the results from the annual world competition held in Hungary. There are many types of competitions, but the one that most casual observers are interested in is the 3x3x3 two hand event (to differentiate from the one handed, blind folded, feet, etc events). A Japanese teen took first place with an average of 12 seconds.

12 seconds! 12 seconds is about the length of time it takes to ride an escalator. For me, I can solve a Rubiks Cube one time between two train stations which is around two minutes.

There are more results, videos, and linkage at the official results page and also this link crazy blog.

Oh the reason I haven't measured my times recently isn't because I've given up. On the contrary I still turn the Cube on my commute. I need to learn the mirror of one of the basic Fridich moves (3-cycle corner swap, orientation preserving), then its on to improve my opening game. Once I'm at my measuring place, I turn on the Halo 3, so blame that.



Mamoru-kun is orz: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags anime, Rubik's Cube, season 2006/10, times)

I was watching some Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo! (護くんに女神の祝福を!) but its pretty bad. Seiyuu Mikako Takahashi (高橋美佳子) voices the main gal Ayako here, but the only role I liked her in was Ayumi in Hachimitsu to Clover.

Anyways on the cubing front, I did better than last time by not trying to Cube while watching.

----- JNetCube Best Average for Mon Sep 17 21:15:07 GMT+09:00 2007 -----

Average: 2:11.50 (2:47.16 -35.66 last week)

Fastest Time: 1:29.59 (2:14.03 -44.44)
Slowest Time: 3:44.43 (3:46.20 -1.77)
Standard Deviation: 19.48 (11.78)

Individual Times:
2:15.34 R2 B2 L F2 D2 L F2 U L2 D F2 L' B2 U' D B' U R U2 F R2 B2 U' F L
2:08.18 D' U2 L' R' U' F U2 L D R' U2 R B U F U2 D B U2 F' U D2 R U2 R2
1:29.59 U' R B' L2 D R' D' F' L B' U D2 L R2 B L2 B' F U' L R2 U' D2 F2 L
2:29.57 L' D' B2 F2 D F B' U B L2 U2 R' D U' L' U' F L' R B R' U' B' F' U2
2:35.00 B2 U' B2 L' B' F2 U' F U L' B' D2 B' L' B R' L F' L2 D' R U2 D' F U
1:50.28 D' B' D2 B2 F R B2 D L B' U' F B2 L' R2 B L B2 F2 D' U B' D' B2 F2
1:54.25 B2 U D' B' D R2 F B' L' U2 L' B' F' R' B' D' L U2 L2 U' F2 B2 L' D F
2:40.38 B U F' U2 D F R2 B' D U' F' L' R2 B2 F R L F' L F L2 B2 D' L2 B2
3:44.43 B' D R2 D R2 L U2 D2 F2 U2 F' R' D' R D2 B L B L' F' U2 L2 R B' D'
1:59.25 B F' U' B L' F' L2 U2 R F2 L2 B2 F' L2 D' L' F B2 U2 L U' R L2 B F2
2:18.31 F' U2 B2 L2 D' B F D2 F2 L2 F2 U L2 F2 R2 L D' U' B2 U' R U2 L2 B D
1:44.45 D L' R' B2 U2 B2 L' U2 R2 D2 L D L2 F2 U2 D R2 F2 B2 L2 D' L D B2 R2

Another improvement of about 30 seconds this week. I didn't "prune". I just did a straight run without rejecting or rolling over. I didn't even warm up, after resting 2 days from daily practice. I must say my hands don't feel very dexterous, and I "pop" my cube a lot. Over the course of the week I have somewhat mastered those last two Fridrich moves, but I forgot them on some these of the runs, which explains those 3 minute + results.

One thing I allow myself is to look at the cube for as much time as I want. Usually I get impatient but sometimes I try to think about how to move to the cross. I also try to shortcut some moves if I can look in advance. Cubing improvement is all about looking ahead, so if I can "see" the colors, I can get rid of redundant movement.

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Just get the last part of this simple Fridrich down

(tags Rubik's Cube, algorithm)

Things to learn this week:

Simple Fridrich PLL 1 (簡単PLL① 6面リーチ):

R U' R D2 R' U R D2 R2
(3-cycle corner swap)

Simple Fridrich PLL 2 (簡単PLL② 6面完成):

R2 U R U R' U' R' U' R' U R'
(3-cycle edge swap)

I need to do this during my practice sessions.

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Doujin Work is orz: Rubik's Cube measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times, anime, season 2007/04)

I was watching some Doujin Work, a season 2007/04 anime, and even though my favorite seiyuu Masumin (浅野真澄) is voicing the main character, the whole story just bites hard. Thumbs down. So I busted out my Rubik's Cube while glancing at the episodes. To tell you the truth though, I couldn't concentrate on doing both, so I repeated a set of 12 solves after it was done. The scores for this week:

----- JNetCube Best Average for Sun Sep 09 22:27:20 GMT+09:00 2007 -----

Average: 2:47.16 (3:16.43 -29.27 last week)

Fastest Time: 2:14.03 (2:17.57 -3.54)
Slowest Time: 3:46.20 (5:51.78 -125.58)
Standard Deviation: 11.78 (28.76)

Individual Times:
1) 2:45.73 U' L2 D' F D B2 L' B2 L U2 R2 D2 R B U2 B D2 U2 L' U B F R B' L2
2) 3:08.45 U' F2 L B U D2 F' B D F D R D2 R2 U' F' U L2 D' U' B' L2 R D' F
3) 2:53.28 U2 B2 L2 F L F2 R2 D F R2 D' F2 R2 B' U2 F D F' U D' B U2 D' F2 L
4) 2:38.46 D' U' F2 U F' U D2 F R' D2 B L2 R' B2 L2 B2 U2 F' U F2 R2 U' L2 D2 F
5) (3:46.20) D F2 B L R B D L2 U D2 R' B2 D2 B F' U' D B R' U2 R' F D F D
6) 2:50.26 D F' L R' B' L' U2 F B L2 R B' U2 F B' D' R2 D R D' L D B2 F2 R'
7) 2:52.29 D2 L R U B' F2 U L' D2 U F' D' L' D' F' B' L2 D2 U B' L2 R D F D'
8) 2:48.46 U' B2 D L F R2 U' R B F D2 F' U' L F B' U R' L F U F2 L B2 F'
9) 2:21.84 R' B' L U' F D2 U' F U' B2 R B F2 R' F2 D2 B F' R' U' R L' B' F' U
10) 2:47.28 U B2 D2 F2 D2 U R2 B' D' B U D2 L R U2 F R L' D U2 B2 U R' F R
11) (2:14.03) R2 D' F2 B2 U L R2 D' U2 B L B L2 F' D2 F U2 R2 L' B' F L B F' D
12) 2:45.53 B L F2 U2 R' L' B D R2 U R' F2 L B2 L' F D2 U R B2 F' U R F2 R2

Well an improvement about 30 seconds, but last week I didn't "prune" like I did this week. I'm still using the same method, but I think my hands are getting used to spinning the cube.

I have come to the conclusion that the Heise Method is for advanced Cubists, so I have given up on it. I still need the crutch of matching colors to absolute positions. I have switched to doing Blue side first, in a method similar to Fridrich but only 3 of the edges at a time. Still I haven't learned how to do the simple version of Friditch PLL corners and edges, even though I've practiced them a number of times.

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Its hard enough as it is with the right colors: Rubik's Cube Revenge

(tags Rubik's Cube, failure)

This is my Rubik's Cube Revenge, which is a 4x4x4 cube. I've only kept it around for decoration since I have no idea how to solve it. I can't remember when I bought it, but its been sitting near my window for years.

The orange-ruby-red sticker unglued through non use.

Now that I'm feeling the Rubik's Cube fever again, I tried solving it. Unfortunately the green-orange(?)-red corner had a peeling sticker that fully separated last weekend. The other stickers are pristine though. What a waste. I guess I'll order some stickers some time. This store seems to be promising, but perhaps there is some local (Japan) store.

edit: Um, its a Revenge, not a Professor (5x5x5). Oh yeah, the official Rubik's Cube licensee, Mega House, provides support with services such as official sticker replacement.

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Rubik's Cube Mania at Toys 'R Us Japan 2007

(tags Rubik's Cube, contest)

According to the Rubik's Cube Diary in Japanese (ルービックキューブ日記), there was a Rubik's Cube 6-side contest at Toys 'R Us two weekend ago. The winner received a Toys 'R Us exclusive 3x3x3 Rubik's Cube. There were some sub-20s times, but these bloggers hit around 25 seconds, which was good enough for a win at a "backwater" Tokyo store.

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The Minh Thai beginner method imprinted into my brain

(tags Rubik's Cube, algorithm, book)

I remember when I was a kid, I went down to the San Diego Downtown Public Library to check out published solutions or guides to solving the Rubik's Cube. I probably picked up The Winning Solution book by Minh Thai, who was the first placed winner at the Rubik's Cube World Championship in Budapest (1982).

Searching the net and clicking on lists of dead sites, I finally found the explanation of the method I know. Let's call it the "Minh Thai beginner method", even though I cannot confirm the attribution. I can confirm that it is the same as the Tsukuda method, however. Unfortunately that page does not use the now de facto cube ("Singmaster") notation. Let me attempt to describe it (incompletely) here without pictures:

1. Solve one layer (omitted)

2. Work on the opposite layer, not the middle layer! :

2a. Rotate the cube so that the solved layer is D (Down face). The opposite layer will be on U (Up face).

2b. Correctly position the remaining (top) four corners.
The only move I remember for this involves multiple applications of swapping the UR (Up-Right) and BR (Back-Right) corners:

(R U R') (U' F' U' F)
(2-cycle corner swap with side effects)

2c. Correctly orient the remaining (top) four corners.
I only know the one move and its mirror which also requires multiple applications. It operates on three corners which all change orientation in the same way, while the last cubie does not change orientation. Assuming this last cubie is at the BL corner, it is:

R U2 R' U' R U' R'
(3-cycle corner rotate with side effects)

The mirror move is when the last cubie is at the BR corner:

L' U2 L U L' U L
(3-cycle corner rotate with side effects)

You might be required to apply this 3 times.

3 Correctly place and orient the edge pieces on the top layer. The middle layer might be filled with edge pieces that belong on U (Up face). Select a middle layer edge cubie that matches the color of U. Make a note of the color of the partner facelet on that cubie. Do either 3a or 3a-mirror:

3a1. Rotate the cube on the Y axis so that this cubie's U color is on R.

3a2. Rotate face U so that partner facelet color is on F, then do this move:

B (L R') U2 (L' R) B
(3-cycle edge swap)

3a-mirror1. Rotate the cube on the Y axis so that this cubie's U color is on L.

3a-mirror2. Rotate face U so that partner facelet color is on F, then do this move:

B' (L R') U2 (L' R) B'
(3-cycle edge swap)

If a U edge piece is in top layer but is oriented incorrectly or in the wrong place, you can push it out using the above moves. You might probably have to apply this up to 8 (?) times in the worse case.

4. Correctly position the middle layer edge pieces.

4a Find a middle layer edge piece that is already in the correctly position and place it at FL-edge, then do this move:

R2 (U' D) B2 (U D')
(3-cycle edge swap)

If no piece is in the correct place, run this move randomly once, then reevaluate.

5. Correctly orient the middle layer edge pieces.

5a Either 0, 2 or 4 of the edge pieces will have incorrect orientation. Select 1 pair and rotate the cube so that the pare ar at UF-edge and UB-edge, then run this manuever:

((L' R) B (L' R) D (L' R) F (L' R)) U'
((L' R) B' (L' R) D' (L' R) F' (L' R)) U

(2-cycle edge rotate)

Repeat this again if there is another pair.

6. Correctly rotate the center face cubes. (optional)

6a. Only 4 of the 6 centers will have orientation problems. The other two do not contribute. Let us assume that the non-contributors are on the Z axis, in other words, U and D. The following move will work on two centers at the same time. Rotate the cube along the Z axis until two centers are at F and R. Make a note of the face rotation needed to fix center R. Call it rotate1. It will be necessary to do a "undo" move called rotate2. The move is as follows:

(U' D) (F B') rotate1 (F' B) (U D') (L R') rotate2 (L' R)
(center rotate)


if rotate1 == R then rotate2 == F' or
if rotate1 == R2 then rotate2 == F2 or
if rotate1 == R' then rotate2 == F

The effect of this move is to rotate the center at F automatically in the opposite direction. It may be necessary to combine this move multiple times to fix the other centers. Furthermore, it may be necessary to rotate the cube so that one of the non-contributors is at F at the start of the move.

7. Finished! ;-)

I can't believe that's all I know about solving the Cube. Faster algorithms require learning a lot more moves.

Next time I'll write up on how I hold the cube and how that changes the moves I explained above.

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Positively Glacial: Rubiks's Cube first measured times

(tags Rubik's Cube, times)

Well I found the PC app that people use to measure themselves with solving the Rubik's Cube. It's called JNetCube because its written in Java, and supports networked speed racing. You use the program like shown in this video called "Harris Chan 10.46 seconds avg of 12 of Rubik's Cube".

So here I measure myself after 2 weeks of informal playing:

----- JNetCube Best Average for Sat Sep 01 19:23:53 GMT+09:00 2007 -----
Average: 3:16.43
Fastest Time: 2:17.57
Slowest Time: 5:51.78
Standard Deviation: 28.76
Individual Times:
1) 3:27.45 F2 R F2 U' D2 L' F B U' B' D2 U2 B R U R2 B' F2 R' U R' D' B U' F
2) 3:51.68 R2 L D L D' F U' D2 F2 D' L D L2 F L' B' L' D B D' R B' F D2 U2
3) 3:45.49 F D F2 L2 U B2 D2 F' B U2 F' B L2 D2 U2 F' D2 R2 L' D2 B U' R F2 L
4) (5:51.78) R U2 D' F' B R' F2 R U2 D2 R2 U' B' L2 U' D L2 F' R' U D' L' D' B D2
5) 3:28.46 R' D2 B' L F D L' F' R' D2 L' D B2 U R U R' F' U2 F R D L2 D U
6) 3:41.71 U B' D2 L' R U2 F' D' B U L D' U2 F' D' F' U2 D2 L2 U D2 F2 U2 F L2
7) 3:28.88 D' F2 D2 U F' R' D2 U2 L D2 F2 U R2 F' R2 F' B U2 B' F L2 R' D' B2 D2
8) 2:39.24 R' D L U' D2 L2 D F B U' D' F L B2 R' U2 R2 B U L2 F' D F2 L B'
9) (2:17.57) F' U2 D' L' F' D2 R U' R' B U L F' D' B' U F2 L2 F' B2 L2 D L F' R
10) 3:01.51 D2 B' L F U' B2 F2 L2 B' R2 U' F D' R' D2 R D R2 B' D2 B2 L' R D2 R
11) 2:36.04 U2 R' L2 D2 F U B2 D' L' B U' F2 B R2 L' F U' B' U' B2 D U' R L2 F2
12) 2:43.87 U R' U' F D2 L U' D' R' D F2 U' D' F2 L' D R2 D2 L U L' F2 D2 U' R

Oh boy am I slow. I am even slow at scrambling the cube using the above maneuvers.

I want to improve so that my average is ... say 2 minutes. That would probably entail changing my algorithm at the very least. My algorithm is the first part of the Heise method, and finish it off with the Tsukuda method. I am having trouble understanding the Heise method Conjugates and Commutators, though. Perhaps this page called "Writing a Basic 3 Piece Shuffle" will help.

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Rubik's Cube Mania is back again

(tags game, puzzle, Rubik's Cube, stunt)

It has been quiet around here, only because I have been playing more Rubik's Cube than video games. We've got skills to develop like "how to get faster", moves to remember like Ryan Heise's "no memorization" solution, notation to remember like OLL and PLL, software to check out like Jelinek's Java Applet for the Rubik's Cube Animation (which is better than Lars Petrus's Java Applet) and Gabbasoft's free Windows-based simulator that supports from 2x2x2 to 20x20x20 (!), and also Ryan Heise's amazing Speed Version Rubik's Cube Simulator. This latter software is written as a Java applet but there are single-solves there that are faster than even the world record! You solve it using the keyboard, not the mouse.

I am working on trying to get faster at basic cube operations, for example, solving the first two layers (first two layers or F2L). Basically it seems like I'm working on the Fridrich method which is F2L, OLL (Orient Last Layer) and PLL (Permute Last Layer). Most of the official guides that are packaged with the Cube or found in a bookstore have explained this as "the" speedcubing way. In Japanese its called the Layer By Layer or LBL method (LBL法). At the end though, there is a daunting 57 position list that I have to memorize for OLL and 21 position list for PLL. This will take a couple of months. But as I said in the beginning I'm trying to concentrate on the Heise Method, which starts like F2L.

According to the book I recently bought about Rubik's Cube solving called Ketteiban atama wo kitaeru Rubik's Cube kanzen kaiseki! (決定版 頭を鍛える ルービックキューブ 完全解析!, ISBN 978-4-7966-5687-0), the method that I memorized from my childhood is called, in Japanese, the Tsukuda Method (ツクダ式). I don't what the name of it is in English, but it calls for solving the first layer then the third layer, and is heavy on center slice moves. This method is not good for speedcubing, but it is so simple that the book explains it without notation! Also it is not the Corners-First Solution Method. After 20 minutes of searching the Internet, I still cannot find a sample that explains it.

Currently I am walking to and from work with a Rubik's Cube in my left hand, practicing my moves without looking and trying to improve my dexterity. If I practice imagining a move set in my mind, perhaps I can speed up my brain. If I have my right hand free as well, then I practice F2L Heise. Even though I lubricated my cube before using it, I need to re-lube. Perhaps I should take more pictures of it. I think I need to go to the beach and dunk my cube in the sand. LOL

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Almost bought a Revolution: Rubik's Cube fun

(tags puzzle, Rubik's Cube, game, Dual Screen)

No not a Wii, but the Rubik's Revolution. Luckily I read the box description after I noticed that it doesn't rotate. Then I read it: play 6 different modes of basically Simon Sez. That is not the mathematical wonder I found in the regular Rubik's Cube, so I didn't buy it. I can't believe I subscribed to the Rubik's Revolution blog for this.

Rubik's Cube Speed Cubing Kit

On the same shelf there was an interesting new Rubik's Cube revision called the Speedcubing Kit (ルービックキューブ スピードキュービングキット). It is the regular 3x3x3 with almost the same decals but with removable face plates and screws with springs. It also comes with two screwdrivers and a "wax" for lubrication. Disappointed with the Rubik's Revolution, I bought that 2300 yen product instead. Here's a guy getting exciting with it: 「ルービックキューブ スピードキュービングキットがいい感じ(おばきい)」.

Also on the day I bought the Harry Potter (just 3 days ago, sheesh), I bought a mook-style Rubik's Cube solving book with big pictures. Perhaps I can learn about "speedcubing" though I doubt that remembering all the combinations will be easy. This book doesn't go in-depth into cubing, its just a set of instructions on how to solve it.

I also bought the Rubik's Cube and other famous puzzle games DS game (頭の回転のトレーニング ルービックキューブ&超有名パズルたち). I tried it out and the control is horrible because of misinput. You would swipe your stylus intending one face rotation but it picks another face. Arg! When it works, it feels good, though. The devs put some effort into it with the sensible controls: L is keep viewpoint, D-pad is quick temporary cube swivel, R is undo, etc. You can set the handiness, so probably lefties will be able to grip and manipulate just as well. You can also play 2x2x2 all the way up to 6.x6x6. Crazy. I got 1 minute 50 seconds to do one layer, not fast at all.

And I just have the New Super Mario Bros. Rubik's Cube (NEW スーパーマリオブラザーズ ルービックキューブ) there to show off.

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